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Pete Welker named Officer of the Year for Sheriff's Office

By Howard B. Owens

Investigator Pete Welker, a longtime member of the Local Drug Task Force, was named Officer of the Year by the Genesee County Sheriff's Office during an awards ceremony and luncheon today.

Senior Corrections Officer Kevin D. Wolff received the Distinguished Service Award.

Press release:

Officer of the Year Award – Investigator Ronald “Pete” Welker
Investigator Ronald “Pete” Welker has distinguished himself in the performance of service to the citizens of Genesee County during 2017. His professional skill and devotion to duty has been epitomized in his unfailing dedication to detect and arrest those responsible for drug dealing; his ability to cooperatively work with other agencies, particularly the City of Batavia Police Department; his fundamental orientation to public service and his willingness to teach others.

Investigator Welker’s efforts have made a significant contribution to the overall success of the Genesee County Drug Task Force which, in 2017, has had its most successful year in terms of defendants arrested. During this year, Investigator Welker’s daily performance has been a major contribution to the effectiveness, success and esteem of the Sheriff’s Office.

Investigator Ronald “Pete” Welker has reflected great credit upon himself and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office and most deserves to be named Officer of the Year.

Distinguished Service Award – Senior Correction Officer Kevin D. Wolff
Senior Correction Officer Kevin D. Wolff has distinguished himself as a member of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office. Senior Correction Officer Wolff has been a positive force within the jail division. He has taken the lead in training new officers and monitoring the JTO program for the last four years. He has been instrumental in working with New York State Commission of Corrections staff during cycle evaluations and, thereby, helping to obtain and maintain good reviews and good rapport with them.

Kevin has, for the past three years, been working with the New York State Police within their Field Intelligence Officer Program and has provided excellent information both to them and to the department through that venue. Senior Correction Officer Wolff has also recently taken the lead in working with auditors from the New York State Sheriffs’ Association in accomplishing Accreditation of the Jail Division later this coming year.

Senior Correction Officer Wolff’s knowledge and attention to detail have proven to be a great asset to the Department, and through his work, he has distinguished himself and brought great credit upon himself and the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Ryan Young received a Commendation.

Among the dispatchers receiving commendations were Communications Coordinator Russell L. Lang Sr., Emergency Services Dispatcher Michael T. Sheflin, Emergency Services Dispatcher Nathan L. Fix, and Services Dispatcher Andrew Merkel.

Meritorious Service awards went to deputies Eric Meyer, Kevin Forsyth, Michael Lute, Ryan DeLong.

Meritorious service awards were given to several dispatchers Jason Holman, Steve Robinson, Jenna Bauer and Kelly Smith.

Members of the Local Drug Task Force were honored for their work in 2017, which set a record for arrests. Present were Emily McNamara, from Le Roy PD, Investigator Pete Welker and Sgt. Brad Mazur.

Senior Correction Officer Kevin D. Wolff, center, with his family, Jail Superintendent William Zipfel, Sheriff William Sheron, and Undersheriff Gregory Walker.

Pete Welker with his family and Chief Deputy Jerome Brewster, Sheriff William Sheron, and Undersheriff Gregory Walker.

Longevity awards were given to:

  • Correction Officer Michael A. Cox, 10 years
  • Animal Control Officer Agnes S. Jaroszewski, 15 years
  • Program Coordinator Catherine T. Uhly, 15 years
  • Correction Officer Michael F. Lindsley, 15 years
  • Sr. Emergency Services Dispatcher Robert H. Tripp, 15 years
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Beth A. Hynes, 15 years
  • Correction Officer Kelly P. Creegan, 15 years
  • Investigator Christopher A. Parker, 20 years
  • Deputy Sheriff Matthew R. Butler, 20 years
  • Deputy Sheriff Lonnie A. Nati, 25 years
  • Deputy Sheriff Dana J. Richardson, 25 years
  • Sergeant Thomas A. Sanfratello, 25 years
  • Undersheriff Gregory H. Walker, 30 years
  • Jail Superintendent William A. Zipfel, 35 years
  • Sheriff William A. Sheron Jr., 40 years

Certificates of Appreciation:

  • Batavia Police Detective James M. DeFreze
  • Le Roy Patrolman Emily J. McNamara
  • Batavia Patrolman Jason A. Davis
  • Batavia Patrolman Frank J. Klimjack
  • Batavia Patrolman Christopher J. Lindsay
  • Genesee County Assistant District Attorney Kevin T. Finnell


  • Deputy Sheriff Kyle D. Krzemien
  • Correction Officer Justin M. Gugel
  • Correction Officer Jason M. Buck
  • Deputy Sheriff James D. Stack
  • Deputy Sheriff Ryan W. Young
  • Deputy Sheriff Jeremy M. McClellan
  • Deputy Sheriff Mathew J. Clor
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Stephen R. Smelski
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Zackery W. Czudak
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Samantha L. Conibear
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Andrew Z. Mullen
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Frank A. Riccobono
  • Dog Control Officer Ann Marie Brade
  • Deputy Sheriff Dana J. Richardson
  • Deputy Sheriff Matthew R. Butler
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Andrew K. Merkel
  • Sergeant Bradley D. Mazur
  • Deputy Sheriff Howard O. Wilson
  • Sr. Emergency Services Dispatcher Michael T. Sheflin
  • Sr. Emergency Services Dispatcher John W. Spencer
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Nathan L. Fix
  • Correction Officer Vincent S. Maurer
  • Investigator James M. Diehl
  • Investigator Andrew B. Hale
  • Sergeant Eric K. Seppala
  • Communications Coordinator Russell L. Lang

Meritorious Awards:

  • Deputy Sheriff Eric J. Meyer
  • Deputy Sheriff Michael J. Lute
  • Deputy Sheriff Kevin P. Forsyth
  • Deputy Sheriff Ryan M. DeLong
  • Investigator Chad J. Minuto
  • Case Manager Nicole M. Easton
  • Financial Clerk-Typist Tracy L. Ranney
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Kelly E. Smith
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Beth A. Hynes
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Jenna L. Bauer
  • Sr. Emergency Services Dispatcher Jason W. Holman
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Peggy D. Richardson
  • Emergency Services Dispatcher Steven L. Robinson
  • Principal Financial Clerk Margaret A. Sheelar
  • Sr. Correction Officer Robert W. Mattice
  • Sr. Emergency Services Dispatcher Robert H. Tripp

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