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The true tale of a 'Twisted' summer dance recital that got its name before the coronavirus shutdown

By Billie Owens

Above, a Baby Ballet trio demonstrates a graceful arm pose.

Faced with the crushing prospect of having to cancel dance recitals showcasing students' hard work and talent, Batavia-based LAW Dance Studio enlisted plenty of parents to pull off a creative feat, despite COVID-19.

They came up with a plan for staggered recitals outdoors demonstrating newly polished dance skills.

"Twisted 2020 Dance Recital" was held June 30, July 2 and July 6 outside in Elba to accommodate coronavirus mandates for social distancing. The poster boasted that "We've locked in our routines during lockdown."

Lisa Blaun, who owns the studio at 218 W. Main St., said when schools closed and the state went into a mandatory shelter-in-place on Saturday, March 14th, all in-studio lessons stopped.

"We were in the thick of learning recital routines and embarking on competition season," Blaun said in an email to The Batavian. "At that time, there were so many unknowns and a high level of uncertainty. As a small boutique studio and as a business owner whose livelihood this studio is, I took a week off to allow for the new reality to settle in and to take the time to weigh my options.

"I launched virtual zoom classes where I remained in the studio instructing my dancers who were logged in from their homes. In some ways, it was interesting to have this format as it allowed me to see certain technique translations more directly that may have otherwise been lost in a full classroom environment. The Zoom classes kept my dancers learning and active, and gave parents some sense of normalcy.

"The question of what to do with the recital loomed. Ironically, the theme had been set for months as "Twisted." Who would have known how true this theme would represent reality?

"These kids worked so hard. Parents invested time and money. They not only deserved to have the recital that is the payoff for their efforts, but they also needed it to feel normal under these weird circumstances.

"I met with a core group of parents that assist the studio to throw around some ideas while working within the state restrictions. I decided to extend the season by a month to allow more time for kids to learn the dances with the hope restrictions would decrease.

"In the end, I decided to host a recital outside over three days. I utilized the remnants of a chicken coop on my family's property that served as the

perfect stage. I brought my floor from the studio and made it work. We got extremely lucky with the weather. The outdoor setting and three-day timeframe allowed for smaller numbers and social distancing.

"Only core family members/siblings were invited to attend. We did not charge or sell tickets. We recorded each dance over those three days and are in the process of creating a video recital that will seem like one seamless event.

"This video will be provided to parents at no charge so they can share it widely with their community of folks that couldn't otherwise attend. We were also able to take group and individual photographs of each dancer and will provide photos to parents free of charge. 

"I could not have pulled any of this off without the support of parents and the dedication of my dancers. I am so incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful group of families committed to me and my studio. They hung in there with me and allowed for creativity. I was thrilled to be able to provide this recital experience. It was truly special and one I will never forget. In many ways, it brought us all closer together.

"I am looking forward to the 20-2021 dance season and a new normal, whatever that may be. My little studio proved we could be flexible and shift with the times and I am ready for anything that may come this fall. I will be hosting an open house and a dance intensive course in August if state restrictions allow, so look for more details to come."

Image and photos, courtesy of Lisa Blaun.

Below, the classic pointe.

Below, young hip-hop nation.

Below, the ballerina lift.

Below, the angst of musical theater in the Age of Coronavirus.

Bright smiles all around and great form, too.

Below, the acrobatic pyramid requires a lot of flexibility.

Below, spotlight on contemporary dance.

Schumer unveils 'P4' Act to provide more forgivable aid to small businesses with 50-percent or more revenue loss

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Standing at the Union Tavern restaurant in Irondequoit and on the heels of a successful five-week, short-term extension for the original Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer unveiled the Prioritized Paycheck Protection Program Act, or "P4" Act, which seeks to provide additional relief for New York’s smallest businesses that have been severely impacted by the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Schumer explained that his proposed legislation would provide much-needed relief to Rochester-Finger Lakes small business owners by extending the PPP loan period to the end of the year and providing the option for a second PPP loan for eligible small businesses that are in need of additional assistance to survive.

Specifically, "P4" second loans will allow for businesses to access funds worth 250 percent of monthly payroll costs, up to a maximum of $2 million. Small businesses and nonprofits with fewer than 100 employees, sole proprietors, independent contractors, self-employed borrowers, and rural and historically underserved communities will be eligible for this second round of assistance, in an effort to get critical federal aid to the most in-need businesses that have lost 50 percent or more of revenues due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

These second PPP loans would be fully forgivable similar to the first PPP loans as long as all requirements are met in the use of funds. Schumer said that the next stimulus package must target assistance to hard-hit Rochester-Finger Lakes small businesses like Union Tavern, and those in historically underserved communities.

Citing data from the New York State Department of Labor, Schumer further explained that the private sector job count in the Rochester-Finger Lakes region fell by 88,100 or 19 percent, to 374,500 during the 12-month period ending in May 2020.

”The PPP has been a lifeline for Rochester-Finger Lakes Region small businesses struggling to stay afloat during these turbulent times, and last week, I fought to ensure that the program would continue to support our hard-working New Yorkers for at least another month,” Senator Schumer said. “However, as New York seeks to recover from the crisis, we need to do even more for businesses hardest-hit by the pandemic.

"This legislation will bring much-needed changes to the existing PPP program to make loans more accessible to the smallest businesses and nonprofits in the Rochester-Finger Lakes Region that are struggling the most and make a second round of relief possible for businesses that need the extra support.”

The senator said that his "P4" legislation will reserve 20 percent of PPP funds for employers with 10 or fewer employees and ensure priority processing for such businesses and nonprofits, in conjunction with priority processing for underserved and rural borrowers across the Rochester-Finger Lakes region, including veterans. To further make sure that the funding is reserved for the hardest-hit small businesses, the "P4" loan will not be available to publicly traded companies.

Schumer noted that Rochester-Finger Lakes Region labor statistics show that for the 12-month period ending May 2020, the private sector job count in the Rochester metro area fell by 88,100, or 19.0 percent, to 374,500. Schumer explained that this data points to a critical need for federal support to revive the region’s economy, including aid to help small businesses weather the crisis and to put them on a road to recovery as the lynchpins of our communities.

Schumer was joined by leading Rochester-Finger Lakes region stakeholders including Melissa Marquez, CEO of the Genesee Co-op Federal Credit Union who share these sentiments and recognize the importance of this critical legislation for PPP reform that targets hurting businesses.

As one of the Rochester region’s few Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) approved by the Federal Small Business Administration (SBA) to make PPP loans, Genesee co-op has assisted dozens of minority-owned small business secure a PPP but estimates they have only met 20 percent of the need that now exists among minority or un-banked small businesses in the Rochester region.

The Senator was also joined by Kelly Bush, co-owner of the Union Tavern and president of the Rochester Chapter of the NYS Restaurant Association, Mark Taylor, CEO of Apogee Exhibits in Macedon, which employs 25 workers and makes trade show displays and marketing materials for clients across the country, and Mark Cuddy Artistic Director of Geva Theatre Center.

They shared their firsthand experiences with the Paycheck Protection Program with Senator Schumer and joined him in his push for additional aid for hurting Rochester-Finger Lakes region businesses.

Kelly Bush, co-owner of the Union Tavern and President of the Rochester Chapter of the NYS Restaurant Association said, “As a small business owner facing a shuttered business in early March, securing a PPP was a game changer to help us survive through those first few months. But with realities still beyond our control and continued future uncertainties, enabling us to access a second PPP would be a lifeline for our business and countless others in the Rochester Finger Lakes region that cannot operate at regular capacity due to the pandemic. We appreciate Senator Schumer pushing this legislation to support of our industry so that small businesses can keep their doors open and employees on the job.”

Mark Taylor, CEO of Apogee Exhibits in Macedon, said, “We are part of the live events industry. An industry that contributes over 100 billion dollars to the economy when these events take place. When conventions and other events happen it sets into motion the work of countless small business owners, their employees, and sole proprietors. From carpenters and electricians and other trades, to hotels and hospitality, and other small businesses such as restaurants. All of these small businesses are crucial to restarting our economy, but they'll need additional help. We appreciate Senator Schumer for his advocacy of the small businesses of our economy and our nation."

Mark Cuddy, artistic director of Geva Theatre Center, said, “On March 12th Geva Theatre Center sold its last ticket as theaters closed down across the country. That means we have had zero ticket revenue for almost four months, and will not for the next 4-6 months. Even when a time comes for reopening we will be reduced in capacity to 35-40 percent of seats. We cannot survive in this model. Our 52 resident full-time staff and over a hundred guest artists cannot survive. Their families cannot survive. The restaurants and hotels who serve our patrons cannot survive. The PPP loan was a lifeline, and Senator Schumer’s Prioritized Paycheck Protection Program would be a remarkable ray of hope for our most vulnerable sectors.”

Details on the Prioritized Paycheck Protection Program Act, or "P4," appear below. "P4" loans:

  • May be as large as 2.5-times monthly payroll costs, just as under initial PPP loans, but may not be any larger than $2 million. (Affiliated businesses with separate locations may pursue separate P4 loans, but in aggregate the loans may not exceed $2 million.)

Allow borrowers to apply for forgiveness as early as eight weeks after the loan is disbursed and they have fulfilled payroll requirements, rather than make them opt-in to eight weeks or wait until the earlier of 24 weeks or Dec. 31, which needlessly increases the cost of the loan as interest accrues, tying up money that could be deployed for paychecks.

  • Are not available to publicly traded companies.
  • Except as otherwise mentioned, are subject to the same terms, conditions, and forgiveness criteria as initial PPP loans.
  • Provide lenders a minimum processing fee of $2,500 per P4 loan to ensure lenders do not lose money by processing small-dollar loans or cherry pick larger loans.

To increase access to PPP (initial and P4) assistance to underserved businesses, the bill reserves the lesser of $25 billion or 20 percent of PPP funds for employers with 10 or fewer employees, along with priority processing for such firms, harmonized with priority processing for underserved and rural borrowers.

The bill also requires SBA within five days to issue guidance, as required by the CARES Act, which instructs lenders to give priority in loan processing and disbursement to underserved and rural borrowers, including veterans. It also requires SBA to update the PPP loan application to collect demographic information on PPP recipients.

Hawley and Assembly colleagues present plan to reopen schools this fall

By Billie Owens

Press release: 

Assemblyman Steve Hawley has signed on with Assembly colleagues to present a reopening plan for schools this upcoming fall.

The plan, signed on by nearly all Minority members of the State Assembly, explores potential solutions for each level of education, as well as special education needs, and re-emphasizes that in-person education and social interactions are critical for the developing youth, according to child development experts.

“We’ve all been struggling with the new realities that the COVID-19 outbreak has given us, and our kids are no exception,” Hawley said. “They’ve been asked to completely adjust the way they go about learning, and in the process have lost many opportunities that are fundamental to youth development.

"The brilliant educators across our state are doing the best they can, and we couldn’t be prouder of them, but we need to give them and their students a fighting chance to not fall drastically behind.”

The question of schools reopening in New York has been up in the air since they were closed in mid-March. Gov. Cuomo’s administration has stressed public health comes first, but several advocates and prolific education specialists have been pushing for schools to return in the fall with appropriate safeguards in place.

Not only are many students and teachers struggling with this particular change in lifestyle, but the lack of students being in the school physically has left many teachers unable to reach them at home.

Many students across the state still struggle to get internet-accessible devices to do their work, or do not have another trusted adult figure to work with consistently. Additionally, many homes have a parent or parents working without adequate child care.

COVID-19: No new cases in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

New Cases – As of 2 p.m.

  • Genesee County received zero new positive cases of COVID-19, maintaining a total of 228 positive cases.
    • One of the previous community positive cases has recovered and has been released from mandatory isolation.
    • No individuals are hospitalized.
  • Orleans County received zero new positive cases of COVID-19, maintaining a total of 267 positive cases.
    • One of the previous community positive cases has recovered and has been released from mandatory isolation.
    • Seven of the total active positive cases are hospitalized. Please note those in the hospital may be from the community or a state-regulated facility. We do not separate them out to protect their privacy.

There are four people in mandatory isolation in Genesee County.

Hawley 'flabbergasted' by Cuomo administration's dismissal of its role in sending COVID-19 patients to nursing homes

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley is firing off at Gov. Andrew Cuomo after a recent report stated that the governor’s administration is continuing to dismiss any attempt to hold it accountable for the nursing home deaths following the acceptance of COVID-positive patients into those communities.

When the state first formally responded to the COVID outbreak back in March, the administration had COVID-positive patients sent to nursing homes once conventional beds were unavailable in hospitals; this put COVID-positive patients in close vicinity to our most vulnerable population, the elderly, without increasing health precautions in these facilities.

“I am absolutely flabbergasted that the Cuomo administration is continuing to dodge responsibility for a clear mistake made on his part,” Hawley said. “He was the one with the executive powers calling the shots since this whole ordeal started.

"He was the one who made it clear that the elderly were most at risk. He was the one who put the elderly at risk all across the state. The Governor and his team cannot escape the reality that the loss of life in these nursing homes is on them, and them alone.”

Three new COVID-19 cases reported since Thursday

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

As of 2 p.m.

  • Genesee County received three new positive case of COVID-19, for a total of 228 positive cases.
    • The positive individuals reside in Batavia, Bethany and Oakfield.
    • One of the positive individuals is in their 30s, one is in their 50s, and one is in their 70s.
    • Two of the positive individuals were not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Three of the previous community positive cases have recovered and have been released from mandatory isolation.
    • No individuals are hospitalized
  • Orleans County received zero new positive cases of COVID-19, maintaining a total of 267 positive cases.
    • Seven of the total active positive cases are hospitalized. Please note those in the hospital may be from the community or a state-regulated facility. We do not separate them out to protect their privacy.

Genesee Community College announces restart plans for fall semester

By Billie Owens

Photo taken today at GCC Batavia by Howard Owens.

Press release:

Genesee Community College unveiled a series of plans for the Fall 2020 semester to bring students back to campus in a limited capacity, while operating numerous courses through remote delivery.

The Fall 2020 plans include a blend of learning modalities featuring a robust number of online, hybrid and HyFlex classes, and all in-person instruction will follow the College's COVID-19 safety measures such as:

  • All classrooms and labs have been assessed to determine the maximum capacity while adhering to social distancing guidelines.
  • Maximizing GCC's hybrid and HyFlex learning environments that strategically combine in-person and online instruction.
  • Labs requiring face-to-face, hands-on learning will be separated in multiple sections as needed to reduce classroom density.
  • All College Village residence bedrooms will be converted to singles with one student per private room.
  • The services that students rely on, such as the Library and Tutoring and Testing Centers as well as campus study spaces will be available for use following social distancing rules.
  • Dining services will open but will focus on single-serve items and takeout items.
  • While some programs and activities will look different in the Fall semester, GCC is committed to providing a vibrant student engagement experience for all students.

"We will remain vigilant throughout the duration of this pandemic, continuously monitoring health conditions and working to mitigate the spread of the virus," James M. Sunser, Ed.D., president of GCC said. "The hard work and cooperation of everyone today helps ensure we remain healthy and safe tomorrow and can have a successful academic year."

Some Employees Return to Batavia Campus this Week

College officials are currently gearing up to welcome back staff and faculty on a reduced capacity as well, beginning today (July 6).

"The past four months have been an extraordinarily challenging time. There are so many moving parts in a college campus that I must commend our campus community who have teamed up to maintain as many critical services as possible, allowing us to be prepared for this fall," Sunser said. "This included modifying workflows, teaching and working remotely, learning and introducing new technologies, and sometimes discovering new efficiencies or new opportunities, such as our Virtual Commencement Ceremony. It is no accident that GCC continues to have no documented positive cases of COVID-19, a true testament to our collective commitment to strategically tackle this crisis."

Employees received a five-page "Welcome Back" guideline outlining all the new facets of working on campus that includes social distancing, mask wearing and multiple steps to reduce the density of the campus population. The most salient features of the Reopening Plan include but are not limited to:

  • Only employees with a valid ID are allowed on campus at this time.
  • All persons will be given a brief verbal screening about their physical health and an infrared, touch-free temperature reading by a member of the College's Health or Campus Safety Office, who will have the authority to deny access to anyone deemed at risk for the COVID-19 virus.
  • Many departments are staggering summer staffing to reduce GCC population density.
  • Maintain a six-foot distance from other people at all times, avoid physical contact such as handshakes, and wear a face mask in all shared spaces.
  • Most meetings will continue to be held remotely and many areas of the College will remain closed this summer, such as dining services, as they are prepared for fall configuration.
  • GCC's Buildings and Grounds Department will be cleaning and disinfecting common areas and frequently touched surfaces throughout each day, and each department and individual will be asked to clean and disinfect individual workstations and equipment using College provided supplies.

GCC posts the latest updates and information on the College's COVID-19 webpage that is available from the College's homepage on its main website,

NY Sea Grant offers 'for-hire' boating industry with decals to encourage clean & safe practices during COVID-19

By Billie Owens

Submitted image and press release:

Oswego -- New York Sea Grant (NYSG) is providing New York State's freshwater marine industry for-hire boating sector with a series of six decals to encourage public compliance with boating-specific COVID-19 safety precautions.

The outreach is part of the 2020 edition of NYSG's nationally recognized Discover Clean and Safe Boating campaign. 

The decals will adhere to boat surfaces to note "Mask Required," "Use Sanitizer," "Wear It" with a life jacket symbol, and "Keep Personal Belongings Personal"; others have a blank line to write a name with an erasable marker to designate person-specific areas aboard the vessel for each individual's fishing pole or diving gear.

There is no cost for the decals for qualified for-hire boating businesses.

The captains or business owners of charter services, boat rentals, tour boats, and boats for-hire for leisure cruising, fishing, or diving in New York State may request decals by emailing business name, postal address, and telephone number to Details will be returned on the number of each style of decal available while supplies last.

Printable templates of the decals are available to download for print-on-demand  

"This new outreach for 2020 is aimed at maintaining the opportunity to be on New York's fabulous boating waters for both the public and the marine industry that is an essential economic driver for our coastal communities," said New York Sea Grant Coastal Recreation and Tourism specialist Dave White. "This project draws inspiration from a marine industry theme from the 1990s that fits today: 'Boating in New York is good, clean fun... let's keep it that way.' "

For additional information on boating in New York in 2020, with CDC and New York State COVID-19 guidelines, and a link to the Marine Retailers Association of the Americas' Guide to Operating Your Boat Business Safely during COVID-19, visit

Byron-Bergen HS Class of 2020: They are proof -- 'There's nothing you can't do'

By Billie Owens

Above, a Byron-Bergen senior from the Class of 2020 wears his pride on his cap and with good reason.

Press release:

Bergen -- On Sunday, June 28, the Byron-Bergen Central School District's Class of 2020 crossed the stage on the high school track and received their diplomas.

Their senior year had not turned out as anticipated because of the coronavirus pandemic but, despite the necessary accommodations for social distancing and crowd size, the ceremony marked the end of high school with traditional pomp and circumstance.

“I’m really excited,” said senior Amaya Gunther. “I’m glad we could have an actual ceremony because I know a lot of schools couldn’t. We’re thankful.”

In order to meet New York State requirements on graduation ceremonies, the event took place outside, socially distanced, and in two groups. The first half of the alphabet graduated at 10 a.m. and the second half at noon.

“It’s important for our parents to see us walk across the stage,” said senior Megan Bogue.

“As teachers, one of things we always talk about wanting our students to have is perseverance,” said teacher and Senior Class advisor Nick Muhlenkamp. “This group has definitely persevered and it’s really great that we are able to honor them with a graduation ceremony.”

The ceremonies included speeches from Valedictorian Siomara Caballero, Salutatorian Justine Bloom, and a song, “The Class of 2020,” written and performed by Chloe Shuskey.

High School Principal Pat McGee, Superintendent Mickey Edwards, and Board of Education President Debra List also addressed the congregations.

In her speech, Siomara thanked community members for their support in everyday life as well as during the pandemic. She went on to discuss working toward solutions for environmental issues and social injustice.

“The nature of progress is that we build upon the work of those who came before us,” Siomara said. “We must climb to stand on the shoulders of giants in terms of racial inequalities in this country...I am excited to see how we will become the giants of tomorrow.”

Justine also touched on themes of social injustice.

“We have countless individuals who have passionately worked to improve themselves, those around them, and this community," Justine said. "Making this school and local community more active, more inclusive, and a better learning environment for impending generations.

"I see you, especially as we continue our efforts to uplift and empower minority voices...Your crucial work is the foundation of what is to come for this school.”

“This is a special group of students,” Principal McGee said. “They care about this community andthey are not shying away from big issues. I admire their courage and am inspired by their bravery.”

In his speech, he thanked the seniors. “Thank you for influencing my life. I hope I played a small part in influencing your life for the better.”

The seniors then received their diplomas, which were conferred by Board President List as they faced their community as high school graduates.

“I know that you are not the same students who walked the halls of the High School mere months ago,” Superintendent Edwards said. “You’ve changed. In the spring of your senior year, you were handed an adult burden and found yourselves equal to it. You are the Class of 2020, and you are survivors. There is nothing you can’t do. So get out there, and do it!”

“Our last year of high school was so different from what we expected it to be,” Siomara said. “Despite this era of change we’re in, we’ve adapted and rose to the challenges the world has thrown at us. I have full confidence that we will go out into the world prepared for anything, and ready to work for our goals.”

In closing her speech, Justine brought one more school tradition to the ceremony; a morning announcements' “bee” joke. “How do bees get to school? They take the school BUZZ!”

Photos by Gretchen Spittler.

Below, Valedictorian Siomara Caballero.

Below, Wyatt Sando receives diploma.

Below, Principal Pat McGee addresses the graduates.

Below, Chloe Shuskey performs her original song “The Class of 2020.”

Rochester Regional Health clarifies Cuomo's statement about free statewide testing for COVID-19

By Billie Owens

From Rochester Regional Health:

We have heard of confusion based on the announcement from Governor Andrew Cuomo this week concerning statewide COVID-19 testing being free and open to all patients. We want to clarify to the public what this means.

As per the statement on the ny.govwebsite, if you go to a New York State testing site, it is free and anyone can get tested. If you go to any other site that is not state-run, you must follow the requirements of the specific organization, hospital, company, etc. set forth as far as testing.

At Rochester Regional testing sites we are still not testing everyone. There are certain criteria.

Right now, the closest state-run (free) testing site in the area is Monroe Community College. If any individual wants to get tested, they can do so at this site for free. This is the site (locally) Governor Cuomo was referring to when he said anyone can get tested for free.

This is a fluid situation and testing requirements may change. We will update the public as needed.

Here's a link to test sites:

Please call the testing site or your health care provider before you go for testing.

If you go to a test site run by New York State, there is never any charge for your test.

If you go to a test site operated by local governments, private companies including pharmacies and medical practices or not-for-profit organizations, you are advised to check with the testing site and your insurer in advance of being tested to confirm you will not be responsible for any fees associated with your test.

Please be safe (fireworks are great only if you don’t hurt yourself). Keep your gatherings, if you have them, small and with people you know. Stay socially distanced if you can. If you are in public, wear a mask. If you don’t want to wear a mask, stay home. Wash your hands. Be kind. Have fun. Go Bills! (even if there may be no season or one we are not used to).

One new COVID-19 case reported in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

As of 2 p.m.

  • Genesee County received one new positive case of COVID-19, for a total of 225 positive cases.
    • The positive individual resides in Oakfield.
    • The positive individual is in their 20s.
    • The positive individual was on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Currently no individuals are hospitalized and no individuals have been released from mandatory quarantine.
  • Orleans County received one new positive case of COVID-19, today for a total of 267 positive cases.
    • The positive individual resides in Clarendon.
    • The positive individual is in their 50s.
    • The positive individual was not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • No individuals have been released from mandatory quarantine.
    • Seven of the total active positive cases are hospitalized. Please note those in the hospital may be from the community or a state-regulated facility. We do not separate them out to protect their privacy.

NOTE: Public health will not release an update again until Monday.

CTE students inducted into the National Technical Honor Society

By Billie Owens

Top photo: Macayla Burke (right) receives the first-place Holowach Scholarship from Jon Sanfratello, executive principal, GV BOCES Batavia Campus. Macayla is a Health Careers Academy student from Batavia City School District.

Submitted photo and press release:

The Batavia Career and Technical Education (CTE) Center is proud to announce the achievements of its seniors. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this awards ceremony event that was scheduled to be held in June was canceled.

The 25 Genesee County award winners, their programs, home schools and scholarships received, are noted below.

  • Chase Bordonaro -- Building Trades, Le Roy CSD, Home Depot Award
  • Juliana Branche -- Culinary Arts, Batavia CSD, Culinary Arts Club Award
  • Jesse Bray -- Metal Trades, Batavia CSD, Dan Bender Award
  • Alexander Brumsted -- Building Trades, Byron-Bergen CSD, Home Owner Award
  • Macayla Burke -- Health Careers Academy, Batavia CSD, Holowach Memorial Scholarship – first place
  • Casey Felski -- Building Trades, Pembroke CSD, Building Trades Alumni Award
  • Wyatt Gaus -- Culinary Arts, Batavia CSD, Batavia Rotary, Chef Russell Bugbee Memorial Award, Culinary Arts Club Award, Holowach Memorial Scholarship (Alternate), Josh Mouery Memorial Award
  • Madison Heaney -- Health Dimensions, Le Roy CSD, UMMC Clinical Excellence Award, UMMC League Award
  • Paige Haile -- Health Careers Academy, Batavia CSD, AM Highest Academic Average, Holowach Memorial Scholarship – second place
  • Nicole Hume -- Metal Trades, Alexander CSD, Dan Bender Award
  • Jacob Humes -- Health Careers Academy, Batavia CSD, AM Clinical Excellence Award
  • Noah Kutter -- Culinary Arts, Pembroke CSD, Extra Mile Award
  • Benjamin LaBombard -- Metal Trades, Le Roy CSD, Gene Haas Foundation Award
  • Kyler LaCarte -- Building Trades, Le Roy CSD, Home Depot Award
  • Benjamin Lemley -- Building Trades, Notre Dame HS, Roy H. Turnbull Memorial Award
  • Dylan Pehrson -- Building Trades, Batavia CSD, Paul Levins Memorial Award
  • Paola Perez -- Justice Academy, Oakfield-Alabama CSD, Outstanding Achievement Award
  • Emma Sallome -- Cosmetology, Batavia CSD, Cosmetology Teacher Award
  • Wyatt Sando -- Metal Trades, Byron-Bergen CSD, Don Abramo Jr. Memorial Award
  • Dan Santullo -- Health Careers Academy, Alexander CSD, PM Highest Academic Average
  • Gavin Schmidt -- Collision Custom & Restoration, Batavia CSD, Select Collision Top Gun Award
  • Lauren Schmieder -- Health Careers Academy, Alexander CSD, PM Clinical Excellence Award
  • Tyler Stevens -- Collision Custom & Restoration, Elba CSD, Car Quest Auto Body Skills Award
  • Charlotte Wright -- Animal Science, Le Roy CSD, FFA Service Scholarship
  • Braeden Zimmerman -- Collision Custom & Restoration, Byron-Bergen CSD, Car Quest Auto Body Skills Award

Currently, only four active COVID-19 cases in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

As of 2 p.m.

  • Genesee County received zero new positive cases of COVID-19, for a total of 224 positive cases.
    • Currently, no individuals are hospitalized and no individuals have been released from mandatory quarantine.
  • Orleans County received zero new positive cases of COVID-19, today for a total of 266 positive cases.
    • No individuals have been released from mandatory quarantine.
    • Seven of the total active positive cases are hospitalized. Please note those in the hospital may be from the community or a state-regulated facility. We do not separate them out to protect their privacy.

Note: In the chart of cases, Public Health reports four active/mandatory isolation cases and 43 people in mandatory community quarantine.

City, Town, County receive 80 percent of VLT allocation from New York State

By Mike Pettinella

City of Batavia, Genesee County and Town of Batavia leaders reported that they have received four-fifths of the video lottery terminal funds owed to their municipalities by New York State.

“Our VLT money came in today (Tuesday) – 80 percent of the $440,000,” said Acting City Manager Rachael Tabelski.

The City’s actual number was $440,789, so that means that $352,631 is being added to its coffers at this time.

City Council President Eugene Jankowski said that although the money doesn’t change the recently passed 2020-21 budget that calls for a 7.48 percent property tax increase, it certainly will help ease the pain.

“That’s really good news, actually,” Jankowski said. “The budget is fixed – we’re set with that – but the additional money will help to offset some of the damage done by the COVID-19 situation.  It offsets some of the loss of sales tax revenue and other income because of the virus.”

Jankowski said City officials are expecting a 30 percent loss of income due to the pandemic, but he’s hoping it’s not quite that bad.

“I’m looking forward to see the June numbers to see if we’re continuing in a positive direction,” he noted.

Tabelski said the VLT funds generated at Batavia Downs Gaming aren’t enough to alter the City’s ultra-conservative approach as it deals with COVID-19.

“It still doesn’t change our austerity budget planning,” she said. “We can’t open up the flood gates in spending.”

Tabelski said that management created a COVID austerity plan several weeks ago, halting purchases, travel and training and instituting a hiring freeze to decrease expenses. The City did not furlough employees, but did lay off part-time employees, including those who ran the summer youth program.

“A victim of that (hiring freeze) was our summer youth program,” she said. “We have 150 kids throughout the city that come in – and from the town -- to utilize the parks. That was a hard decision, but in light of COVID and not knowing the social distancing, it also made it an easy decision.”

In March, City Council passed its 2020-21 budget with the tax increase based on the assumption that the state would be withholding the VLT money. The board appealed to Albany and solicited the support of Assemblyman Stephen Hawley and Sen. Michael Ranzenhofer.

Reached today by telephone, Hawley said that Gov. Andrew Cuomo released “what he believes he can do to remain solvent (80 percent) … as it is directly tied to the horrific situation that we’re in.”

Still, he says that if the economy recovers or federal stimulus money is forwarded to the state, the other 20 percent of the VLT money should be given to the municipalities.

Hawley said that he hopes newly-elected Congressman Chris Jacobs would fight for federal funds for municipalities. He also blamed Cuomo for the state’s financial dilemma.

“The State of New York hasn’t been managed smoothly in terms of balancing the budget,” he said. “He (Cuomo) entered with $6.2 billion deficit going into his 2020-21 budget and now that COVID is upon us, the (deficit) numbers from the governor doubles and quadruples. Some states have been run in a prudent fashion and others have not – with New York State being one of them.”

Batavia Town Supervisor Gregory Post said that the Town will be getting $128,310 in VLT funds – 80 percent of the full amount of $160,388.

“We are constantly fighting an uphill battle for them (state leaders) to perform the way they expect us to perform,” Post said.

Genesee County Treasurer Scott German said that $160,313 has been received. That also is 80 percent of the county’s full allocation of $200,392.

GC Airport to get $126K in FAA funds for safety and improvement projects

By Billie Owens

Press release:

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer and U.S. Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand today announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has awarded $691,000 in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funds to Greater Rochester International Airport, Perry-Warsaw Airport, and Genesee County Airport.

The senators said that the funding will be used for a variety of airport safety and quality improvement projects, including extending taxiways, constructing snow removal equipment, and removing non-hazard obstructions

“Air travel in and out of the greater Rochester region is vital to the connectivity and success of the regional economy, which is why, as the region reopens after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical that we provide the funding necessary to keep the airports safe and efficient,” Senator Schumer said. “I’m proud to deliver this funding and will continue to fight to make sure Rochester has the help it needs to revive and thrive.”

“As communities in New York prepare to reopen, this critical funding will help local airports in the greater Rochester region provide high-quality and safe travel experiences,” Senator Gillibrand said. “This funding is key to ensuring the continued economic stability and success of this region. I will continue fighting for the resources our airports across New York need to safely reopen, rebuild, and transition into a post-coronavirus era.”

Specifically, Greater Rochester International Airport will receive $100,000, Perry-Warsaw Airport will receive $465,000, and Genesee County Airport will receive $126,000. A portion of the funding to each airport comes from FAA CARES Act grants, which Schumer had a direct hand in negotiating.

Less than 3 percent of Genesee County residents tested have COVID-19 antibodies

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

 Antibody Testing: This is a current snapshot of the SARS-CoV-2 antibody test results both departments have received and will be updated periodically, but not daily.

  • Genesee County: Of the 1,589 antibody test results received, there were 46 who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) antibodies.
  • Orleans County: Of the 687 antibody test results received, there were 17 who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) antibodies.

Since last week there has been one new positive for antibodies for Genesee County and zero new positives for Orleans County of the SARS-CoV-2 antibody test results received.

GLOW YMCA strives to serve community affected by COVID-19 in new ways

By Billie Owens

Press release:

GLOW YMCA: Serving our communities in new ways

Since 1889, the GLOW YMCA has served our community to meet changing needs. Today the needs are urgent, as COVID-19 and unavailability of community services affects families, seniors and individuals regionally and globally.

Our doors may be temporarily closed, but our mission work continues.

As our staff team has been working to address youth development, healthy living and social responsibility needs in our community, the Y has anticipated a greater need for financial assistance when we are able to reopen.

Last year, the GLOW YMCA gave $227,861 in financial assistance and we will continue to support families and individuals who have been out of work and have experienced a significant loss of income so they are able to receive our services.


Connecting with Seniors: YMCA staff have reached out to our members, making sure they have the resources they need. We are providing moments of connection for this vulnerable population, and combating the negative affects of social isolation.

Virtual Wellness Support: We are providing online wellness content to help people of all ages and abilities stay active from the safety of their homes. Staying active will be critical to emotional and physical health during a stressful time.

Community Resource: We will continue to answer the call from partners to serve as a resource for blood drives, food drives, volunteer support, and more.


Emergency Child Care: As schools and child care centers closed, we transitioned our facilities to provide emergency child care for children of essential personnel so that they can focus on keeping our communities moving forward and safe.

Summer Camp: As we transition into summer camp, our program will help bridge the education gap along with giving the opportunity to explore nature, find new talents, try new activities, gain independence, and make lasting friendships and memories. And, of course, it’s fun too.


Preparing for Reopening. Our facilities team is taking full advantage of a completely empty building to increase safety for when members can return, including reconfiguring equipment so people can workout at a safe distance.

At the Y, our mission is to develop the spiritual, mental and physical wellness of all people in an atmosphere of Christian Fellowship. We look forward to opening back up safely for the public but our teams will continue to work to serve our community.


Two recovered cases, no new cases of COVID-19 in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

As of 2 p.m.

  • Genesee County received zero new positive cases of COVID-19, for a total of 224 positive cases.
    • Two of the previous community active positives have recovered and have been releases
  • Orleans County received zero new positive cases of COVID-19 today, for a total of 266 positive cases.
    • One of the previous community positive cases has recovered and has been released from mandatory isolation.
    • Seven of the total active positive cases are hospitalized. Please note those in the hospital may be from the community or a state-regulated facility. We do not separate them out to protect their privacy.

Video: Pavilion HS Class of 2020: 'When Life Gives You Lemons Eat Them'

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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At the end of the school year of pandemic, Pavilion High School graduated 29 seniors at the Silver Lake Drive-in Perry on Sunday.

Owen Kane Sidhu was the Salutatorian and Brett Lubberts was the Valedictorian. The commencement address was delivered by Superintendent Kenneth Ellison, who will retire in the fall.

Country music artist Brew Baldridge sang "Senior Year" and "Middle of Nowhere Kids."

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