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William Sheron sworn in as first new Sheriff in 29 years

By Howard B. Owens

With his family all around and many lifelong friends in attendance, William Sheron, after 21 years as undersheriff, became Genesee County's top cop Wednesday evening during an oath-of-office event at the Old Courthouse.

Administering the oath for Sheron was Thomas Graham, town justice in Oakfield, who was Sheron's first trainer when Sheron first joined the Sheriff's Office, walking into dispatch one day in 1977 and meeting Graham as a fresh-faced 18-year-old who "had no clue as to what I was doing, no clue at all." Graham had just been promoted to deputy and said, "sit down and start learning. The sooner I get you trained, the sooner I get to move on to being a deputy."

"He was at the start of a career that has been just phenomenal and the best part about it has been the people," Sheron said. "You’re not going to find nicer people. Every time I’ve progressed, people have stepped up and said they would help me out, ‘whatever you need, Bill.’ This is just the culmination of many, many years and I’m extremely proud to become Sheriff."

Greg Walker was sworn in as undersheriff.

Don Coleman, county coroner. 

Scott German, county treasurer.

Kevin Andrews, deputy county treasurer.

Shirley A. Gorman, assistant district attorney.

Karen Lang, county coroner.

Randy Baker, town justice, Oakfield.

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david spaulding

raise your right hand, other right, ah never mind just swear on this bible, ah superman comic book, doesn't matter just swear to the public and follow your party's directions.

Dec 29, 2016, 12:02pm Permalink

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