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Steve Hawley

Hawley commemorates 244th birthday of the Army

By Billie Owens

A statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley commemorating the founding of the Army.

“For nearly two and a half centuries the U.S. Army has courageously served our country. On June 14, 1775 the Continental Congress established the United Continental Army under the command of General George Washington to serve the United Colonies for a year.

“Today, we celebrate the 244th birthday of the Army and in doing so celebrate the heroic sacrifices of all the men and women who have served in defense of our freedom and liberty. Across the nation we recognize and honor the more than 1 million active members of the unified Army and the 180,000 Army soldiers and personnel deployed overseas.

“I am proud to have served in the Ohio Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserves, reaching the rank of First Lieutenant, while always remembering my father, a World War Two veteran who fought as a member of Merrill’s Marauders in Burma.

“Loyalty, duty and selfless-service have characterized the Army since its inception. From the beaches of Normandy to the rolling hills of Afghanistan and Iraq, we bear in mind the brave men and women who have generously sacrificed so much for our country. In the spirit of solemn thanksgiving and praise, we wish a happy birthday to the U.S. Army.”

Hawley: Flag Day is reminder of our 'struggles and triumphs' as a nation

By Billie Owens

A statement on Flag Day from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“Today’s annual celebration of Flag Day is a reminder of the traditions, history, pride and respect given to the nation's symbol, Old Glory. On June 14, 1777 the Second Continental Congress passed a resolution declaring the Stars and Stripes to be the official flag of the U.S. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson passed a decree officially marking June 14 as Flag Day. 

“The celebration of Flag Day is a historic reminder of the struggles and triumphs that have made our country what it is today. By honoring our flag, we direct our minds to the ideals and principles that undergird our nation and are reminded of the many rights and privileges bestowed upon us as American citizens.

“Our country is proud of our flag and the principles of freedom and democracy it stands for at home and all across the world. The celebration of Flag Day on June 14 has been a long and honorable tradition and I hope many of you will join me this year in honoring the American Flag by displaying one at your home to show your love and pride in our great nation.”

Hawley supports farmers, ag activists at statewide farm bureau rally in Albany

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) met with supporters at a rally in Albany Wednesday organized by the New York Farm Bureau and Grow-NY regarding the dangers of allowing farm workers to unionize.

Hawley, the former owner and operator of Hawley Farms in Batavia, is a longtime member of the Assembly Agriculture Committee and has been outspoken on the damaging effects labor regulations would have on the family farming industry.

“I was proud to stand with dedicated farmers, activists and producers yesterday in Albany as we push back against labor regulations being advanced by New York City politicians,” Hawley said.

“Our family farms are already struggling under suffocating minimum-wage mandates and low commodity prices, and to regulate an industry, which thrives off the necessity to operate unique hours at different times would be devastating.”

Net farm income is down 50 percent from just a few years ago and farmers have little to no control over the prices they receive for what they produce, unlike most manufacturers who can set their own prices.

According to a 2019 report from Farm Credit East, mandatory overtime would increase labor costs on farms by almost $300 million and decrease net farm income by almost 25 percent.

“We know what works best for our family farms and that is the ability to regulate their own labor to produce the best results. I will continue to stand in the way of harmful farm mandates as session nears its end next week,” Hawley concluded.

Photo: ​Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) meets with Maureen Torrey and Shelley Stein, on left, from Grow-NY at Wednesday’s New York Farm Bureau Rally in Albany.

Hawley blasts Downstate politicians for voting in favor of allowing illegals to get driver's licenses

By Billie Owens

A statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley on the Assembly passing legislation awarding driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants:

“This sends a dangerous message to society – it’s acceptable to enter our country illegally and continue to break the law because you will be rewarded.

"Downstate politicians continue to peddle handouts and shortcuts for everyone but the middle class. Felons get pay raises, illegals get driver’s licenses and sex offenders get voting rights. Make no mistake, this is a step toward allowing illegals to vote in our elections.

"Recent polling shows the majority of the state opposes this radical proposal but New York City politicians are more concerned with scoring political points against President Trump than following public sentiment – a disgraceful day in Albany.”

Hawley: 'Downstate lawmakers shamelessly block passage of pro-veteran bills'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today chided members of the Assembly Veterans’ Affairs Committee for blocking a package of bills that would have provided financial relief for veterans’ groups and their families at recreational facilities.

Hawley, who has served on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee for many years, is also a veteran and hosts an annual trip to Washington, D.C., each September for local veterans and their families – the Patriot Trip.

Hawley served as acting Ranking Republican Member of Tuesday’s committee meeting and insisted that each bill be considered on its own merits so that a vote could be taken on each instead of choosing to "Hold for Consideration" – a legislative action which essentially kills the legislation.

Three of the bills had bipartisan support, yet all were blocked by a vote of 10-8.

The bills blocked by the Assembly Majority include:

“It continues to baffle me that members of the Downstate majority refuse to repay our brave veterans for their service to our state and nation,” Hawley said. “The costs associated with these measures are miniscule compared to the costs and sacrifices many veterans paid while protecting our freedom – and yet they were all blocked.

"As we witnessed when downstate lawmakers blocked my Gold Star families bill earlier this year, the majority has no issue rewarding illegal individuals with driver’s licenses or prison inmates with pay raises but turn their backs when it comes to our veterans – disgraceful.”

Hawley celebrated NY's 'spectacular dairy industry' on Wednesday

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) proudly celebrated Dairy Day on Wednesday, June 5, in Albany, along with colleagues from both sides of the aisle, activists, advocates and farmers from around the state.

Hawley, a longtime member of the Assembly Agriculture Committee, is the former owner and operator of Hawley Farms located in Batavia.

“This marks one of my favorite days of the year in Albany as we come together, putting party and differences aside, to celebrate New York’s spectacular dairy industry,” Hawley said.

“I believe we have one of the premier dairy operations in the entire country as our milk is used in yogurt, cheese and ice cream and eventually shipped and sold across the United States.

"I take pride in being a strong advocate for dairy farmers and will continue to support their efforts in our state.”

Hawley fights Downstate push to allow undocumented people to get driver's licenses

By Billie Owens

Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley on the Assembly Transportation Committee’s passage of a bill granting driver’s licenses to undocumented individuals:

“This is a dangerous proposal that diminishes the responsibility and efforts of those here legally to play by the rules, obey our laws and obtain a driver’s license.

“This creates myriad issues for law enforcement and illegal drivers obtaining insurance, not to mention the safety issue posed on our roads that will be faced by other drivers unsure if the person next to them is familiar with traffic procedures and laws that keep us all safe.

“For the Majority to waste time on legislation that, when polled, is opposed by 61 percent of the public statewide, is a total waste of time and insulting to the struggling middle class who need our help in these waning days of session.

“Whether this is a political stand against President Trump, or an effort to score points with their radical base. We should never reward those with handouts who have already proved to break the law.”

Video: Steve Hawley's e-waste recycling event

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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On Saturday, Assemblyman Steve Hawley hosted his annual e-waste recycling event, and as usual, there was a long line of cars going through the parking lot at 5130 E. Main St. all morning.

Electronics recycling event is June 1 in Batavia

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is thrilled to announce his annual electronics recycling event today alongside his Assembly Republican colleague David DiPietro (R,C,I-East Aurora). This event is scheduled for Saturday, June 1 from 9 a.m. to noon in the parking lot of 5130 E. Main Street, Batavia,.

“I am pleased to once again host the electronics recycling event in Batavia,” Hawley said. “This event is free to all attendees and provides an opportunity for families, businesses and residents looking to do right by our environment to recycle their electronics.

"It is important for all of us to responsibly dispose of our electronics once they have reached the end of their useful life. I want to thank my friend and colleague, Assemblyman DiPietro, for his continued partnership on this event and I look forward to another successful year.” 

ACCEPTABLE ITEMS: Cell Phones, Computers, Monitors, Printers, Audio/Video, Small Devices, Other Equipment, Televisions (LIMITED: Two Tube Televisions per car.)

Hawley's 12th Patriot Trip for vets is Sept. 19-22, cost is $400

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley's office:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that his annual Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C., will take place Sept. 19 – 22.

This will mark the 12th year Hawley has hosted the trip which allows local veterans and their family members to visit a host of famous military memorials in the Washington, D.C., area. The group will be staying in the Bethesda (Md.) Marriott Hotel.

Hawley, serving on the Assembly Veterans’ Affairs Committee since 2006, was influential in expanding college benefits for the spouses and dependents of deceased and disabled veterans earlier this year. 

Please note that only veterans who have never been on the trip before may sign up now. After Aug. 1, veterans who have been on the trip before and those living outside of the 139th Assembly District may apply. Each veteran can invite one guest.

The approximate cost of the trip is $400 per person and that includes meals, transportation and admission to the memorials. 

“The Patriot Trip is one of my favorite events throughout the year,” Hawley said. “This trip was inspired by Mike Paduchak, a World War II veteran, who asked me to come together with local veterans and host a trip to Washington, D.C.

"Through the experiences of my father, veterans I have met during previous year’s trips, and my own service in the military, I have gained a tremendous understanding and admiration for the sacrifices endured by our veterans. It is for these reasons that I continue the Patriot Trip each year and have solidified it as one of the staples of my service to our community.”

If you or a veteran you know want more information about this year’s Patriot Trip XII, please call 585-589-5780 or email To view photos from previous years, use this following link.

Attractions Hawley plans to visit this year on the trip include:

White House (**Guests who want to visit the White House must sign up and have a deposit prior to June 30**)



Air Force Memorial

Pentagon/911 Memorial

World War II Memorial

Korean Memorial

Vietnam Memorial

Stephen F, Udvar Hazy Museum

Arlington National Cemetery

Wreath Laying Ceremony at Tomb of the Unknowns

Hawley commemorates Memorial Day

By Billie Owens

A statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

"Today, I join millions of Americans who honor the sacrifice paid by fallen soldiers and their families. Generation after generation, beginning with the American Revolution, soldiers have stood ready to defend their country, freedoms and civil liberties with their lives.

"As a result of that sacrifice, our nation has been free, prosperous and the envy of the world throughout its history.

“Americans owe a special debt of gratitude to our fallen soldiers and gold star families. I am especially grateful that my colleagues in the state Assembly finally joined an effort I have long championed to grant the dependants of fallen soldiers free college tuition.

"I am also proud to continue the tradition of Patriot trips to Washington, D.C., the annual trip I take with veterans and their families to visit the Capitol of our country, which they fought so hard to protect. 

“As the son of a World War II veteran and a veteran of the military myself, standing up for veterans is a duty I will never overlook. That is why I cherish my position on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee in the Assembly.

"In the coming weeks, I look forward to continuing my fight for legislation to exempt honorably discharged veterans from Thruway tolls, veterans over 85 years old from paying state income tax, and extending state benefits to promote veteran-owned businesses.

“Nevertheless, on this Memorial Day I want to extend a special salute to our fallen soldiers and all of our nation’s Gold Star families. As a nation, we must never forget their extraordinary service and patriotism.”

Hawley and other Assembly lawmakers unveil tax relief bill for volunteer first responders

By Billie Owens
Video Sponsor
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Submitted photo, press release and video:

In support of National EMS Week, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) joined Assembly Minority colleagues at a press conference held by Assemblyman Chris Tague (R,C,I,Ref-Schoharie) today in Albany to unveil legislation that would exempt volunteer firefighters and EMS workers from state income taxes (A.7655).

Hawley, a veteran and longtime member of the Assembly’s Veterans’ Affairs Committee, has introduced similar legislation to provide tax relief for active duty service members (A.1956).

“The upcoming Memorial Day weekend is just one example where volunteer firefighters and EMS will be working around the clock, spending precious time away from their families, to protect our community in the face of dangerous situations,” Hawley said.

“Sadly, more and more volunteer fire companies are being forced to close their doors, leaving their neighbors without the precious services they provide and we need to do something about it. These dedicated and brave individuals deserve our help and I implore Assembly leadership and our colleagues in the Majority to join us in getting this passed before session adjourns next month."

To be eligible for the state income tax exemption, a volunteer must:

  • Be in good standing;
  • Have a minimum year of service with the fire department;
  • Be certified by the Chief Emergency Service Coordinator of their county;
  • Attend at least 55 percent of department activities.

Hawley repeats calls for Assembly hearings on farm worker unionization

By Billie Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley's office:

Following increasing pressure from Downstate lawmakers to overturn an 80-year law and allow farm workers to unionize, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is again calling for statewide public hearings to be conducted by the Assembly before any vote is proposed to make such a sweeping change to one of New York’s largest industries. 

The former owner/operator of Hawley Farms in Batavia was one of the first legislators to sign onto the Assembly Minority’s letter requesting public hearings on unionization.

“Growing up as a generational farmer in Western New York and eventually owning and operating our family farm, I am confident that unionization would harm our industry and force more family-owned operations to close,” Hawley said.

“Farming is unique in its demands, its work schedule, its earnings structure and its labor needs, and to impose blanket requirements to make it congruent with other industries simply may not work in the agricultural model.”

Hawley, a longtime member of the Assembly’s Agriculture Committee, has been in conversations with Chairwoman Donna Lupardo (D-Binghamton) to hold public hearings for several weeks.

“I suspect that the New York City lawmakers pushing this legislation have very little experience on a farm and we need statewide hearings to ensure that current farmers, their employees and members of the agriculture community are heard before any decisions are made,” Hawley said.

Hawley condemns driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants

By Billie Owens

Press release:

As details emerge about the effort peddled by New York City politicians to allow undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) blasted the proposal.

This measure comes on the heels of the Majority passing tuition assistance for illegal immigrants while initially opposing Hawley’s bill to do the same for Gold Star families.

“Instead of incentivizing legal immigration, Albany is once again creating a magnet for outright lawlessness,” Hawley said. “First they offered undocumented immigrants the right to free college tuition, now they offer the privilege of driving.

"This latest proposal jeopardizes the safety of our communities throughout the state. NYC lawmakers continue to place the interests of illegal immigrants ahead of law-abiding, middle-class New Yorkers. 

“We are a nation of laws, and these proposals only lead to more giveaways and services for illegal immigrants in our state. In addition, handing out these privileges blurs the lines between law-abiding citizens and those here illegally.

"Rest assured, I will continue to remain steadfast in my commitment to public safety and the rule of law especially in light of the avalanche of proposals endangering New York families in favor of realizing a political agenda."

Hawley commemorates West Point Day in Albany

By Billie Owens

Press release: 

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) met with West Point leaders and cadets in recognition of West Point Day at the state Assembly today (May 1).

A proud member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Hawley also has roots of his own in the military, his father was a veteran of World War II and Hawley himself served for seven years in the Ohio Army National Guard as well as the Army Reserves. 

“It is always a great honor to host our West Point leaders and cadets who carry forward this incredible American military tradition,” Hawley said. “West Point embodies what makes America exceptional and its soldiers extraordinary. I commend all of those in the West Point family who continue to protect and serve with the honor and character that makes all of America proud.”

Hawley recently led a successful bipartisan nationwide effort to ensure that the family members and spouses of deceased and disabled military members are provided college benefits free of charge. His vocal advocacy even garnered President Trump’s support for the policy after downstate lawmakers attempted to bury the bill in the legislative committee process.

Ranzenhofer and Hawley call on governor to fund Ag Academy

By Billie Owens

Press release from Senator Mike Ranzenhofer:

State Senator Mike Ranzenhofer and Assemblyman Steve Hawley have called on the Governor to restore funding for local Ag Academy, through a program of targeted education funding, referred to as “Bullet Aid.”

“I was very disappointed to see cuts to various agriculture programs," Ranzenhofer said. "The Genesee County Ag Academy provides a unique opportunity to students who are looking for a hands-on experience in agriculture education.

"I am hopeful that the Governor realizes how crucial these programs are and allocates the necessary funding. We are respectfully requesting $100,000 for the Genesee County Agriculture Academy, through the Genesee Valley Educational Partnership."

“New York’s agricultural industry is one of the strongest in the nation, having been realized through a robust and consistent investment in young aspiring farmers and producers in our state budget," said Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia). "To cut funding that empowers future generations of young people interested in farming would devastate the industry and hinder our labor pool. Genesee County is undoubtedly a production hub in our state and the Genesee County Agricultural Academy is the centerpiece of teaching and innovation.

"The $100,000 we are seeking for this institution is readily available through discretionary bullet aid and I implore Gov. Cuomo to make the right decision for New York agriculture.”

This agribusiness program began through funding that Senator Ranzenhofer secured in 2013. Since then, the program has received funding in the budget through local agriculture assistance. For the first time in recent history, the Governor has $5 million to be given out at his discretion, for local education programs.

The 2019-20 budget was passed on April 1st.

Hawley urges grassroots opposition to bill hindering youth marksmanships programs

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is urging constituents, local officials, Second Amendment advocates, Rod & Gun Club members and anyone involved with youth marksmanship programs to call or write their local representative and Gov. Cuomo requesting a veto of legislation that could virtually wipe out all shooting competitions for youth and training for young people under 16 years of age.

The so called “Safe Storage” bill, which Hawley voted againstplaces unnecessary and ambiguous restrictions on the storage and incapacitation of firearms for those who do not own them and could put an end to youth marksmanship in New York.

“As we’ve seen time and time again with these measures that infringe on our right to bear arms, they are poorly written and passed hastily, causing many undue consequences that hurt law-abiding gun owners, hunters and those who simply enjoy marksmanship activities,” Hawley said.

“This bill has not yet been sent to the governor to be signed into law, which means we must make our voices heard. I urge everyone who supports youth marksmanship and the Second Amendment to call or write the governor immediately!”

Contact Gov. Cuomo by phone: (518) 474-8390

By mail:     The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
                   Governor of New York State
                   NYS State Capitol Building
                   Albany, NY 12224

Hawley condemns Progressives' bill to parole more hardened criminals

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has strongly condemned the Assembly Majority’s proposal (A.4319) to automatically consider parole of prisoners once they turn 55 years old, regardless of their crimes or imposed sentence.

“Making time in prison easier has become the platform of New York’s big-city progressive politicians,” Hawley said. “First it was free computer tablets and pay raises for inmates, then it was pardons and voting rights for violent felons as they go on parole and now shorter sentences no matter how horrific the crime – abhorrent.

"If adopted, this bill could result in violent criminals being released from prison before their prison sentence is fully served. Judith Clark and Herman Bell living among us, one who murdered police officers and another who helped murder police officers, would become the new normal in New York.”

Hawley has opposed many of the soft on crime measures enacted in Albany this legislative session. Chief among these is the closure of three state prisons, terminating hundreds of jobs and jeopardizing the safety of constituents.

“This is an outrageous proposal that jeopardizes the public at large and insults crime victims across the state. I will do everything in my power to not allow New York to become a hotbed for progressive social experiments and I am committed to continuing my fight against these dangerous proposals,” Hawley concluded.

Hawley announces expansion of Gold Star Families' Scholarship

By Billie Owens

A statement sent today from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) following the expansion of the MERIT Scholarship to veterans who lose their lives or become disabled in the line of duty.

“Gold Star Families and disabled veterans have been neglected for far too long and today we are finally righting an injustice and fulfilling our obligation to them," Hawley said. "We will never be able to fully repay our veterans and servicemembers for their role in protecting our nation but I am proud to have led the statewide bipartisan effort to see that the MERIT Scholarship is expanded.

"It is paramount to cover all of our nation’s heroes and their families under this program, and I thank Governor Cuomo for doing the right thing.”

Hawley continues fight for Gold Star Families Bill following groundswell of support for it

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Following statewide and national support for his legislation that would expand MERIT scholarships to protect spouses and dependents of military members who lose their lives in the line of duty and provide them free college tuition and room and board, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is continuing his push for the legislation to become law this year and has launched a national petition to garner support.

“Gold Star families have heard the herald of bipartisan support from state lawmakers in both parties, along with Gov. Cuomo and even President Trump, following the defeat of my bill in committee last week,” Hawley said. “I will continue leading the effort to see that our military receive the benefits they deserve as they carry the tremendous sacrifice of losing a loved one in the line of duty.

"I am confident we can get this legislation passed this year and hopeful that this is the beginning of an era where veterans’ issues transcend political divides and we all can play a part in honoring our brave service members and veterans.”

To sign the petition calling for Hawley’s Gold Star Families Bill to become law please use the link here.

State Democrats defeated Hawley’s proposal (A.2991) in the Assembly’s Higher Education Committee due to the perceived cost it would impose outside of usual March budget negotiations. Assembly Democrats passed a $27 million package giving free college aid to the children of illegal immigrants in late January of this year.

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