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Collins and staff brief local farms on federal ag issues

By Howard B. Owens

Rep. Chris Collins hosted members of his Agriculture Advisory Committee -- local farmers and people involved in the local ag industry -- at Genesee Community College yesterday for a briefing on issues at the federal level affecting agriculture.

Collins noted that while he's not on the Ag Committee in Congress, he is on a committee with key oversight of a number of issues that affect agriculture.

"I am on Energy and Commerce, a more powerful committee, with oversight over the EPA and FDA," Collins said. "It’s certainly a good place to be."

Collins also addressed the issue of immigration, an important issue to farmers who, in recent years, have struggled to fill their farm labor force.

The NY-27th's representative is one of the few members of Congress to endorse Donald Trump for president and until this past week, Trump was calling for the deportation of 11 million immigrants who may have entered the country illegally. In the past week, Trump modified his position and is no longer promising to deport migrant workers living in the United States peacefully. 

Collins said the shift reflects Trump growing into the job of presidential candidate and one who is open to discussion.

"We will secure the borders and make sure the workforce that many of you have do have legal work papers and can figure out visas and other things that might ensure you’re not short of help," Collins said. "I think that’s a positive."

Mark Zittel, from Erie County, who brought samples of some of the produce he grows.

Collins staff member Jeff Freeland.

Dave Meyer

Congressman Collins by his early and enthusiastic support for trump (yes, deliberately not capitalized) demonstrates how out of touch he is with a MAJOR part of his constituency in our district - agriculture.

The immigration “position” espoused by trump is not only not realistic, it hurts our district and our country.

Thankfully the voters in the 27th district have an opportunity in November to elect someone who is FROM HERE and not the extreme western, suburban fringe of this gerrymandered district who will actually have some idea how to support her constituency.

I personally cannot wait to cast that vote.

Aug 25, 2016, 12:05pm Permalink

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