Press release:
Undersheriff William A. Sheron Jr., who recently announced his intention to seek the Republican endorsement for this fall’s election to Genesee County Sheriff, announced today that Sergeant Gregory H. Walker will join him as his Undersheriff.
Walker, 50, has more than 30 years of law enforcement experience, serving two years with the Attica Police Department before joining the Genesee County Sheriff’ s Office in October 1987. Over the course of his 28-year career with the Sheriff’s Office, Walker has served in the ranks of Deputy Sheriff-Road Patrol, Investigator, Sergeant-Road Patrol and his current position of Sergeant-Criminal Investigation Division.
Sergeant Walker is a graduate of the Monroe Community College Public Safety Training Academy-Basic Course for Police Officers, New York State Municipal Police Training Council on Police Supervision Course, United States Drug Enforcement Agency Drug Law Enforcement Course, New York State Division of Criminal Justice Field Training Officer, New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services General Topics Instructor, the International Association of Chiefs of Police/National Highway Traffic Safety Association Drug Recognition Expert Instructor and the F.B.I. National Academy in Quantico, Va.
Walker became the first certified Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) in Genesee County and now serves as one of the lead instructors for the DRE program in New York State. He is also a Field Training Officer, Field Training Supervisor, Standardized Field Sobriety Tests Instructor, Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement Instructor, Domestic Violence Resource Officer and Drug Impairment for Educational Professionals Instructor.
Over his career Walker has received numerous departmental awards including Officer of the Year in 1990; Meritorious Service in 1989, 1991, 1992, 1995, 2003, 2008, 2012; Commendation awards in 1992, 1994 and 2013; and Kiwanis Club Officer of the Year in 1991.
Sergeant Walker currently serves on the New York State Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) and is a regional coordinator for the DRE program. Walker is an active member of the Le Roy Republican Committee.
Sergeant Walker is a resident of the Town of Le Roy. He is a graduate of Attica Central School and Genesee Community College with a degree in Criminal Justice. He and his wife, Michele, are parents to a family of five children and one grandchild.
“I could not ask for a better person to join me as my Undersheriff. Greg is an outstanding individual of the utmost integrity who is extremely well respected amongst the law enforcement community. Together we possess nearly 50 years of law enforcement administrative and supervisory experience, which is crucial in directing the operations of the Sheriff’s Office,” said Undersheriff Sheron.