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Steve Hawley

Hawley says Cuomo is using his position to turn financial companies against the NRA

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today criticized Gov. Cuomo’s attempt to use his official position to turn private insurance companies, banks and other financial institutions against the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Last week, the governor directed the Department of Financial Services to urge certain financial institutions to examine and possibly cease their relationship with the NRA. This follows the governor’s attacks on congressional Republicans and national support for the Second Amendment advocacy group.

“The governor’s alienation of law-abiding citizens continues as now he is using his office to leverage private businesses against the NRA and its members,” Hawley said. “It’s an absolute overreach and clear abuse of power when the governor sidesteps the public by unilaterally using his office to attack groups and their members who have done wrong except believe in liberty and constitutional rights.

"One million New Yorkers and prominent businesses have fled the state since Gov. Cuomo took office and sadly he seems content with that reality.”

Hawley says he's outraged by Cuomo's pardon of felons

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“The governor is so desperate to appeal to the radical left as his election approaches that he has now granted conditional pardons to roughly 35,000 convicts on parole, a shameful move that flies in the face of every law-abiding citizen who has done the right thing and followed the law.

“Despite the governor’s radical interpretation, paying your debt to society and earning back the ability to exercise our most cherished right, voting, should not be granted until a felon is completely off parole and has been rehabilitated.

“It is obvious Gov. Cuomo will go to great lengths to win an election but I never thought it would involve pandering to rapists, murderers and arsonists. This governor seems to be fonder of helping inmates and convicted felons instead of hardworking, law-abiding citizens.”

Assemblyman Hawley: 'NYC interests kill ethics reform package'

By Billie Owens

A statement just issued from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“As the retrial of corrupt former Speaker Sheldon Silver hangs over the state, it is shocking that New York City politicians would consciously vote to block the most comprehensive ethics reform package in state history – the Public Officers Accountability Act.

“It is a grave disservice to taxpayers that Assembly leadership continues to vote down and bury legislation that may have prevented corrupt thieves like Sheldon Silver and Dean Skelos from committing crimes.

“What we need is an end to Gov. Cuomo’s bid-rigging culture, term limits for legislative leaders, stronger income disclosure requirements and an end to lawmakers using campaign contributions as a golden parachute. Taxpayers deserve a more honest and faithful government.”

Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee, Orleans and parts of Monroe County.

Assemblyman Hawley issues statement today on 2018 enacted state budget

By Billie Owens

A Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia):

“Although the budget process was rife with secrecy and failed to include much-needed ethics reform, we did secure funding for many programs crucial to Western New York.

“I am pleased we were able to restore Gov. Cuomo’s proposed cuts to Library Aid – providing millions in additional funding. We secured hundreds of millions in CHIPS to repair local infrastructure, programs to support up and coming farmers, a record amount of education aid and ensured protections for our valiant veterans.

“I am concerned that we once again increased spending, failed to curb our bloated Medicaid program and must absorb tax increases handed down by New York City politicians.

“Going forward with the rest of session I am confident we can work toward making New York more affordable for all and protecting Upstate values from radical special interests.”

Hawley expresses concern about new taxes and spending

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“While today’s budget resolution was sprinkled with sound proposals, like a restoration of library aid and more flexibility in our Lake Ontario relief program, I am concerned by billions of dollars in new taxes and spending.

“At a time when residents are leaving the state in droves and retiring elsewhere, we should be working to cut taxes and foster real business growth, not freezing property tax credits and sending our families’ money to fund more Downstate programs.

“Rest assured, I will be fighting for law-abiding, middle-class taxpayers as budget talks heat up, not illegal aliens and New York City handouts.”

Hawley requests funding for school resource officers

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

In response to the recent school shooting in Parkland, Fla., on Valentine’s Day, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has written a letter to Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) requesting an additional $50,000 be included in this year’s state budget for every school in the state to hire armed school resource officers.

“I hereby request that you provide an additional $50,000 a year toward the cost per armed school resource officer for every New York State school in this year’s budget,” Hawley wrote.

Hawley is also requesting that the salary cap for retired police officer serving as school resource officers be raised from $30,000 to $50,000 per year. This is in addition to his proposal to recruit veterans and retired law enforcement to bolster security at schools.

“A mother in my district actually purchased a bulletproof vest for her 16-year-old son subsequent to a shooter threat in his high school. How incredibly heartbreaking it has come to this!” said Hawley in the letter.

”I vehemently urge that you seriously consider these measures and any other that you feel will create an environment that is safe and secure for our most cherished and vulnerable constituents, our children.”

Hawley opposes bill taking away veterans' medical leave

By Billie Owens

Press release:

This week in Albany, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) voted against legislation that would reduce the number of days veterans would be able to take for medical leave related to their combat duties.

Gov. Cuomo signed the bill last year allowing eight days of leave in exchange for Assembly Democrats amending the law to reduce the number of days to five this year.

“These are the kinds of political games Albany politicians and the governor play with people’s livelihood,” Hawley said. “While Assembly leadership had a chance to stand strong for our veterans against the governor’s desires to cut paid leave, they capitulated per their pre-arranged backroom deal.”

The bill was introduced by Westchester County Democrat Amy Paulin, and would reduce the amount of medical leave days provided from eight down to five.

“This was a shameful day in Albany as Downstate politicians introduced a bill that reduced the number of medical leave days our veterans can take to receive treatment related to their combat duties,” Hawley said.

“We should be doing everything in our power to protect and care for our servicemen and servicewomen at home and abroad, and this is a terrible display of gratitude. I voted no on this bill and will continue to stand up for our armed forces to see they receive the time for treatment they greatly deserve.”

Hawley, a veteran of the Army Reserves and the Ohio Army National Guard, is a staunch proponent of protecting our state’s veterans and serves on the Assembly’s Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Hawley hosts the Patriot Trip each year, traveling to Washington, D.C., with local veterans and their families to visit our nation’s sites and memorials.                        

Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee, Orleans and parts of Monroe County. For more information, please visit Assemblyman Hawley’s Official Website.

Hawley offers ways to access state tax forms

By Billie Owens

Press release:

As the deadline to file federal and state taxes approaches on April 17, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is helping residents navigate the often cumbersome state tax filing system by providing ways to access forms and instructions.

“There are many citizens who choose to file federal and state taxes themselves instead of going to a tax preparer or using an online program,” Hawley said. “Unfortunately, the tax rules, regulations and method by which we are required to file are often confusing and complicated.

"The state should be consistently assisting residents with tax preparation and working on ways to clarify this burden. Residents can pick up tax forms at my district office by emailing or calling ahead of time.”

To access IT-201 Tax Forms and Instructions:

1. Use this link to access and print IT-201 instructions online

2. Use this link to access and print IT-201 tax forms online

3. Visit for more information  

4. Call your local library.(Many libraries have access to current tax forms available to residents) 

*Residents are encouraged to pick up tax forms at Hawley’s district office by emailing or calling (585) 589-5780 ahead of time.  

**A refund will usually be issued more quickly if residents fill out forms online and submit electronically.                  

Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee, Orleans and parts of Monroe County. For more information, please visit Assemblyman Hawley’s Official Website.

Hawley proposes safeguard against hasty passage of controversial legislation

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) proposed a measure on the Assembly floor this week that would require a two-thirds vote of the house for Messages of Necessity to be accepted when issued by the governor.

“Too often, controversial measures are rushed through the legislative process in the middle of the night without adhering to the constitutionally-mandated, three-day ‘aging’ process,” Hawley said. “This is the people’s government and they have a right to know what bills are being passed with a high level of transparency.”

Legislation is usually subject to an “aging” period of three days before it can be voted on. However, Messages of Necessity are issued by the governor to forgo this process and rush a vote on important and/or controversial legislation, as was done with the SAFE Act.

“Messages of Necessity rob the public of the right to know what’s in a bill as was the case when the unconstitutional SAFE Act was rammed through the Legislature leaving many lawmakers no time to actually read the legislation that was to be voted upon,” Hawley continued.

“I am disappointed that this and over a dozen other common-sense ethics reforms were voted down by New York City Democrats. Our citizens deserve better.”

Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee, Orleans and parts of Monroe County. For more information, please visit Assemblyman Hawley’s Official Website.

Hawley to host open community forum in Pavilion Thursday night

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that he will be hosting a free community forum open to the public at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 15 at the Hollwedel Memorial Library, located at 5 Woodrow Drive in Pavilion.

Hawley will provide an update on the happenings of Albany and will answer questions from the audience. The event is sponsored by the women’s group “RAP.”

“I enjoy these open community forums as a channel of communication between the residents I represent and the inner-workings of state government,” Hawley said. “We have a responsibility as public representatives to be open and accountable, and that is what forums like these are all about. I encourage everyone who is able to attend and I look forward to seeing you there.”

Hawley is Assistant Minority Leader of the Assembly Republican Conference and currently serves on the Agriculture, Ways & Means, Rules, Insurance and Racing & Wagering committees.

Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee, Orleans and parts of Monroe County. For more information, please visit Assemblyman Hawley’s Official Website.

Representatives from Tobacco-Free GLOW meet with Hawley in Albany

By Howard B. Owens

Photo and info submitted by Tobacco Free GLOW.

Press release:

Tobacco use is the number one preventable cause of death and illness in New York State. Tobacco control representatives from Tobacco-Free GLOW Julie Calvert, Brittany Bozzer, Ben Streeter and Krysta Hansen, recently met with Assemblyman Steve Hawley at the Capitol in Albany to discuss the important tobacco control work being done in the GLOW region to save lives. 

Ben Streeter and Krysta Hansen are students at Notre Dame High School.

Hawley vows continued fight for middle class

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“This week continues state leader’s assault on law-abiding, middle-class families. Last night was free college tuition for illegal aliens pushed by New York City liberals – a $27 million expense on the backs of taxpayers.

“Last week, Gov. Cuomo’s administration rolled out free tablets for prison inmates, - a luxury we should be working to provide for school children and libraries before convicts.

“While downstate liberal elites are fighting for convicts and illegals, I’ll be fighting even harder for the middle-class. These are the hardworking men and women we should be working to protect, not illegal aliens and criminals.”


Hawley again calls for removal of 'I Love NY' signs after heavy fines levied on Cuomo project

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has once again called for the removal of the infamous blue and white ‘I Love NY' signs that have been erected along the New York State Thruway and highways all over the state at a cost of $8.1 million to taxpayers.

“We know the governor’s hubris has gotten our state into trouble, but now it has cost taxpayers another $14 million in federal fines – totaling $22 million,” Hawley said. “It is unconscionable to think Gov. Cuomo knew the signs were illegal since the Obama administration, then used $8.1 million in taxpayer money and an out of state company to design and build them anyway.

"Furthermore, after many were destroyed by harsh winds in Western New York last year, he used more public money to rebuild and replace them.

“Many of the signs were built Downstate by an Arkansas-based company with many manufactured out of state. The Cuomo administration has ignored federal warnings for years that the signs were illegal and must be taken down.

“I am calling for Gov. Cuomo to immediately take down all ‘I Love NY' signs and adhere to federal law before more of New York’s money is washed down the drain.”

Hawley announces $5.5 million available in new grants for farmers

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has announced $5.5 million is now available to farmers and agricultural producers as part of two new grant programs. The awards are aimed toward farmland conservation, assisting farmers in identifying available land and ensuring that arable land is permanently protected from development and non-farm uses.

“Farming is one of the cornerstones of our community and extremely important to our local economy, traditions and way of life,” Hawley said.

“Too often, farmers lose the ability to work the land due to environmental concerns or development, and these new grants will help protect our producers and ensure that family farms remain family businesses. I remain committed to giving our farmers a voice in Albany, and I look forward to advocating their concerns as we progress through this year’s session.”

More information can be found on the state’s Agriculture and Markets site and interested applicants can access grant information here. Applications will be processed until all funding for the program has been exhausted.

Hawley is the former owner/operator of Hawley Farms in Batavia and sits on the Assembly’s Agriculture Committee.

Hawley urges residents to participate in National Wear Red Day on Friday in support of women's heart health

By Billie Owens

Press release:

In support of National Wear Red Day this Friday, Feb. 2, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is encouraging residents to join him in wearing red to support women’s cardiac health.

Heart disease and stroke cause one in three deaths among women each year, killing approximately one woman every 80 seconds.

“National Wear Red Day is an important event that raises awareness for cardiac health and helps encourage individuals to live a healthy lifestyle,” Hawley said.

“Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States, but education and action are integral parts of changing that statistic. I will be wearing red on Friday, and I encourage my fellow residents to show your support and do the same.”

Total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and Body Mass Index (BMI) are important numbers to be aware of and monitor for optimal cardiac health.

For more information, or to join the conversation and show your support, please visit

Hawley pens letter to Cuomo urging him to shut down program that will provide prisoners with free e-tablets

By Billie Owens

As a result of the decision by the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) to allow more than 51,000 inmates statewide to use electronic tablets free of charge, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has written a letter to Gov. Cuomo and DOCCS demanding that the program be shut down immediately.

Today, Feb. 1, Hawley wrote:

Dear Governor Cuomo:

I am distraught and dismayed relative to the news accounts that tablets will be made available to 51,000 incarcerated individuals within our state correctional facilities.

This policy decision to reward and furnish luxury items like these tablets to prisoners is an affront to our law abiding citizens. Our citizens, veterans, school districts and libraries all across our state, struggle to provide for their families, students and patrons. What message does this send to them!

We already have people moving to New York State for our lavish Medicaid programs and now criminals will also be moving here and if convicted and sent to a state prison will have access to luxuries not afforded in other out of state correctional facilities.

I call on you to reconsider this misguided policy and urge JayP Inc. to work with our school system, libraries and veterans organizations to furnish tablets to law abiding citizens instead of those who are currently incarcerated.


Steve Hawley

Member of Assembly

139th AD

Hawley honored as one of NY Assembly's most conservative legislators in 2017

By Billie Owens
Submitted photo and press release:
Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced Wednesday that he has been honored as one of the Assembly’s most conservative legislators; being awarded a 92-percent ranking, according to the Conservative Party of New York State.
The legislation considered for the award covers a wide array of topics, including: spending, pro-life issues, crime, education and big-government issues, among others.
“Public service and representation are about channeling the thoughts, ideas and desires of one’s constituency into an effective legislative platform,” Hawley said. “Frequently traveling around the district and holding weekly office hours allow me to best represent my neighbors in Albany and this award is a reflection of their feelings toward state government.
"I am proud and honored to accept this distinction and will continue to fervently represent residents in my district in an accurate and robust manner.”
Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee, Orleans and parts of Monroe County. For more information, please visit Assemblyman Hawley’s Official Website.

Hawley knocks free tablet computers for prison inmates

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“New York state’s paradigm of pampering those who break the law or are here illegally never ceases to amaze me. The average middle-class taxpayer must scrape and save to afford a luxury such as a computer tablet, and now the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) is allowing them to be given out like candy to hardened criminals.

“If it’s this easy to encourage vendors to provide free tablets to inmates, why aren’t they being provided to our students in disadvantaged school districts or to libraries across the state as a community resource? I suppose crime does pay, especially if you live in New York.”

Hawley advances legislative solutions to deal with domestic violence

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

As a result of a series of statewide regional forums hosted by members of the Assembly Republican Conference, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today spoke at a press conference in Albany on legislative solutions to combat domestic violence. The full report and all its recommendations have been made public.

The full report, A Safe Haven: Helping Abuse Victims and Enhancing Protections, can be found here.

“Domestic violence is a grave issue that has irrevocable consequences for families and society as a whole,” Hawley said. “I had the opportunity to host one of our conference’s forums in Batavia, and the testimony and information we received was both concerning and valuable.

"This is a complex issue, but after talking with law enforcement, advocates, victims and those on the frontlines around the state, I believe these recommendations will go very far in preventing domestic violence and helping victims feel safe again.”

Some of the recommendations outlined in the report include:

  • Providing financial assistance and relief to victims seeking alternative housing or living in a shelter to escape their abuse;
  • Declaring domestic violence a statewide public health crisis;
  • Creation of a new “Domestic Violence in the Presence of a Child” crime with harsher penalties for abusers;
  • Allowing domestic violence victims to obtain emergency panic buttons through local law enforcement or social services; and
  • Freeing up law enforcement to arrest more abusers and keep victims safe.

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