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Steve Hawley

Hawley urges action, passage of 'Brittany's Law' during Domestic Violence Awareness Month

By Billie Owens

From Assemblyman Steve Hawley's office:

In conjunction with October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is urging action on a number of measures to protect victims, help those who are in danger achieve safety and security and punish those who commit this terrible crime. 

During 2017, Hawley hosted one of many statewide forums in Batavia that brought together law enforcement, victims and their family members and advocates to share their stories and discuss ways to end the epidemic of domestic violence. As a result the Assembly Minority Conference issued a full report that takes an in-depth look at the issue and legislative solutions. 

 “Domestic violence is an atrocity that leaves a trail of heartache and devastation for friends, family members and the community long after abuse has taken place,” Hawley said. “It is our responsibility this month to bring awareness to this public health crisis and help victims find safety and security.”  

Some of the recommendations outlined in the report include:

  • Providing financial assistance and relief to victims seeking alternative housing or living in a shelter to escape their abuse;
  • Declaring domestic violence a statewide public health crisis;
  • Creation of a new “Domestic Violence in the Presence of a Child” crime with harsher penalties for abusers;
  • Allowing domestic violence victims to obtain emergency panic buttons through local law enforcement or social services; and
  • Freeing up law enforcement to arrest more abusers and keep victims safe.

Furthermore, Hawley is renewing calls to pass Brittany’s Law – legislation supported by both Democrats and Republicans that would create a public registry for violent felony offenders.

“It is truly a disgrace that legislation like this, aimed at saving lives and preventing domestic violence, sits idly in Albany despite having bipartisan support,” Hawley continued. “Individuals sometimes become romantically involved with a partner who has a troubled past but chose to hide it.

"This bill would make violent felons known to the public so as to prevent tragedy of those close to them. I will continue to push for a vote on Brittany’s Law as we prepare for session this winter.”

Hawley: Downstate attacks charities with proposed firearm raffle ban

By Billie Owens

From Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

In response to Assembly Bill 1413, which outlaws firearms as prizes in games of chance, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has vocally opposed this legislation as another example of Downstate government overreach.

Firearm raffles are an important source of funding for community activities and many local organizations, specifically fire departments, use the funds generated by these raffles to support the department and purchase equipment used to protect the community.

The legislation is authored by Jo Anne Simon, a Democrat from Brooklyn and sponsored by over a dozen New York City Democrats.  

“The widening disconnect between Downstate politicians and Upstate matters is alarming,” Hawley said. “It is the not the place of legislators in New York City to determine laws that significantly affect upstate affairs.

"Law-abiding gun owners have been subjected to increased regulations and harmful laws that blatantly violate their Second Amendment rights, and banning firearms as raffle prizes is yet another example.”

The standards of gun ownership do not change whether it’s purchased from a licensed dealer or won in a raffle. In order to claim possession, one must still pass the background checks and have the necessary permits. 

“Gun ownership is a proud and storied tradition in Western New York,” Hawley said. “It is not the business of city legislators to infringe on your constitutional rights and ultimately hurt our local charitable organizations.”

Hawley lauds Breast Cancer Awareness Month, says early detection and education saves lives

By Billie Owens

From Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

In honor of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is calling on individuals to embrace education and early detection as primary mechanisms to fight the disease.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, breast cancer is the second-most common cancer among women in the United States and at the top of new cancer cases reported in New York in 2016. 

“As we all come together to emphasize our constant fight against breast cancer this month, it is critical to impart on the public that early detection is the key to beating this disease,” Hawley said.

“There are countless state and local programs, support groups and resources available to the public including through the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester (BCCR) as well as a free screening program that is part of state law to cover ineligible or uninsured women.” 

For more information on the state program or to find a screening location, click here.

On Oct. 23, BCCR will host its annual “Lives Touched, Lives Celebrated” event which pays tribute to all the women and men who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and includes a candlelight walk, music and poetry. For more information, visit

Night at the Races fundraiser for Steve Hawley is Oct. 18, RSVP by Oct. 10, sponsorships available

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley, the New York State Deputy Minority leader, invites you to join him for his fundraiser -- the 12th Annual Night at the Races -- at 6 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 18 at Batavia Downs Gaming & Hotel.

It is located at 8315 Park Road in Batavia.

Cost is $80 per guest or $150 per couple and includes a two-hour open bar, special dinner buffet and $20 Free Play per person.

Sponsorship Opportunities:

  • $1,000 TRIPLE CROWN LEVEL: 10 tickets, race named for sponsor, special gift, tote board and program recognition, group picture with “Triple Crown” race winner and Assemblyman Hawley;
  • $800 KENTUCKY DERBY LEVEL: 8 tickets, program recognition, group picture with “Kentucky Derby” race winner and Assemblyman Hawley;
  • $600 BELMONT STAKES LEVEL: 6 Tickets, program recognition, group picture with “Belmont Stakes” race winner and Assemblyman Hawley;
  • $400 PREAKNESS STAKES LEVEL: 4 tickets, program recognition.

Please RSVP by Oct.10th -- call 585-356-0686.

Please consider supporting Assemblyman Hawley by attending the Night at the Races event. Please RSVP to the event with your name(s), address, number of attendees along with a check made payable to : 

Friends of Steve Hawley

7768 Oatka Trail

Le Roy, NY 14482

Hawley calls publicly funded political campaigns a 'disastrous idea'

By Billie Owens

A statement by Assemblyman Steve Hawley on the proposed Public Finance and Elections Commission:

“The decision by Downstate Majority lawmakers to create a Public Finance and Elections Commission will have disastrous effects on both campaign ethics and taxpayers’ wallets. 

“Instead of diverting this to an outside panel, a decision of this magnitude should be debated and voted on with the input of the public. This should go through the legislative process; lawmakers must take responsibility for unpopular decisions, instead of washing their hands when something isn’t politically salient. 

“There is no justification for financing political campaigns on taxpayers’ dollars. The tax burden New Yorkers are subject to is ridiculous. The state was just ranked the third-least tax-friendly state in the country, and decisions like creating a Public Finance and Election commission are exactly why. 

“Instead of allocating tax dollars to fund political campaigns, the money should go to statewide improvements in infrastructure, such as clean drinking water and repairing deteriorating bridges and roads.

“I stand with my colleagues who have spoken out against this constitutional violation and abuse of power. The best interest of taxpayers has been put on the back burner for far too long.”

Hawley and his 12th annual Patriot Trip crew are busy sightseeing

By Billie Owens

Submitted photos and press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) departed to Washington, D.C., for his 12th annual Patriot Trip last week.

Hawley, local veterans and their family members will visit a host of famous military memorials in the area of the nation's capital.

The group left from Batavia Downs at 7 a.m. last Thursday and will spend four days visiting historical sites such as Arlington National Cemetery, the Capitol rotunda and the Vietnam War Memorial to name a few.

The group made a stop in Gettysburg, Pa., to visit the Civil War battlefield, and then headed to the Air Force Memorial in Arlington County, Va.

“I’m eager to embark on this journey with some of our finest veterans,” Hawley said. “This trip is consistently one of the highlights of my year.

"I’m grateful to spend time with our heroes and visit some of the most important sites in our nation’s history.”

Veterans headed to DC with Steve Hawley

By Howard B. Owens

This morning, for the 12th time in as many years, a group of veterans departed with Assemblyman Steve Hawley from the parking lot of Batavia Downs for Hawley's annual Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C.  

The veterans will visit historic monuments in Washington.

Pictured with Hawley are Jim Freas, of Medina, and George Bakeman, of Albion.

UPDATED: Cuomo scraps plans for charging fees to replace old license plates; Hawley and Ranzenhofer are happy

By Billie Owens

A statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“I am proud to have fought against this unnecessary cash grab, and New Yorkers should be proud their voices and objections to this theft disguised as a necessity were heard. 

“This victory against tyranny and manipulation shows the governor and his Downstate puppets that if it’s your money they want, they better have good reason for it. The wallets of hard-working taxpayers have been bled dry for long enough.

“Gov. Cuomo’s decision to scrap his latest tax grab is a resounding triumph for taxpayers. The decision to instigate a $25 fee for new license plates, that cost no more than a few dollars to make, was an unfair and greedy money grab to fund the state’s lavish spending.

“The tax burden the people of New York are subject to already is preposterous. A state with $175 billion in tax revenue can easily afford to replace these plates without taking the hard-earned money from your pockets.

“I will continue to fight to keep your hard-earned money where it belongs. I devote myself to protecting the middle class against any unfair cash grabs, taxes or fees.”

UPDATE -- Late this afternoon, Senator Michael Ranzenhofer issued a statement about the issue:

The governor's license plate replacement plan hit a roadblock; facing a backlash, Cuomo put the brakes on his license plate replacement plan.

After weeks of defending his proposal to require the replacement of license plates over 10 years old, the Governor has decided not to move forward with the plan. The Governor and DMV had proposed requiring the replacement of all license plates over 10 years old.

As part of his mandatory replacement program, residents would be required to pay $25 for the new license plate and an additional $20 if they wished to keep their same plate number.

I voted against the legislation to allow for this charge when it passed in 2009 and I oppose the Governor’s most recent plan. In fact, I cosponsor legislation to prohibit charging additional fees for license plate replacements.

Perhaps most frustrating was the implication by the Governor that these charges were required when the law clearly gives authority to the Executive to charge less or waive the fee completely as has been done the last 10 years.

Facing tremendous backlash from myself and other representatives and overwhelming public opposition, the Governor announced that he would no longer require replacement. However, it remains unclear if he still plans to keep the proposed fee structure in place.  I assure you that I will continue to monitor this situation closely.

As I have stated many times before, New York State is simply too expensive and nickel-and-dime fees such as the Governor’s License Plate Tax only make matters worse. We should be advancing proposals that make New York more affordable – not increasing costs to support unsustainable spending.

See The Batavian's previous post about the license plate replacement fees here.

For the proposal as announced last month by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, click here.

Hawley on 9/11: 'For a moment our freedom was compromised'

By Billie Owens

A statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“On a day just like today 18 years ago, our nation came under attack. Nearly 3,000 citizens, firefighters and police officers, began their mornings just like any other. On that day they tragically lost their lives.

“No one could imagine the events that transpired that September morning, and for a moment our freedom was compromised.

“An attack intended to break our spirits and devastate our nation, in our darkest hour faced with pure evil, Americans responded with bravery and courage. An effort to tear us apart only brought us closer together.

“Today we hold the ones we love a little tighter, we remember those we lost and we honor those who gave everything to protect our freedom. 

“The memory of September 11, 2001 will remain in our hearts forever, but the strength and resiliency that defines this country will always prevail in the face of darkness.

“We will never forget.”

Hawley: DOT scraps planned roundabout at Route 77 and Ledge Road in favor of blinking red and yellow lights

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that the state Department of Transportation (DOT) has reversed its decision to construct a roundabout at the dangerous intersection of State Route 77 and Ledge Road in the Town of Alabama in favor of a blinking yellow light on Route 77 and a blinking red light on Ledge Road.

The busy intersection is known to be very treacherous, having become a common site for traffic accidents, and is routinely used by tractor-trailers and farm vehicles as a gateway to the western portions of the state.

The Alabama Town Board recently passed a resolution opposing the construction of a roundabout for myriad reasons including cost, the need to build onto nearby private property, and the likelihood accidents would continue.

Hawley backed the town board’s opposition to the roundabout and twice requested that the DOT consider different alternatives to the proposed roundabout. 

“Although I am pleased that the state DOT deferred to the concerns of local citizens and the town board in this case, I hope and pray that all residents take the dangers surrounding this intersection seriously and heed all traffic signals and devices,” Hawley said.

“The proposed roundabout would have cost nearly $1.8 million in taxpayer money, whereas the new lights will cost less than $100,000 and be infinitely less intrusive to nearby residents’ properties and daily commuters. The citizens of Alabama know what works best for their community and I will happily stand behind their decision.”

Hawley's voter survey: lack of support for legal pot, 'Red Flag' laws, but do favor splitting NY in half

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on Friday released the results of his 2019 Legislative Survey, which contained more than 2,200 responses from residents of all ages and party affiliations across Genesee, Orleans and Monroe counties.

The survey, conducted earlier this summer, covered topics such as gun control, dividing New York into two separate states, single-payer health care, abortion, farm worker unionization and plastic bag bans, among other topics. 

To take the survey, go to

“Listening to our constituents’ concerns and questions is the prime responsibility we have as lawmakers and this survey proves, above all else, that most Western New Yorkers in my district are not supportive of the radical progressive policies coming out of Albany,” Hawley said.

“Things like giving pay raises to incarcerated felons and enacting a state takeover of healthcare are so far removed from the needs of millions of New Yorkers it continues to baffle me how they are considered top priorities by many downstate lawmakers.

"I look forward to continue traveling my district this fall and sharing these survey results with my neighbors as we gear up for next year’s session and lawmakers begin to formulate their legislative platforms.”

Highlights of Assemblyman Hawley’s Legislative Survey:

Do you support Assemblyman Hawley's "Two New Yorks" proposal (A.1687-a) that would create a non-binding ballot question of "Should New York be divided into two states?" (2,145 responses)

  • YES    80.2%
  • NO      19.8%

What do you think is the best way to grow New York's economy? (2,090 responses)

  • Cut taxes on small businesses                                                           62.6%
  • Lucrative tax breaks for out of state companies                                 3.3%
  • Have government take over certain sectors like health care              4.1%
  • Investment in infrastructure                                                                30%

Recreational marijuana is legal in 10 states and is being considered in New York. Do you support legalizing adult-use recreational marijuana? (2,169 responses)

  • YES    29.6%
  • NO      70.4%

Should immigrants who have not become citizens be allowed to obtain a New York State driver's license? (2,170 responses)

  • YES    13%
  • NO      87%

Should taxpayers fund an increase to the minimum wage for inmates in state prisons? (2,172 responses)

  • YES    6.6%
  • NO      93.4%

Do you support Assemblyman Hawley's call for an armed 'School Resource Officer' in every school in New York State? (2,140 responses)

  • YES    76.2%
  • NO      23.8%

Do you support a repeal of the NY-Safe Act? (2,085 responses)

  • YES    75.8%
  • NO      24.2%

Do you support allowing farm workers to unionize? (2,067 responses)

  • YES    33.5%
  • NO      66.5%

Hawley cosponsors bill to protect consumers from NY license plate 'money grab'

By Billie Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is joining fellow legislators in cosponsoring a bill that will protect New York state drivers from Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposed $25 mandated fee on new license plates.

The legislation, introduced last week by Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb, would prohibit the state Department of Motor Vehicles from requiring a fee when the design of the state license plate is changed.

“This is yet another hidden ‘money grab’ coming from the governor’s office,” Hawley said. “Cuomo has no problem wasting taxpayer dollars on new signs for his father’s bridge and undocumented immigrants, but loves to shake down the taxpayers for every cent of their hard-earned paychecks.”

Last week, the governor announced that license plates older than 10 years old will be subjected to the new replacement requirement. The governor’s plan imposes a mandated $25 fee, which is the maximum allowed by law for new plates, on top of the already-burdensome registration renewal costs. Drivers who want to keep their license plate number will also be forced to pay an extra $20 under his proposal.

According to Cuomo's plan: beginning April 1, 2020, through the plate replacement program, as customers renew their vehicle registrations over the next two years, those with license plates that are 10 years old or older will be issued new plates. The current $25 license plate replacement fee will be added to the cost of the vehicle owner's registration renewal. Customers may also keep their current license plate number for an additional $20 fee. Plate issuance begins for both original issuance and renewals on April 1.

The plate replacement program is part of the governor's efforts to modernize New York's transportation system. There is also a vote being taken by the governor's office for the new winning design among five that are proposed. Voting is underway now through Sept. 2.

In addition to whichever new design is chosen, there are 200 custom designs offered by the NY DMV.

For more information about the plate replacement program, click here.

(Image provided by Steve Hawley's office.)

Hawley's farm tour reveals concerns with farm labor bill

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) toured several farms in Genesee, Orleans and Monroe counties yesterday, speaking with farm owners and employees on their concerns and trepidations with the recently passed the Farm Labor Bill.

Hawley is the former owner and operator of his family’s farm in Batavia, a longtime member of the Assembly Agriculture Committee and past President of the Genesee County Farm Bureau.

“I want to thank all the farm owners and their families for having me on a tour of their facilities,” Hawley said.

“I understand how detrimental these new labor regulations can be to our agriculture sector and I will be pushing very hard to have a seat at the table for the Commissioner of Agriculture and Farm Bureau members on the new wage board.”

  “As a former farm operator, it was great to meet so many dedicated families that are driving New York’s agricultural sector here in Western New York,” Hawley said.

“A consistent theme at all of the farms we visited was the new labor regulations pushed by Downstate politicians and their detrimental effect on family farms throughout the state. Many owners are concerned about labor shortage during an already short growing season and the possibility of migrant workers leaving to earn more money in other states.”

Photo: Assemblyman Hawley on his first stop of the farm tour at CY Farms in Elba, a second- and third-generation family farm where sod, spinach, corn and onions are grown.

Minor family donates power wheelchair to Crossroads House and Navy vet benefits from the gift

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

When Lucy Minor stopped by Crossroads House to donate a power wheelchair used by her late husband, Travis, Executive Director Jeff Allen knew there was a value to it far greater than a resale price.

“Some donations are meant to be shared, not sold,” Allen said.

He then reached out to Genesee County Interagency Council, a network of local agencies, which immediately made use of their email network to spread the word.

LeeAnn Mullen contacted Crossroads House to put them in touch with 94-year-old Navy veteran Henry Kisiel, who is contemplating joining Assemblyman Steve Hawley on his 12th Annual Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C., next month.

Kisiel hopes the wheelchair will help overcome some of the logistical obstacles of making the trip.

Assemblyman Hawley joined members of the Minor family who delivered the wheelchair to Kisiel on Monday afternoon.

Kiesel noted that he and Steve’s father served on the Town of Batavia Board together many years ago.

Representative Hawley said that seats are still available for the Sept. 19-22 trip and any veterans interested can inquire by calling Hawley’s office at 585-589-5780.

Pictured are Henry Kisiel in his new chair, along with Steve Hawley, Maddie Minor, Jeff Allen and Mike Minor.

Seats still available for Hawley's annual patriot trip to Washington in September

By Billie Owens

Press release: 

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that seats are still available for his annual Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C., which will take place Sept. 19 – 22.

This will mark the 12th year Hawley has hosted the trip which allows local veterans and their family members to visit a host of famous military memorials in the Washington, D.C., area. 

The group will be staying in the newly redesigned Bethesda Marriott Hotel, located near downtown Bethesda, Md., featuring an outdoor pool, fitness center, the new M Club Lounge and multiple dining and drink options on premises. Check in will be on Sept. 19 and check out will be Sept. 22.

Anyone is now permitted to sign up, although priority will still be given to residents of the 139th Assembly District. The approximate cost of the trip is $400 per person and that includes meals, transportation and admission to the memorials.

**Those planning to visit the White House must sign up before July 30.

Attractions Hawley plans to visit this year on the trip include:

  • White House (Must sign up before July 30)
  • Gettysburg
  • Capitol
  • Air Force Memorial
  • Pentagon / 911 Memorial
  • World War II Memorial
  • Korean Memorial
  • Vietnam Memorial
  • Stephen F. Udvar Hazy Museum
  • Arlington National Cemetery
  • Wreath Laying Ceremony at Tomb of the Unknowns

If you or a veteran you know want more information about this year’s Patriot Trip XII, please call 585-589-5780 or email To view photos from previous years, use the following link:

Hawley wishes everyone a Happy Independence Day

By Billie Owens

A Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on the  Fouth of July holiday:

“The Fourth of July, our nation’s birthday, is a crucial reminder of the day our founders declared us free from British rule and thus an independent and self-governing nation. Although a bold and unprecedented move by American colonialists, it paved the way for springs of freedom and self-determination to erupt all over the globe – ushering in a wave of democracy.

“Our founding fathers, the patriots who forged our nation through a crucible of revolution, knew that the will of men and women to live free, govern themselves and choose their own destiny was undeniable and worth any sacrifice they may endure.

“Contemporarily, Independence Day is a time when citizens come together unified as Americans to celebrate their freedom and enjoy the privileges that come under our nation’s governance. We spend time with friends and family, enjoy barbeques, fly our flags and, of course, watch fireworks. 

“Throughout this weekend’s celebrations let us not take for granted the tremendous sacrifices paid by our veterans to preserve America’s freedom and the countless service members deployed across the globe who will not be with their families this holiday. Please take time to thank a veteran or service member in your life this weekend for their role in protecting our nation.

“The fight for liberty and justice is never complete; and as Americans it is our duty to remember and cherish our independence. It is a day to celebrate our freedom, our country, our triumphs and to remember all those men and women who have served our nation and who have made the ultimate sacrifice in pursuit of those ideals. 

“Although this holiday is a joyous occasion, I encourage everyone to stay safe and to celebrate responsibly with family and friends. Happy Independence Day!”

Hawley: Disappointing year but last-minute negotiations yield positive results

By Billie Owens

A statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on the conclusion of the 2019 Legislative Session:

“While it is fair to say that radical left-wing forces used this year’s Legislature in favor of seemingly everyone but the law-abiding middle-class, end of session negotiations yielding a $100 million relief package for Lake Ontario flood victims, an expansion of the State and Municipal Facilities program to aid local governments, such as shoreline communities, and a reinstatement of our Extreme Winter Recovery Funds – used to repave and revamp damaged roads and highways.

“We fought diligently to expose the malfeasance behind the agenda of dDownstate politicians this year who pushed driver’s licenses for illegals, easing of marijuana laws and a slew of protections for criminals and those accused of crimes. 

“Despite these challenges, I am honored to have led the fight to protect our Gold Star families and ensure spouses and dependents of deceased military heroes receive the benefits they deserve. 

“I look forward to attending countless community events, meetings and functions this summer and fall – talking and listening to constituents and building a better understanding of their needs and desires to start 2020 off better than ever.”

Steve Hawley laments Assembly passage of farm labor bill, Senate vote is next

By Billie Owens

A Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on passage of the Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act:

“As the former owner and operator of our family farm for decades, I know these new mandates will devastate New York’s family farms and disrupt the industry beyond repair – an industry that generates $4.8 billion in annual revenue. 

“Agriculture is a unique industry where production and success are contingent upon steady and reliable labor, and implementing more handcuffs on our farm owners and restricting the availability of that labor while increasing its costs will be devastating. 

“Furthermore, mandating time-and-a-half overtime pay for any hours over 60 in a week is just not practical. Our farmers are constantly fighting flooding, drought and unpredictable weather patterns that often require unpredictable work hours, which is ultimately necessary to achieve success in the business. 

“What’s more troubling is the establishment of a new board, headed by big-labor special interests, to further examine farm labor. The board wrongly excludes the Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets and will undoubtedly heap mandate upon mandate and cost upon cost upon our family farms. We need to leave this industry alone and allow the farmers themselves, many of whom have been perfecting their craft for generations, to run their businesses as they see fit without government intrusion. 

“New York City lawmakers have been behind this legislation from the beginning. Shocking, considering there are virtually no family farms in New York City. It’s an authoritarian overreach to dictate one of Upstate’s cornerstone industries from the towers and skyscrapers of the big city – another reason we need to consider my ‘Two New Yorks’ legislation. 

“I voted no on these big government farm mandates and will always stand with the tried and true producers of Western New York before Downstate lawmakers.”

Hawley introduced World War II vets on Assembly Floor last Friday

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) [center] introduces several veterans of World War II on the Assembly Floor last Friday.

Submitted photo and press release:

Coinciding with the legislature’s celebration of Flag Day and the founding of the Army, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) had the honor of introducing many veterans of World War Two on the Assembly Floor on Friday.

“World War II veterans, ‘The Greatest Generation’ are an elite and special group and it is important to frequently recognize and cherish their role in defending America’s freedom,” Hawley said. “Many of these brave young men and women volunteered, sometimes lying about their age in order to answer the call of duty.

"Their courage and bravery helped shape and preserve American exceptionalism, and it was truly an honor to introduce and meet with them in Albany.”

Hawley, a veteran of the Ohio Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserves, is the son of a World War II veteran himself, R. Stephen Hawley, who fought in Burma as part of Merrill’s Marauders.

Hawley also hosts an annual trip to Washington, D.C., each September, the Patriot Trip, joining local veterans and their families on a tour of our nation’s military and political monuments.

Hawley honors Medal of Honor recipient David Bellavia of Batavia

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Coinciding with the 244th Anniversary of the United State Army, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) had the privilege of unanimously passing an Assembly Resolution Thursday in Albany honoring Staff Sergeant David Bellavia for receiving the Medal of Honor. The honor will be presented to him by President Trump on June 25.

Staff Sgt. Bellavia, who was born in Albion and lives in Batavia, will become the first living Iraq War veteran to receive the Medal of Honor after bravely rescuing his entire squad who had become trapped during the Battle of Fallujah. He then proceeded to engage the enemy, killing four and wounding a fifth, which ultimately led to the safety of three squads of the Third Platoon.

“Staff Sgt. David Bellavia is a true example of the American courage, bravery and heroics that have forged our great nation and he is beyond deserving of this tremendous honor,” Hawley said.

“His willingness to put the lives and protection of others above himself during the Iraq War’s most intense battle is a priceless act of selflessness to which we should all emulate and, for that, he is an American hero. I am honored to recognize Staff Sgt. Bellavia for his service to our nation and thank him for his sacrifices in protecting our country and its citizens.”

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