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animal rescue

Adopt-a-Pet: Panda, Lynx and Coco

By Billie Owens

I suppose because I'm black and white, they named me Panda. And while I'm not going to be as big as a panda bear, they say I'm going to be a big boy. If you think you could love and nurture a cat with the small outline of Chile, South America, on his face, then let's not monkey around. Let's start 2010 on the sugar foot, shall we?

I'm guessing my ears are the reason I'm named Lynx. If you've ever encountered one of these exotic felines in the wild, you'll recognize the distinctive, tufted ears, sort of like mine. If I'm incorrect, I'm all ears, tell me otherwise. I'm a boy in need of a home in the dead cold of winter.

Both Panda and Lynx are in Cage 86.

Not only am I handsome, beautiful and sweet, I'm a kick-back kinda guy who loves attention and, let's face it, warrants it. I am, after all, Coco, a hound mix, adult male who's good on a leash and deserves more than running around like the stray I was.

Love, love me do -- you know I'll love you. I'm a red, but I'm blue in Kennel 21, not having so much fun.

Volunteers For Animals
PO Box 1621
Batavia, NY   14021 <>

Working in partnership with:
Genesee County Animal Shelter
3841 W. Main Street Road
Batavia, NY   14020

Adoption Hours:
Sunday - Friday 1 - 3 pm (closed on Thursdays)
Wednesday 7 - 9 pm
Saturday 11 - 1 pm

Adopt a New Friend at the Genesee County Animal Shelter

Adopt-A-Pet: Tess and Lilla

By Billie Owens

Glad to make your acquaintance, I'm Tess. Happy, healthy and housebroken, too. I'm an adult female, black Labrador retriever/mix. I'm a people dog, a dog's dog and a children's dog. So I get along nicely with all and I'm considered very friendly and playful. Note the word "very."

I do need some structure to learn good manners to help me watch my Ps and Qs, and I need some leash work. I'm in Kennel 36 hoping for some new BFFs.

I'm sweet but a little skittish. You might be too if you were ambling along and got your paw stuck in a "leg hole trap." My paw has healed up and looks good, but now I'm a little nervous about the world we live in.

I need a comforting family who will give me time to adjust. My name is Lilla and I'm a lovely calico. But technically speaking, I'm an adult, spayed female, domestic-shorthair cat. Cage 62.

Volunteers For Animals
PO Box 1621
Batavia, NY   14021 <>

Working in partnership with:
Genesee County Animal Shelter
3841 W. Main Street Road
Batavia, NY   14020

Adoption Hours:
Sunday - Friday 1 - 3 pm (closed on Thursdays)
Wednesday 7 - 9 pm
Saturday 11 - 1 pm

Adopt-A-Pet: Ben and Guido

By Billie Owens

If you like to have fun and have the energy to romp around, please consider adopting me, Ben. I'm a German shepard/Siberian husky/Labrador retriever mix. What a combo! I do need some leash work. I'm a young, neutered male who would love to brighten the lives of an active family. Let's go! I'm in Kennel 38.

I'm suave and dashing. See my smart red kerchief, it adds a touch of -- hmm, je ne sas quois -- glamour that women find irresistible. I could prove that, but as it is I'm languorously counting the days until Christmas in this dreary facility. Me, Guido. I can't believe it. I'm an adult, neutered male, a coal-black domestic shorthair cat with mesmerizing eyes. Come and gaze into them at Cage 87.

Volunteers For Animals
P.O. Box 1621
Batavia, NY 14021

Working in partnership with:
Genesee County Animal Shelter
3841 W. Main St. Road
Batavia, NY 14020
(585) 343-6410

Adoption Hours:
Sunday through Friday: 1 to 3 p.m. (closed on Thursdays)
Wednesday: 7 to 9 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Adopt-A-Pet: Jack Picasso, Tiger and Runsky

By Billie Owens

It's me, the one, the only Jack Picasso. I have a jazzy name to fit my jazzy personality. I'm 6-months old, sweet as French apple pie and active like the puppy that I am.

See, I was here before, as a stray, then I went to a nice home. But, alas, my owners felt that I needed more attention than they could give. So here I is agin. Dang.

I'm a great dog -- neutered, housebroken, good with children and other dogs. I am also behaved on a leash. Besides all these wonderful attributes, I am charming, amusing and fun to look at. Am I right? The picture of this collie-mix speaks for itself, does it not?

I'm in Kennel 20 biding my time until I can get out and PLAY!

P.S. I love to roll on my back and have my belly rubbed. Just thought you'd like to know. 

Guess what I told Santa I wanted for Christmas? Surprise! A new home, ideally with my sister, too.

My name is Tiger. (Clever, huh?) I'm 5 years old, neutered and an orange, well, tiger cat. My sister is an 8-year-old, spayed, gray tiger cat named Runsky. She's not the sourpuss that she looks like in this picture, believe me.

Our young owner recently passed away and we nice, mellow siblings are looking for a new abode. We are accustomed to going outside and would do well in a home that will continue to let us come and go. But we do need a warm fuzzy bed at night and a sweet person to care for us.

I'm in Cage 82 and you may inquire about Runsky at the front desk.

Volunteers For Animals
PO Box 1621
Batavia, NY   14021 <>

Working in partnership with:
Genesee County Animal Shelter
3841 W. Main Street Road
Batavia, NY   14020

Adoption Hours:
Sunday - Friday 1 - 3 pm (closed on Thursdays)
Wednesday 7 - 9 pm
Saturday 11 - 1 pm

Adopt a New Friend at the Genesee County Animal Shelter

Adopt-A-Pet: Luke and Dottie

By Billie Owens

My name is Luke and I'm a poodle/Labrador retriever mix, obviously quite adorable. I am a neutered male that they sent up North in hopes of finding a better life than the one I had down South in, of all places, Mississippi.

Children delight me and I like big people, too. I have good manners as evidenced by my nice leash behavior and my complete housebrokenness. I'm still puppyish (read: young and excitable) so playtime is important. I'm crate trained. Find me in Kennel 15. 

If you are nice and responsible, please consider adopting me. My name is Dottie. I'm a retired, single mom. My last humans let me have countless kittens before dumping me and my most recent litter at the shelter door one cold evening.

Well, I've decided to be much more particular about my next owners, so these are my requirements: I'd like a bed and regular food and water. Oh, and I insist you obtain a good brush to use on my head, cheeks and back. I have never owned a toy in my life, but I'm willing to give the leather micey-ones a try. They smell good.

If you think you're qualified, please come in so that I may meet you. I'll be conducting interviews during regular shelter hours in Cage 87.

Volunteers For Animals
PO Box 1621
Batavia, NY   14021 <>

Working in partnership with:
Genesee County Animal Shelter
3841 W. Main Street Road
Batavia, NY   14020

Adoption Hours:
Sunday - Friday 1 - 3 pm (closed on Thursdays)
Wednesday 7 - 9 pm
Saturday 11 - 1 pm

Adopt a New Friend at the Genesee County Animal Shelter

Got mice? Healthy, sterilized, vaccinated feral cats need shelter

By Billie Owens

Help! A large colony of feral cats needs to be relocated. They are losing their food source. The cats need a place with shelter and food and Winter is nipping at their paws.

Healthy, sterilized and vaccinated cats are available. They will earn their keep by helping control the rodent population. Taking just one to two cats would be a huge help.

If interested, please contact Kathy at

Helping feral and homeless cats in the Genesee County.
Email address:
Website: <>


Adopt-A-Pet: Chester and Precious

By Billie Owens

Chester's coat is sort of tuxedo-looking, which suits him perfectly because, by all accounts, he's "a perfect gentleman." He's an adult, neutered male Labrador retriever mix. He was found as a stray, but he is good on a leash and with other dogs.

His mild manner and quiet, gentle nature make him a pleasant companion. In Kennel 34, he just hangs out and watches people walk past, doesn't get all worked up about things. Of course, he is hoping someone stops to say "Hey! look at this sharp guy..."

Cute, petite and special, that's Precious. She's a black, domestic shorthair cat who is spayed. She was in the sick bay awhile because of some problems she had after being spayed. But she's doing great now and ready to go home! She's in Cage 64.

Volunteers For Animals
PO Box 1621
Batavia, NY   14021 <>

Working in partnership with:
Genesee County Animal Shelter
3841 W. Main Street Road
Batavia, NY   14020

Adoption Hours:
Sunday - Friday 1 - 3 pm (closed on Thursdays)
Wednesday 7 - 9 pm
Saturday 11 - 1 pm

Adopt a New Friend at the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

Adopt-A-Pet: Riley and Kestral

By Billie Owens

I'm Riley and I'm sweet. Here are just some of my many attributes: good with other dogs; good with children; good on a leash; crate trained; loves walks; and loves hanging out outdoors.

That's a pretty dang good report card, wouldn't ya say? I can be a bit nervous about my surroundings at first, but I warm up to people quickly and then get along famously.

I'm an adult, neutered male and a hound mix. Find me in Kennel 15.

My name is Kestrel and my fur is softer than even feathers (maybe even a chinchilla)! I am another of those sweet girls who lived outside in the cold world and can truly appreciate the warmth of a nice home. 

I love to be stroked or brushed, and once I get to know you, I'll roll onto my back and let you scratch my belly and under my "wings" where I love it the most! I like other cats so I don't mind sharing your home. I can seem shy with people at first, but I always come around. I am just a lovely girl if you have patience, give me time and a quiet place to settle into. I am about 6 months old and am in Cage 65.

Note: Kestrel is diagnosed with mild gingivitis which may at some time actually clear up, possibly secondary to a calicivirus in her youth. As long as the gingivitis remains, it's important to keep the gums and teeth as healthy as possible. It is suggested that a daily dental care product such as chlorhexidene or zinc-based oral cleanser be used. Many can be purchased without a prescription online, at the veterinarian's office or a pet supply store. 

Adopt-A-Pet: Lee and Einstein

By Billie Owens

Hi, I'm Lee -- look at me! What funny ears I have, what piercing blue eyes I have -- and see how eager I seem to frolic and pal.

I'm an adult, male Siberian Husky mix who is good with other dogs and seemly on a leash. For inexcusable and unfathomable reasons, my pack abandoned me and another dog, too.

We were left in an apartment with nothing or no one to care for us. As a result, I'm a little on the thin side and could use some beefy stew or other vittles to help me get back to a healthy weight.

People say I'm nice, I'm playful and I love romping around with other dogs in the backyard, all so true. Come and shake a paw, Kennel 37.

My name is Einstein. Yea, I'm a cat and I'm Einstein. If that ain't a hoot and holler. Don't even start with the 3-equals-m-c-squared jokes. Been there, heard that.

Let me tell you one reason I am special. Ask yourself, have you ever seen a cat with short hair yet a big fluffy tail? Isn't that hilarious! I'm a "tiger and white," young, neutured male.

I am affectionate because I paw at you to give me affection and then I let you give me affection, that's how affectionate I am. Let's explore the universe together. I'm not as smart as the real Einstein, but I am pretty smart for a cat. Check out Cage 87.

P.S.: Both Phoebe (the pit-bull terrier) and Gypsy (the one-eyed malnourished kitten) were scooped up last week and sent to loving homes. The animals lovers all say Thanks! 

Oliver hangs loose and wins Pet of the Week

By Pachuco Owens

The good thing about Oliver is, he's not uptight. I mean this cat likes to hang loose and enjoy the simple comforts of home -- like napping while draped over the balustrade.

Let's face it. This guy's not into guarding or even being lucid. He's all about the just being here now and seizing the food when he wants it later. Oh yeah, and the clean box is always a plus.

So goes the day-to-day life of Oliver, this week's Pet of the Week. I chose him because he is charming in his sloth. He is adorable in his indifference to life in the modern world.

Oliver is a cat after my own heart. I admire his Zen-fulness, his seemingly pulseless existance. He enjoys himself without a lot of fancy-pants play toys and catnip seducers. Oliver is IT, more than 70 years after Clara Bow, albeit in a manly little world all his own.

To submit your pet to Pet of the Week (gold fish welcome, too), send your pet's story and picture to

Adopt-A-Pet: Phoebe and Gypsy

By Billie Owens

I'm Phoebe, a fine-looking, female pit-bull terrier. Although I was found as a stray, I am good on a leash and good in the car.

All my newfound friends here say I'm sooo fun and playful. Just look at my perky ears and how healthy I am! I like to show you affection and give hugs by wrapping my front legs around your neck. But what sets me apart from many of my peers, is my super-duper sweetness -- something I hear a lot. Love it! I'm in Kennel 24. Hugs and kisses, kisses.


I need your love! Now. I somehow wound up here, very "malnourished," which is to say I was starving. On top of that, I had a badly infected eye. I'm coming along, though. I'm not starving anymore. My eye has healed but I am blind in my right eye.

I'm a little tiny tiger and they've named me Gypsy. I need a loving family who will give me some extra TLC so I can grow up to be a strong, beautiful companion. I'll be looking for you, with my good eye, in Cage 60.

Adopt A Pet: Winnie and Scotty and Davey

By Billie Owens

This winsome lass is a real winner. Her name is Winnie and she's an adult, spayed beagle. She is said to be good on a leash and good with other dogs.

Her temporary caretakers say: "Winnie loves people, other dogs and being outside. She also thinks she's a lap dog -- so watch out! This girl has quite a nose -- she loves sniffing, and barking at whatever she's sniffing."

Adorable! She's in Kennel 20.

Here are Scotty and Davey, black, beautiful and quite the dapper duo.

Their mom was sick after having them, so they had to be hand fed. They were oh-so-lucky to have a great foster family to take such wonderful care of them. They are now both neutered. Ask about them at the Desk.

Volunteers For Animals
P.O. Box 1621
Batavia, NY 14021 <>

Working in partnership with:
Genesee County Animal Shelter
3841 W. Main St. Road
Batavia, NY 14020
(585) 343-6410

Adoption Hours:
Sunday through Friday: 1 to 3 p.m. (closed on Thursdays)
Wednesday: 7 to 9 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

County animal volunteers seek help to pay for dogs' surgeries

By Billie Owens

Here's a special request for aid from the Volunteers for Animals of Genesee County:

We had two dogs come into the Shelter with leg injuries this past week. Snickers is a 6-8 month old Boxer who had been on the loose for awhile. She was finally caught, but only after being hit by a car.

An X-ray revealed a fracture to the front leg which has to be surgically repaired. She is scheduled for surgery next week. She may have a slight limp but there is no risk of her losing the entire leg. 

Midnight is an adult Lab mix. He was a stray just looking for someone to take him home. Instead, someone shot him in the hind leg! Midnight was fortunate enough to find a family that called the Sheriffʼs Department and reported the dogʼs condition. An Animal Control Officer responded and immediately took him to the vet.

The leg was too shattered to save, so Midnight was scheduled for a leg amputation the following day. He is doing very well after his surgery and canʼt wait to leave the vetʼs office! 

In spite of their injuries, both dogs are quite sweet and friendly. Midnight is a wonderful guy who just wants someone to pet and love him forever. He is a hit at the vetʼs office. Snickers is quieter and more reserved, but loves to follow you around.

Volunteers For Animals is able to take care of these dogs because of the generosity of people like you. We are asking for assistance to help with the cost of both dogsʼ surgeries. Below is a link to our website where you can make a donation through PayPal. Or you can drop off or mail in a donation. Please make all checks payable to: Volunteers For Animals.

Thank you for your support.


Volunteers For Animals
PO Box 1621
Batavia, NY 14021

Working in partnership with:
Genesee County Animal Shelter
3841 W. Main St. Road
Batavia, NY 14020
(585) 343-6410

Adoption Hours:
Sunday - Friday 1 to 3 p.m. (closed on Thursdays)
Wednesday - 7 to 9 p.m.
Saturday - 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Adopt-A-Pet: Dorothy and Jeter

By Billie Owens

Dorothy is well aware she isn't in Kansas anymore, if, in fact, she ever was. She does know she's been passed over time and again during her stay at the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

So much so, that this shy but affectionate lass has earned a get-out-of-jail-free card, meaning volunteers have already paid her adoption fee in the hopes Dorothy will get a leg up on the competition.

She's an adult, orange domestic short hair cat, spayed and more than ready for adoption. She doesn't beg for attention but enjoys getting petted. The volunteers say Dorothy has been here for awhile, which puzzles them. They are pulling for Dorothy and hope her lucky day comes soon, since she is most deserving of a real home with love and companionship. Stop by Cage 82 and introduce yourself to Dorothy, you'll be glad you did.

This good ol' boy is Jeter. He's an Alaskan husky/German shephard mix. He's also a high-energy dog that needs an experienced owner and a home without children.

Jeter is a neutured adult who behaves on a leash and is housebroken. He gets along with some dogs, but does better with girl dogs. Despite his robust and handsome looks, Jeter is timid and shy at first. He needs a little time to build trust.

A home that can provide him with positive discipline and lots of exercise would be best for Jeter, according to those who know him. He's waiting for a chance in Kennel 33.

Adopt-A-Pet: Shirley and Moe

By Billie Owens

Meet Shirley, a black Labrador retriever/German shephard mix. This adult female is not only good looking, she's also a considered a loyal companion.

Shirley would love for you to visit. Come on down and see if she can be your buddy.

This handsome fellow is Moe. He's an adult, neutered male, dark gray and white, domestic short hair cat.

Moe is mellow. He's sitting in a box, but not "using" it, of course, for this portrait. He likes to hang out and "be in the moment," something a lot of people ought to do, too. If you'd like to live and let live with Moe, you know where to go.

Dog struck by car gets prompt treatment, thanks to deputy and animal control officer

By Howard B. Owens

A dog was hit by a car yesterday at 1:30 p.m. and Deputy Brian Thompson, a K-9 officer, and Animal Control Officer Bill Taylor responded to the scene.

The accident occurred at Route 77 and Reynolds Road, where a stray boxer-mix darted into the road, according to Deputy Chief Gordon Dibble.

The dog was struck by a car driven by a person from Florida.

Thompson and Taylor first took the dog to an animal hospital, which recommended treatment at Corfu Vet Clinic, so Taylor and Thompson transported it there.

From what I heard on the scanner, the dog didn't sound seriously injured. Dibble said there's no information on how the pooch did after being transported.

I spoke with Shannon at the vet, who was off that day, and she said the dog was transferred to another facility, although she doesn't know where.

But it was good to hear on the scanner Monday about the extra effort Thompson and Taylor went to to care for the stricken animal.

Feline adoption extravaganza at Petco on Saturday

By Billie Owens

From noon to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 10., the Batavia Petco (located in the Target Plaza on Veteran's Memorial Highway in the Town of Batavia) will be hosting its third major adoption event during its One Year Anniversary Celebration.

Cats and kittens of all ages, colors and stunning personalities will available for adoption. Most of the animals are spayed or neutered. All are tested for FIV/FeLV, current with shots and happen to be the best cats available in the county, arguably, the nation.

The adoption fee is $30 (if the animals is not spayed or neutered, there is a refundable $35 deposit). Petco will be handing out free giveaways and Volunteers For Animals will be strutting the cats. Everyone is encouraged to come out and visit the cats.

Petco, Volunteers for Animals and Genesee County Animal Shelter joined forces in October 2008 to help homeless cats find a home. Since the opening of the Batavia Petco a year ago, over 235 cats and kittens from the GCAS have been adopted out of the store! It has been an amazing year.

Come on down! You never know, maybe you'll meet your next best friend! <>


Althea is Pet of the Week

By Pachuco Owens

My heart went out to Althea after reading her story. Once she was down on her luck and sick, to boot. After amazing love and grace, she's nurturing (see photo) and brings lots of joy and companionship to her folks.

She works to earn her keep, too. A good word for her is magnanimous -- yes, she has the gift of magnanimity. Bless her little pea-pickin' heart (an old Tennessee Ernie Ford saying I'm fond of, even though I don't pick peas nor do I especially like them). Here's what she says.

My name is Althea and I think I should be "Pet of the Week." I was adopted from the Genesee County Animal Shelter about four years ago. There I was, stuck in a cage with some unpleasant health troubles that I won't get into, but let's just say I was not a pretty sight.

My mom and dad took me home and got me cleaned up and then with some help from Volunteers for Animals I got the treatment I needed. I'm still a little fragile, having joint problems and faulty digestion, but I don't let it get me down.

Since finding my family I've gone hiking, swimming and kayaking but my very favorite thing to do is help out around the house. I clean up crumbs off the floors, empty the cat litter boxes and fetch things. I even helped babysit some foster puppies this summer. 

My mom says I'm the happiest dog she ever met and she's met a lot of them, let me tell you! I've had a lot of foster brothers and sisters over the years and I always try to introduce myself and help the "new" guys feel at home. Life is good. I figure if you have a warm bed, good food and people who love and take care of you, you've got everything, so why not share with a dog who's not so fortunate?

I kind of like having a bunch of other dogs around. You should hear us howl when we get wound up! Anyway, that's my story. Maybe if I'm Pet of the Week people will read my story and think about adopting a shelter dog. I'm a pretty good judge of dogs and I think there's a lot of good ones waiting for homes. Thanks for reading this.


If your pet is worthy of Pet of the Week, have him or her e-mail me at pets (at) the batavian dot com. Please have your pet send a handsome picture and his or her story. Click here for more information. Your pet could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.

Adopt-A-Pet: Anna Marie and Cookie

By Billie Owens

My "family" left me behind when they moved away. Some "pack" that turned out to be! And just look at what they've lost, a true-blue friend, a loyal and loving pet.

My name is Anna Marie (classy, don'tcha think?) and I'm an adult, spayed German shepard/Labrador retriever mix.

The irony about my being left behind is that I'm such a great family dog. Kids, cats, dogs, the mail lady, I like 'em all!

Not to toot my own horn, but I'm also completely housebroken and well-mannered on a leash. Bottom line: you couldn’t ask for a better companion. But don't take my word for it, come and see for yourself.

Just look at me would ya. I'm drop-dead funny. Can't help but be with splotches like these. I'm the cutest little Oreo Cookie you'll ever meet.

In fact, the volunteers here refer to me as a living example of modern art. They say my black spots were "carefully placed" on my person but I think they are pulling my leg.

I'd sure like to amuse you inside a home that I would let you share, if you let me. P.S., I'm spayed and they call me a black-and-white DSH, but I don't know what that stands for.

Adopt-A-Pet: Dutchess and Buddy

By Billie Owens

I'm Dutchess. But don't let my name fool you -- I'm not a snooty lady! Oh, quite the contrary. My lineage is boxer/pit bull mix, I've been spayed and, seemingly, I am housebroken. Inarguably, I am sweet to people and other dogs. My leash manners are commendable. If you would like to take me home and love me, I would be royally grateful.

Buddy here. They say I'm a nice-guy kitten with an affectionate, outgoing personality. I give clues about the real me by doing things like jumping on your shoulder and snuggling against your cheek. My purr is evidence that my motor runs smoothly. Oh, yes, I am sweet, too. Though I like Halloween as much as the next kid, I don't take things personally. If my onyx-colored, gleaming, gorgeous fur frightens anyone, I just hiss and say "Boo!" That'll show 'em. Let's go trick-or-treating together, OK?

And animal lovers: Don't forget about entering your pets into our Pet of the Week Contest. If your pet is worthy of pet of the week, have him or her e-mail us at pets (at) the batavian dot com.  Please have your pet send a handsome picture and his or her story. Click here for more information. Your pet could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.

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