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Photos: Big O, Torrey Farms barn fire, Elba, Thanksgiving Day, 2016

By Howard B. Owens

Photos from the fire that broke out about 7:30 a.m., today, at Big O Farms, a property of Torrey Farms, where onions are processed.

We'll have more coverage later. Initial coverage, here.

Give thanks for our volunteer firefighters.

Dave Olsen

Great pics as always Howard, and yes be thankful for the volunteers. It's important to remember that these are not people who had to work on Thanksgiving. These are folks who dropped what they were doing to go and help their neighbors. Cancelled plans, aggravated wives, husbands and family. Maybe someone was going to go deer hunting, but didn't show. "Sorry man, hope it worked out" Maybe helping to prepare Thanksgiving dinner - "Sorry, you'll have to figure it out". Doing something with their children "Sorry, Some other time Daddy/Mommy's got to go help". Getting ready to take a trip to someone's house for Thanksgiving dinner "Sorry, You'll have to go without me". All for not one penny of pay, only to help out someone who needs it. Yes, be thankful for them and if you are interested go to your nearest fire house on any Monday evening, chances are good, someone will be there who can give you more information. Volunteers are needed in every fire dept. in the county. I made it sound thankless, but it's not. More folks showing up to help means that much sooner the others can get back to what they were doing. We are all part of our community. Thanks, men and women. Thank You.

Nov 25, 2016, 9:48am Permalink

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