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Steve Hawley

Hawley decries new 'Raise the Age' rules for teenage defendants

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today voiced his continuing opposition to a policy pushed by Downstate special interests during this past budget cycle, which raises the age of criminal responsibility from 16 to 18 in some circumstances. The law, which many have coined the "gang recruitment bill" establishes a youth classification in a superior court in each county that has jurisdiction over juvenile offenders and a new class of adolescent offenders.

“This is one of the most misguided and frankly dangerous pieces of legislation that has ever hit my desk as a state legislator,” Hawley said. “As I said at the time it was being considered, a contentious policy like this should never be used as political leverage in a state budget and this was a cowardly attempt by downstate liberals to handcuff many legislators into voting for this as it was lumped in with various other spending items in one massive bill.”

With the new law, certain criminal cases can be sent to Family Court even if the charges are 2nd-degree murder, 1st-degree rape, 1st-degree criminal sexual act or an armed felony. The governor is using this as another mechanism to force counties to adhere to his reckless spending practices. If a county stays under the tax cap, there is no cost to them but if they exceed it they may not be reimbursed by the state. 

“Allowing murderers, rapists, and armed robbers to avoid harsher sentencing by sending them to family court is unconscionable,” Hawley said. “In doing so, we run the risk of these violent offenders returning to our neighborhoods more quickly and that should scare everyone. Only in liberal-dominated New York do New York City politicians think a 16 or 17-year-old doesn’t know that murder or armed robbery is wrong and shouldn’t be responsible for his or her actions.

"I was proud to vote against this bill and am requesting Gov. Cuomo use state funds to reimburse counties for the added court and administrative costs that our local governments simply can’t afford.”

Photo: Veterans depart for annual Patriot Trip with Steve Hawley

By Howard B. Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley, left, with three of the veterans joining him this morning for his annual Patriot Trip to Washington.

The annual trip is a chance for veterans in Hawley's district to tour some of the historical landmarks in Washington, D.C.

Pictured with Hawley are Jime Freas, Earl Schmidt (director of Veterans Services in Orleans County), and David Kusmierczak (in back).

Hawley teams up with Red Cross to ask locals to help hurricane victims in Texas and Southern Florida

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is asking fellow New Yorkers who are willing and able to consider making a donation or volunteering with the American Red Cross in its efforts to help victims and their families of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma recover.

Large portions of Texas and Southern Florida have been devastated by these two recent natural disasters, leaving thousands homeless and much of the states’ infrastructure in ruins.

“What has happened in Texas and Florida as a result of these hurricanes is nothing short of tragic,” Hawley said. “It is at times like these that we must truly band together as Americans and help our friends in the south, because that’s what New Yorkers do.

"Our friends at the American Red Cross do tremendous work in crises like these, and I can attest to their effectiveness because I partnered with them in 2005 to deliver two truckloads of supplies after Hurricane Katrina. I encourage all Western New Yorkers who are able to make a small donation to the Red Cross and help inject some hope back into these struggling communities.”

Mail a check to your local Red Cross chapter:

  • Western New York Chapter (Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans and Wyoming.)

            786 Delaware Avenue

            Buffalo, NY 14209

  • Call 1-800 RED CROSS or text the word IRMA to 90999 to make a $10 donation.
  • Call your local Red Cross chapter. The Western New York chapter phone number is (716) 886-7500. The Greater Rochester chapter phone number is (585) 241-4400.

The Red Cross honors donor intent. Donors can designate their donation to Hurricane Harvey or Irma relief efforts by choosing that option when donating on, or by designating it on the memo line of their check.

Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee, Orleans and parts of Monroe counties. For more information, please visit Assemblyman Hawley’s Official Website.

Regional forum on domestic violence and its impact to be held at YWCA on Sept. 19

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The consequences of domestic violence can last a lifetime. It is an epidemic that affects individuals in every community, regardless of age, economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race or religion. It takes place in many forms – physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse – and the results are devastating. For that reason, the Assembly Minority Conference Steering Committee has been tasked to address the complex issues involved in the prevention of, and response to, domestic violence in New York communities.

The committee will hold regional forums focused on identifying gaps in services and programs for domestic violence victims, enhancing and creating pathways which ensure greater safety for victims and ensuring law enforcement measures are in place to hold abusers accountable. The third event will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the YWCA of Genesee County, 301 North St., Batavia.

“Domestic violence is a scourge that affects the lives of its victims forever. We must employ every tool to combat its devastating impact and protect those who have suffered under its oppressive grasp,” said Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia). ”By hosting this event, those impacted by domestic violence and those who work to prevent it can open up a dialogue and search together for new, innovative ways to mitigate domestic violence for its countless victims.”

Representatives from nonprofit service providers, community-based domestic violence experts, law enforcement and the criminal justice system have been invited to attend and provide testimony. Additionally, the committee will welcome written and/or oral testimony from families and those with firsthand experience of the tragic devastation domestic violence can inflict. 

“Domestic violence continues to tragically impact families across the state. As a former police officer, I have seen firsthand the toll these incidents can cause,” said Assemblyman Al Graf (R,C,I,Ref-Holbrook). “We must remain committed to a comprehensive approach which provides victims with the necessary tools and support to escape dangerous situations and holds abusers accountable for their gross actions.”

“Every day, victims of domestic abuse are forced to live in fear, suffer debilitating anxiety and face uncertainty about the well-being of themselves and their loved ones. This is simply unacceptable,” said Assemblyman Joseph M. Giglio (R,C,I-Gowanda) Steering Committee Chairman.

“These forums will provide an opportunity to gather information about what is and isn’t working from all stakeholders involved, including those in law enforcement, the criminal justice system and community support programs. We want to help make our communities safer by providing greater protections for victims of domestic abuse and enacting policies that further prevent these situations from occurring.”

Hawley challenges Cuomo over 'taxpayer-funded handout to cons'

By Billie Owens

A statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia):

“Gov. Cuomo is proposing that New York state provide prisons $7 million so convicts can take college courses. I believe that there are more efficient ways to spend this amount of money.

"Our infrastructure throughout the state is in desperate need of attention along with many hardworking taxpayers who are struggling to provide college tuition for themselves and members of their family.

“Unfortunately, I feel that when the governor announces such misguided ideas and proposals that he is solely attempting to bring national media attention upon himself and to position himself for an upcoming presidential run.

"I call on the governor to relieve some of the burden that he placed on taxpayers to pay for his 'free' tuition plan and use this proposed $7 million for education at SUNY schools for law-abiding citizens.

“I can’t believe the governor puts the future of convicted felons ahead of the young men and women of our state who are working day in and day out to provide for their families and to become pillars of their communities. The people of New York state deserve better.”

Hawley: Seats still open for Patriots Trip to Washington, D.C.

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) poses with veterans and their family members in front of the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., during a previous year’s Patriot Trip.  

Submitted photo and press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) would like to remind veterans of his upcoming 10thAnnual Patriot Trip to Washington D.C., which will take place from Sept. 21 -24. In 2016, more than 100 veterans and their family members attended the trip.

The Patriot Trip provides these heroes with a great opportunity to connect with fellow veterans and honor the memory of their fallen brothers and sisters.

All veterans, even those who have attended the trip previously or live outside of the 139thAssembly District, can still sign up. The approximate cost of the trip is $375, which includes meals, transportation and admission to the memorials.

“Having the opportunity to meet and spend time with so many local veterans truly is a blessing and I can honestly say I look forward to this trip every year,” Hawley said.

“There is still plenty of room for veterans to sign up, even those who have been on a previous year’s trip, and I encourage all veterans and their family members who are interested to look into joining us on this spectacular journey.”

Attractions Hawley plans to visit this year on the trip include:

  • Gettysburg
  • World War II Memorial
  • Korean Memorial
  • Lincoln Memorial
  • Vietnam Memorial
  • Naval Academy at Annapolis
  • Arlington National Cemetery with wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns

Dinner at the Spates Community Club on Fort Meyer

**Staying at the Hyatt Regency in Bethesda, Md.**

*Early registrants will be visiting the White House, others will visit an Embassy and/or the U.S. Capitol*

If you or a veteran you know want more information about this year’s Patriot Trip X, please call 585-589-5780 or email To view photos from previous years, use the following link:

Hawley hosts two downstate legislators on tour of district

By Howard B. Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley hosted a tour of his district yesterday for two down-state legislators, Assemblyman Michael Cusick (green shirt) and Assemblyman Micheal Fitzpatrick (dark shirt next to his small son), including a visit with Jeff Post (gray shirt) at Post Farms in Elba. Also pictured, Barry Flansburg, a member of Hawley's staff.

The tour also included stops at the NYS vets nursing home,  O-AT-KA  Milk Products, Oliver's Candies and the Orleans County Fair.

Hawley hosting legislator from Staten Island for district tour

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

In his continuing quest for bipartisanship, rare in today’s political climate, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) will be hosting Assemblyman Michael Cusick (D-Staten Island) in his Assembly district to demonstrate the concerns and needs of Western New Yorkers. In return, Hawley will visit Cusick’s home, Staten Island, at some point in the future.

“I am excited to host Assemblyman Cusick and show him how our lives are different in another region of the state,” Hawley said. “I am pleased that he accepted my invitation to travel the many miles to our area and his acceptance illustrates the bipartisanship and common bond we all have as state lawmakers despite the quarreling and vigorous policy debates we have in Albany. I hope other lawmakers follow our lead and remember that our common goal is to make all of New York a better place to live.”

"Although I have long represented a district in one of New York City's greenest boroughs known fondly as 'The Borough of Parks,' I believe my trip to Genesee and Orleans may challenge what I have always thought of as 'green space,' " said Assemblyman Cusick. "Very much looking forward to taking up Assemblyman Hawley on his kind offer to tour these beautiful counties."

Hawley renews call for ethics reform in Albany

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The conviction of Sheldon Silver being overturned by the second Circuit Court is a textbook abandonment of the ethical values we all hold sacred.

Albany has long had a storied history of corruption and this quagmire of a case is a perfect example why we need to fight against the entrenched network of favors and secret dealings that are in place at the capitol.

I for one expect the retrial to address this and to make an example of Silver to show that this kind of behavior will no longer be tolerated in New York. It is past time for a new dawn of ethical practice and transparency in Albany.

I have long been a proponent of sweeping ethics reforms, both resisting special interest groups from New York City and calling for increased transparency in Albany. This decision comes right on the heels of my criticisms of this year’s extraordinary session, which was just another motivator to keep pushing for ethical reforms and a new dawn of transparency in our state government.

It is with this in mind that I cosponsor the Public Officer’s Accountability Act (A5864) the most comprehensive way to fight corruption. This bill enforces numerous protections against back-door dealing and favor trading, such as the limitation of campaign funds to campaign activities and adding criminality to failure to report evidence of corruption. Among a myriad other tools provided within the bill, are the ways to restore our trust in our State government.

Next year’s session will be the primary arena to prevent actions like Silver’s from being repeated, stress ethics reform and focus on transparency. Moving forward against the kind of ethical breaches like Silver’s is something everyone can fight for and a rallying cry for those of us holding steadfast to our shared American ideals and values.

Hawley supports Independent Retailer Month, says 'shop local'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

With the advent of Independent Retailer Month, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia), who himself has been a small-business owner for more than 40 years, is encouraging his neighbors to shop local this month.

It is a chance to support the local economy and strengthen community growth in Western New York.

“This month is the perfect opportunity to support your neighbor’s businesses and show the strength of our community,” Hawley said. “As a local business owner, I know the importance of the issues so many business owners face.

"The regulation and taxes meted out by Albany stifle the prosperity of all of us. It is with this in mind that we use this month as a symbol to band together as neighbors and show that our local economy has never been stronger and will continue to keep local money in local pockets.”

Hawley is a strong opponent of regulation and governmental oversight that prevents local businesses from operating efficiently in New York State.

This motivated him to sponsor the Red Tape Reduction Act (A6916) to help start cutting back harmful laws sent down from Albany. Less regulation and less red tape means more jobs, lower taxes, and more money in your pocket at the end of every day.

Hawley on closing Albany's 'extraordinary session': 'Albany's dysfunction was on full display'

By Billie Owens

Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“Albany’s dysfunction was on full display (Wednesday) as legislators were called back to session for a 12-hour fiasco with many of us in the dark until very late as to what bills we were to vote on. As usual, the three-men-in-a-room backdoor deal circus was on full display, costing taxpayers tens of thousands in per diems and travel expenses.

“Although many issues like ethics reform, small-business relief, property and income-tax reform were unfortunately not addressed this year, we did manage to pass sales tax extenders for Orleans and Genesee counties that will help mitigate rising property taxes and fund various county initiatives.

“We also made important changes that will allow us to streamline the grant process for homeowners and owners of secondary properties affected by flooding to obtain aid and relief. I am hopeful that the governor will sign this bill into law soon and help residents who are still struggling with Lake Ontario’s devastating flooding.

“While this session was far from perfect and rife with dysfunction and secrecy, we did provide a record amount of aid for our schools, provided funding to combat the growing heroin epidemic, passed the ‘New York Buy American Act’ to bolster manufacturing and construction jobs and brought ride-sharing services Upstate.

“I look forward to a productive summer and fall visiting with constituents in our area and hearing feedback, questions and concerns as we look forward to the 2018 Session. Please remember that I am always available to discuss state issues and I will always be your voice and represent you fairly in Albany.”

Hawley on the Fourth of July: 'Cherish this holiday and what it stands for'

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley issued this statement about the Fourth of July: 

“As the 4th of July approaches, we should all take a moment to appreciate the importance of this great day. Our independence is something that can sometimes be overlooked, and with all the corporate and trendy holidays that we have throughout the year, we need to cherish this holiday and what it stands for.

“It is a true gift to have a sense of patriotism and to remember the people who made our independence possible. The fight for liberty and justice is never complete; and as Americans it is our duty to remember and cherish our independence.

It is a day to celebrate our freedom, our country, our triumphs and to remember all those men and women who have served our nation and who have made the ultimate sacrifice in pursuit of those ideals.

"Although this holiday is a joyous occasion, I encourage everyone to stay safe and to celebrate responsibly with family and friends.”

Hawley hopes legislators will put politics aside and deal with local sales tax extender

By Howard B. Owens

In response to our request, Assemblyman Steve Hawley provided the following statement on the issue of extending the 1-percent addition to local sales tax:

“At this point, we know very little about whether the Legislature plans to congruently pass local tax extenders. The Senate has already passed the Genesee County 1% tax extender that will be in effect until November 30, 2019, as well as the Orleans County tax extender.

"But the issue is that Assembly leadership chose to pass all local tax bills in one omnibus bill this year, instead of separately as they have done in almost all years past. Genesee and Orleans counties will be looking at approximate $9.3 million and $3.8 million revenue shortfalls, respectively.

"Essentially, the Assembly is holding tax extenders hostage, claiming that they have already fulfilled their obligation to counties. We are not sure at this point whether tax extenders will be addressed in Wednesday’s special legislative session, but it is time to put politics aside and compromise in order to avoid a major fiscal deficit in Genesee and Orleans counties,” said Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia).

Previously: Inaction in Albany could deliver $8 million revenue blow to local governments

Hawley passes bill authorizing three weeks of big game hunting annually in Genesee County

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is pleased to announce passage of a bill which will authorize Orleans County and Genesee County residents to hunt big game from Nov. 15 till Dec. 7. The bill allows residents to hunt using pistols, shotguns, muzzle-loaded firearms, long bows, crossbows or rifles.

“Hunting is an important part of our history, it is how our forefathers survived and provided for their families,” Hawley said. “As a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, I am proud to announce that citizens of Orleans and Genesee counties will be able to continue this centuries-old tradition that is such a huge part of our Western New York culture.

"As a proud outdoorsman myself, I will continue to work tirelessly to protect our constitutional rights from special interests attempting to restrict them. The passage of this bill is a step in the right direction toward maintaining our freedom and right to own firearms.”

Steve Hawley issues Flag Day statement

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“Today’s celebration of Flag Day is a powerful reminder of both the downfalls and triumphs our country has gone through in the past to get to where we are today. It was made the official flag of the United States in 1777, and although the American Flag has undergone some changes, it has remained a constant symbol of pride, hope and inspiration for our country and will for many years to come.

“I don’t think there is any other country that is as proud of their flag and what it represents as the United States of America. I hope many of you will join me this year in honoring the American Flag by displaying one at your home to show your love and pride in our great nation.”

Hawley calls for end of 'wasteful economic development spending' and pushes for stricter oversight

By Billie Owens

Press release:

As the result of tens of millions in taxpayer dollars poured into stagnant and corrupt economic development programs in recent years, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is championing legislation that would provide greater accountability, transparency and safeguarding in how the state spends taxpayer money.

Following a press conference held by Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C,I,Ref-Canandaigua), Hawley and a host of his Assembly Republican colleagues are blasting the state’s unproductive and seemingly corrupt programs like START-UP NY and the illegal I Love NY signs and arguing that strict auditing, deadlines and oversight must accompany any further spending in these initiatives.

“These programs have been a disgrace and a clear abuse of taxpayer dollars,” Hawley said. “In a state with already suffocating taxes and outrageous spending, we cannot continue to pour millions into programs that are rife with bid rigging and have created a minimal number of sustainable jobs.

"We need to let Comptroller DiNapoli do his job and audit these programs and return unnecessary tax dollars back into the pockets of our struggling families. I am calling for an immediate vote on this bill before session adjourns for the summer and encourage my colleagues across the state to support our cause.”

Hawley holds press conference in Albany to push for expansion of Charitable Gaming Act

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today held a press conference with Sen. Patrick Gallivan (R-Elma) in Albany calling for an expansion of New York’s charitable gaming laws to include measures such as allowing for the use of credit and debit cards as payment for raffles and allowing advertising and sales online for raffles and games of chance.

“Momentum is at all-time high to reform these outdated and detrimental restrictions,” Hawley said. “These reforms would benefit thousands of not for profits and organizations like Kiwanis, Lions and Rotary Clubs, churches, fire departments and foundations for children like the Buffalo Sabres Foundation. I thank my colleagues in the Senate for spearheading this charge in their house and am hopeful that we can pass these changes before session adjourns in a few weeks.”

Hawley has been influential in leading the fight to reform the antiquated laws the past few years and championed legislation included in this year’s budget that would allow television and internet advertising of raffles, the use of personal checks as payments and expanding the definition of “authorized organization” to include volunteer ambulance workers and organizations that have been in existence for one year, among other provisions.

Assemblyman Hawley visits Social Studies class at O-A High School

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) addresses the Oakfield-Alabama High School Social Studies class.

Submitted photo and press release:

Yesterday, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) visited a Social Studies class at Oakfield-Alabama High School to discuss his duties as an elected official and explain his views on current and local issues.

This experience gave students an opportunity to learn valuable information about politics from a valued member of the State Assembly. Hawley enjoyed his time with the students and hopes that many of them will be inspired to take part in politics in the future.

Hawley releases 2017 survey results -- cut taxes, repeal SAFE Act, fight DREAM Act, improve business climate

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today released the findings of his 2017 Legislative Survey that offered constituents an opportunity to answer questions and provide feedback on a host of state issues from ways to increase business activity to taxes and the DREAM Act.

“I am so pleased to have once again conducted a legislative survey to gain insight into the needs and concerns of our community and look forward to using that input to shape the legislation I introduce and my policy platform moving forward,” Hawley said. “Things like cutting taxes, improving our business climate, repealing the NY SAFE Act Upstate and fighting against the DREAM Act are top priorities of my constituents and certainly mirror what I am fighting for in Albany.”

The results offer clear evidence that many Western New York residents believe New York is headed in the wrong direction and that lowering taxes and ethics reform were the most important issues to constituents at 43.4 percent and 30.2 percent, respectively.

“As I have said for many years, New York’s leadership continues to funnel money and resources into Downstate-centric initiatives, which leaves Upstate to fight for scraps, and that is unacceptable. I look forward to conducting a similar survey next year and am accessible year-round to meet with constituents or groups here in the district or in Albany to hear their concerns,” Hawley said.

Other highlights of the survey include 64.1 percent of respondents in favor of abolishing the wasteful START-UP NY program, 58.9 percent in favor of cutting red tape and unnecessary regulations for small businesses and 66.1 percent in support of the division of New York into two separate states. 

To see survey results, click here.

Hawley introduces bill to bolster local government amidst Cuomo's 'shared services threat'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced Wednesday that he has introduced legislation to revamp the Assistance and Incentives to Municipalities (AIM) formula, a large pool of state funding to help local governments undergo projects and conduct local operations of the government.

Currently, about 90 percent of this funding goes to cities and Gov. Cuomo is requiring local governments to devise consolidations plans to receive the funding as part of this year’s budget.

“Unfunded mandates like Medicaid handed down by downstate politicians continue to strangle the budgets of our local governments and are the driving force behind high property taxes,” Hawley said.

“This legislation would level the playing field for many small municipalities and help them receive their fair share of state funding. The AIM formula hasn’t been revised in a number of years and a more equitable formula would help our town, village and county governments reduce taxes and undergo projects like road and bridge repair. I am calling on Assembly leadership to bring this bill to the floor for a vote before be adjourn for the summer next month.”

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