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Steve Hawley

Hawley announces much-needed disaster relief coming to local farmers

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Due to harsh drought conditions experienced by many of New York’s farmers, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today announced that Genesee, Monroe and Orleans counties have been designated natural disaster areas and are eligible for assistance through the United States Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency.

State officials will be conducting on-site assessments of the damage to local farms and working with Cornell University experts to devise recovery solutions.

“Farmers are the backbone of New York’s already excellent, diversified and growing agriculture sector,” Hawley said. “As the former owner and operator of our family farm for many years, I can personally attest to the determination of our famers to battle ever-changing weather and devastating floods and drought in Western New York.

"It is important to protect the livelihood of our producers and assist them when unforeseen circumstances threaten their prosperity. I am pleased the federal government is offering our famers this much needed assistance.”

Further information and a list of services available can be found here.

Hawley announces more than $2m for Elba drinking water improvement project

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today announced that the Village of Elba has been awarded more than $2 million to fund a drinking water improvement project that will help bolster the area’s clean water supply, fix and replace old pipes, sewer lines, treatment plants and assist with design and construction costs.

The grants are being distributed to various municipalities throughout the state as part of New York’s Water Infrastructure Improvement Act.

“Ensuring a clean and bountiful water supply for our citizens is one of the fundamental responsibilities of our state and local governments,” Hawley said. “Unfortunately, many pipes, sewer lines and treatment facilities were installed decades ago and were not made with the same durable materials we use today.

"As a result, New York’s infrastructure is failing, which places an extraordinary financial burden on local governments that are already handcuffed due to state mandates. I am pleased to see that the state has stepped up and is providing over two-thirds of the estimated cost of this project, which is vital for the health and well-being of our residents.”

Seats still available for Hawley's annual Patriots Trip

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today announced that about 30 seats are still available for his Ninth Annual Patriot Trip to Washington D.C. The trip is open to local veterans and their family members with priority going to first time attendees. The trip will take place September 15-18 and will include a multitude of memorials and historic sites honoring veterans in the D.C. area.

“This is one of my favorite events of the entire year and I am honored to give back to the brave men and women and their families who have fought for our country’s freedom,” Hawley said. “This is an amazing opportunity for an affordable price and I encourage local veterans and their loved ones to join us on this amazing journey.”

Attractions Hawley plans to visit this year include:

  • WWII Memorial
  • Korean War Memorial
  • Vietnam War Memorial
  • Iwo Jima – The Marine Corps Memorial
  • American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial
  • Air Force Memorial
  • 911 Memorial at the Pentagon
  • Arlington National Cemetery, including the Changing of the Guard
  • Wreath Laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns – Vietnam Veterans

Only about 30 seats remain and are available on a first come, first served basis. If you or a veteran you know want more information about this year’s Patriot Trip IX, please call 585-589-5780 or email

Hawley promotes 'Our Blue Day' to honor those in law enforcement

By Howard B. Owens

While at the GOP convention in Cleveland, Assemblyman Steve Hawley said he decided to organize an effort to honor the men and women of law enforcement, so he called on people in New York on Friday to wear blue.

Yesterday afternoon, Hawley, along with County Legislator Ray Cianfrini and City Councilman Adam Tabelski met at the Sheriff's Office on Park Road, Batavia, to tell representatives of the Sheriff's Office, State Police and Batavia PD that they appreciate their service to the community.

"I couldn't be prouder of what you do every single day, whether you're in the City of Batavia, whether you're in the County of Genesee or in Monroe County or the State of New York," Hawley said. "It's not an easy job. It never has been. When you put on that badge and uniform today more than ever you never know what's going to happen."

Hawley's call for support of local law enforcement comes in the wake of tragedies in Dallas and Baton Rouge, La.

"I can't imagine what you go through every time you put on the badge," Hawley said.

Tabelski said he appreciating the dedication police officers bring to their jobs.

"When you're hired as a police officer, it's more than just a job," Tabelski said. "It's a calling. It's something you are passionate about. We know about the difficulties you have to deal with and all the inconveniences you have to deal with, a lot more than just having to wear long sleeves on a hot day, so on behalf of the city, I just want to say, 'thank you.' "

Below, Hawley with members of the California Highway Patrol in Cleveland (photo submitted by Steve Hawley).

The staff at Tompkins Financial also expressed their support Friday by wearing blue.

Staff of Rosicki, Rosicki & Associates, P.C., Law Offices on Harvester Avenue.

Assemblyman Hawley urges New Yorkers to wear blue this Friday in show of support for law enforcement

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Following a string of deadly shootings against law enforcement in Dallas and Baton Rouge, La., in recent weeks, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has reiterated his full support of law enforcement and is encouraging New Yorkers to wear blue on Friday in a massive wave of support for police officers.

Hawley emphasized the need for unity in these frightening times and inspired constituents to stand behind those who put their lives on the line to protect us each day.

“The recent attacks against police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge have been nothing short of tragic and a painful reflection of the evil that still exists in society,” Hawley said. “In these tumultuous times, the best solution is to come together and show our support for the men and women who put on their uniform every day not knowing what dangers they will inevitably face.

"They are the frontline protectors of justice and order in our community and deserve nothing short of our utmost gratitude and respect. Please join me in recognizing the heroism of our police officers and participate in ‘Our Blue Day’ on Friday by wearing blue in support of our friends fighting crime. They need our encouragement and backing now more than ever.”

Assemblyman Hawley announces results of 2016 Legislative Survey

By Billie Owens

Press release:

On Thursday, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) released the results of his legislative survey mailer that was distributed to households during the winter.

The survey covered topics across a plethora of platforms and state issues, including: ethics reform, infrastructure, jobs, education, paid-family leave and taxes.

“I am proud to announce the results of my 2016 Legislative Survey and I plan to use the feedback I received to formulate policy proposals and my legislative platform if I am reelected to the Assembly next term,” Hawley said.

“It is one of the highest honors of my life to represent my constituents and address their questions and concerns. The overall results of my survey indicate that my constituents believe the state is not headed in the right direction and we are falling short on a number of issues.

"I will continue to fight to see that we do right by the people of our state and stop catering to downstate special interests and New York City politicians.”


     1.) How do you feel about the direction in which New York State is headed?

  • Right Direction            16.2%
  • Wrong Direction            75.3%

      2.) What issue should be the top priority of New York State government in 2016?

  • Education                                                            11.2%
  • Economic Development/Job Creation            23.2%
  • Cutting Taxes                                                            44.8%
  • Improving NY’s Business Environment             23.2%
  • Ethics Reform in Government                        30.9%

     3.) The state’s minimum wage increased to $9/hour on Dec. 31, 2015. Many have called for an increase to $15/hour over the next few years. Economists predict an increase to $15/hour will result in the loss of between 200,000 and 500,000 jobs in New York State. What is your opinion about the state’s minimum wage?

  • The increase to $9/hour is fine                                                                        61.4%
  • Minimum wage should be raised slightly (less than $12.50/hour)                        25.1%
  • Minimum wage should be increased to $15/hour                                                6.9%
  • Minimum wage should be higher than $15/hour                                                0.4%

    4.) New York has made recent downstate commitments to a new Tappan Zee Bridge ($4 billion), renovating LaGuardia Airport ($4 billion), and funding the Metropolitan Transportation Authority ($8 billion). In 2016, how should available money be distributed to repair New York’s aging roads, bridges & infrastructure?

  • Spend available infrastructure money equally across New York State            29.3%
  • Spend a greater portion of infrastructure money on upstate projects to balance  previous downstate spending                                                                                     44.8%
  • Spend all available money on upstate projects, downstate has already received its fair share                                                                                                            22.8%

    5.) Census data shows that more people leave New York each year than any other state. In your opinion, what is the biggest factor causing people to leave New York for another state?

  • High cost of living                                                38.2%
  • Lack of jobs or business opportunities            31.3%
  • Property taxes                                                            49.0%
  • Weather                                                            5.4%

   6.)  What is the best way to create more jobs in New York State?

  • Lower taxes on businesses                                                24.7%
  • Eliminate regulations and red tape                                    39.8%
  • Lower taxes across the board                                                48.3%
  • Open casinos                                                                        1.5%                                               
  • Rely on state grant programs like START-UP NY            1.2%

    7.)  Standardized tests in our schools – part of the Common Core Curriculum – have been a controversial topic among parents, teachers and education professionals. More than 200,000 students in New York State opted out of taking the exams last year. In your opinion, what should be done to address Common Core?

  • Nothing, children should take the tests and adapt to the program            2.3%
  • Stop giving the tests until the Common Core program is fixed            29.0%
  • Continue the tests while working to address flaws in the program            21.6%
  • Stop standardized tests in schools, they take away from the learning environment 37.1%

    8.)  Community colleges offer students a valuable bridge toward careers and future education. Some officials have proposed the idea of providing free community college to students in New York State. What are your thoughts on this proposal?

  • Free community college is an important measure that should be pursued            7.7%
  • Students attending community colleges deserve more assistance from the state, but not their entire tuition                                                                                    35.1%
  • Taxpayers cannot afford to provide this financial commitment at this time            56.0%

    9.)  While students and families across New York face increasing tuition costs and college debt, some legislators have proposed the DREAM Act – a taxpayer-funded tuition assistance program for illegal immigrants. How do you feel about the DREAM Act?

  • Support            5.8%
  • Oppose            91.5%
  • N/A                        2.7%

    10.)  Some state leaders have proposed 12 weeks of paid family leave to become law as part of this year’s state budget. Do you support this proposal, and if so, how do think this should be funded?

  • Yes, I support this proposal but it should be paid by the employee through a deduction                                                                                                 36.3%
  • Yes, I support this proposal but the employer should pay for it                      6.9%
  • Yes, I support this proposal but the state should pay for this program            5.4%
  • I do not support this proposal                                                                   50.2%

    11.)  Do you support the elimination of pension and retirement benefits for elected public officials who are convicted of felony corruption charges?

  • Support            90.0%
  • Oppose            3.1%

                        N/A                        6.9%

     12.)  Governor Cuomo has pledged to limit outside income for legislators to 15% of the base salary for Assembly members ($11,925). Do you support the limiting of outside income for elected state officials?

  • Yes, I support limiting outside income to $11,925 per year                        18.9%
  • No, the idea of a citizen-legislator is important and we shouldn’t limit outside income                                                                                                            58.7%
  • Yes, we should ban all outside income and state legislators should work year round and full-time                                                                                    16.2%

     13.)  Do you support term limits for legislative leaders (i.e. Speaker of the Assembly, Majority and Minority Leader of both the Assembly and Senate)?

  • Support            90.3%
  • Oppose            5.8%

Hawley: Legislature fights heroin epidemic and corruption, but offers 'few bones' for Upstate NY

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) issues comments on the closing of the 2016 Legislative Session:

“The legislature’s bipartisan compromise on an exhaustive package to combat our state’s heroin crisis is promising and will provide more access to recovery services and ease insurance requirements so those who truly need help will be included.

"Pension forfeiture for corrupt lawmakers is a great first step toward cleaning up Albany’s pool of corruption, but more is needed. I will continue fighting for term limits for legislative leaders and increased transparency to root out public officials from abusing the power entrusted in their office.

“While we had some major victories statewide, Upstate was once again left high and dry for the most part. We saw no small business relief to counteract the detrimental minimum wage hike passed in April and little infrastructure funding to repair our roads, bridges and highways that are ravaged annually by harsh winters.

"Creating jobs and improving our business climate will remain a top priority of mine, and I will continue to oppose political gimmicks and irresponsible investments made with tax dollars instead of commonsense tax and regulatory cuts for local businesses.”

Both houses vote in favor of 'Charitable Gaming Act' now lawmakers ask groups to write governor

By Billie Owens

Press release(s):

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) and Sen. Michael Ranzenhofer (R-Amherst) applaud their colleagues for passing this much-needed raffle bill, which nows awaits Govenor Cuomo's signature.

“I am elated to announce that the Senate has passed the ‘Charitable Gaming Act of 2016’ (A.10249A/S7640A) this afternoon and the bill is set to hit Govenor Cuomo’s desk in the near future for the executive’s approval before it becomes law. I would like to commend Sen. Gallivan (R-Elma) and Sen. Ranzenhofer (R-Amherst) for their leadership in the Senate to guide this bill through the legislative process and get it passed as well as Sen. Ortt (R-North Tonawanda) for his persistence on this issue."

In a separate statement, Sen. Ranzenhofer said:

“I am pleased to announce that the State Senate has approved a bill to lift state gaming authority regulations for raffles. Now, local fire departments and other organizations in Genesee County will be able to continue efforts to support our community and help offset the local tax burden. I was proud to co-sponsor the legislation and vote for it in the State Senate, and I am hopeful that Governor Cuomo will sign it into law.”

Hawley added:

“What we need now is for all nonprofit organizations, church groups, Rotary clubs, fire departments, Kiwanis clubs -- and any other service clubs statewide that raise money through raffles -- to write the governor urging him to sign this bill into law.”

Governor Cuomo’s Mailing Address

Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

Charitable Gaming Act passes state Assembly, awaits Senate approval

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman State Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) applauds passage of a bill to update gaming and charity requirements, and help the Stafford Volunteer Fire Deptsrtment reinstate car its raffle. He says it's a "huge vistory for Stafford Fire Department, churches and service clubs."

“I am pleased to announce that the ‘Charitable Gaming Act of 2016’ has overwhelmingly passed the Assembly Thursday afternoon," Hawley said. "I would like to commend Assemblyman J. Gary Pretlow (D-Mount Vernon) and Assemblyman Robin Schimminger (D-Kenmore) for championing this bill through the house as well as Sen. Patrick Gallivan (R-Elma), the bill’s author in the Senate, Sen. Michael Ranzenhofer (R-Amherst) and Sen. Robert Ortt (R-North Tonawanda) for pushing this measure in the Senate.
"I am proud to have helped lead this initiative to update our archaic and detrimental gaming laws that have hurt charitable organizations, churches, non-profit organizations and service clubs all across the state, including the Stafford Fire Department. This is a great example of how bipartisan politics can work in Albany’s sea of gridlock and can have lasting positive effects for the people and organizations of our state. The bill is now in the Senate, where I am told by Sen. Gallivan that he is very hopeful it will pass before we adjourn for the year today.”

Hawley announces nearly $500,000 for improvements at GC Airport

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today announced that Genesee County Airport will receive $498,750 for construction of a new storage hanger as part of the Aviation Capital Grant Program. $10 million was awarded to 20 applicants across the state through a competitive application process.

“I am pleased to announce that Genesee County Airport will receive nearly $500,000 for upgrades to its infrastructure,” Hawley said. “The airport is an economic and commercial hub for Western New York and very important to the residents of Genesee County.

"I will support any measure that increases airport safety and allows patrons more efficient and comfortable travel. We still have many upstate infrastructure projects that deserve attention and I will be fighting to make sure we receive our fair share.”

Additional grants will be distributed through the Upstate Airport Economic Development and Revitalization competition after the application and selection process has been completed.

Hawley honors women vets in Albany

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo: Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia)  greets a veteran in the Assembly Chamber Wednesday.

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on Wednesday met with service women and female veterans in Albany for the Assembly’s annual Women Veterans’ Recognition Day. Hawley is Ranking Member of the Assembly’s Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and served in the Ohio Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserves.

“I was honored to meet and congratulate these female veterans today in Albany,” Hawley said. “Dating back to the Revolutionary War, women have played a pivotal role in our nation’s military, often serving in combat situations and putting themselves in harm’s way to help us achieve victory.

"Even on the home front, as in World War II, women were paramount in bolstering the workforce and filling positions left by men who were serving in the military abroad. The role of women in our nation’s military is worthy of many accolades and their service will never be forgotten.”

Hawley, Assembly GOP call for transparency in economic development spending, denounce Cuomo's 'failed policies'

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

On the heels of a press conference held in Albany Monday by Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C-Canandaigua), Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) called for an end to unspecified spending of tax dollars and the autonomous control of taxpayer funds that continue to support botched economic development programs.

New York was once again ranked near dead last in economic outlook this year, according to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

“The main issue with our economic development spending is that it’s riddled with pay-to-play, unilaterally controlled by the governor, and is essentially devoid of transparency in many respects,” Hawley said. “We were promised a job report on START-UP NY on April 1, 2016 and have yet to see one, despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars of our citizens’ money on advertising and tax breaks.

"On another note, the longer the Buffalo Billion project goes on, the more problems come to light and the more intricate the web of inefficiency and shady political and businesses deals becomes. Taxpayers deserve to know where their money is going and that’s why this legislation is important.”

Hawley and his colleagues today introduced legislation that would mandate full transparency in spending allocations, penalties for failing to meet reporting deadlines (such as the case with START-Up NY), and auditing of all state economic development programs, among other provisions.

Hawley blasts Downstate liberals for giving tax dollars to 'illegal aliens'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) criticizes Assembly leadership for voting to give taxpayer-funded tuition to illegal aliens.

“Once again, New York City liberals have passed the DREAM Act, which allows illegal aliens access to taxpayer-funded tuition assistance programs on par with legal citizens. At a time when middle-class families are struggling to send their children to college, Assembly leadership prioritizes giving freebies to illegal aliens instead of passing initiatives that help hard-working legal citizens.

“This is yet another in the long line of disgraceful and unconscionable acts that are completely out of line with New Yorkers’ values. Upstate infrastructure is crumbling, the heroin epidemic is ripping apart our families, businesses are leaving the state in droves, and Assembly leadership would rather approve freebies for people who aren’t supposed to be here in the first place.”

Hawley sponsors new raffle legislation, introduces new bill to help Stafford Volunteer Fire Department

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced Thursday that he has signed on as a cosponsor of new legislation, coined the Charitable Gaming Act of 2016, which would allow charitable organizations and raffle holders to accept credit and legal tender for raffles as well as advertise and sell tickets online.

Hawley has also introduced his own legislation, A.10516, to remedy New York’s archaic and detrimental gaming laws.

“I am eager to see this bill come to the floor for a vote,” Hawley said. “It is scheduled to pass through committee today, and being authored by a Majority member gives it that much more potential to move through the legislative process.

"As I’ve said before, this is an issue that affects communities and benevolent organizations all across the state. Our statutes need to catch up with technology before more damage is done, and that is exactly what this legislation aims to do.”

Hawley calls for 'legislative intervention' to fight heroin and opioid addiction crisis

By Billie Owens

Press release: 

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) joined legislators and public activists at a press conference in Albany held by Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C-Canandaigua) on Wednesday calling for legislation to address the state’s growing heroin and opioid addiction problem. The Senate recently passed a package of 41 bills and recommendations to combat the issue.

“Our children are dying due to this deadly epidemic and the Assembly hasn’t passed a single bill this year to address it,” Hawley said. “Our conference held a series of statewide forums to gather input from people affected by addiction only to have our comprehensive solutions sit dormant in the Assembly. How many more families need to be torn apart before Assembly leadership steps up and brings solutions to the table?

"Addiction is a disease that knows no bounds, but we can defeat it by empowering recovery at the local level and providing resources to those on the frontlines. My hope is that legislative solutions will come to fruition before session adjourns for the summer in two weeks.”

Hawley praises governor's signing of veterans buy-back legislation

By Billie Owens

Press release June 1 from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“I would like to thank Gov. Cuomo and my fellow legislators for finally stepping up and making the veteran buy-back credit a reality. This is a great example of bipartisanship. Our vets have waited far too long to receive the recognition they deserve, and the opportunity to purchase back their service time from the state is a small show of gratitude for those who have sacrificed more than we can imagine.

"As a veteran, son of a veteran and Ranking Member on the Assembly’s Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I can attest to the hardships and commitment of our servicemen and women and will continue to fight for more programs and services to help those who have fought for our liberty and freedom.”

Hawley announces new summer hours for district office in Albion

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on Tuesday announced new summer hours for his district office in Albion. The office will be open from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Friday from June 1 to Labor Day (Monday, Sept. 5). Hawley’s office is located at 121 N. Main St., Suite 100, in Albion.

“With summer on its way I have made the decision to change my district office hours slightly,” Hawley said. “I will still remain very accessible as your representative and encourage my constituents to stop by my office or my bi-weekly office hours to discuss issues or questions they may have about state government.

"The summer is an important period for legislators to spend time in their home districts gathering input, talking with residents and bringing those experiences back to Albany when the legislative session reconvenes.” 

Hawley remembers, thanks all who lost their lives in service to our country

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia), the ranking Minority member of the Assembly Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and a veteran of the Ohio Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserves, on Friday remembered members of the United States Military who fought and gave their lives in service to our country and thanked those who still serve to defend our freedom.

“I would like to wish all the veterans and active military personnel in my district and throughout New York State a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend. Thank you for your courage and sacrifice which ensures our freedom and protects our way of life. I ask everyone, as you spend time with your family and friends this weekend, remember that freedom isn’t free and please take time to thank the veterans in your life,” Hawley said.

Hawley says state must do a better job of assessing and meeting needs of the developmentally disabled

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) hosted a forum in Batavia focused on supporting the rights of individuals with developmental disabilities. Invitees included people with developmental disabilities and their families, nonprofit organizations, mental health experts and community leaders.

Last Thursday's forum, held at Genesee Community College, was the ninth in a series of forums being conducted around the state in response to concerns from families, non-profits, community organizations and individuals with developmental disabilities about the impact of the Olmstead Decision.

Discussions focused on identifying better ways to support the rights of people with developmental disabilities; expansion of community-based care programs; the effectiveness of current transition plans for individuals in sheltered workshops; and identifying whether the input and desires of people with disabilities are being considered.

“Information gathered at the forum will help us to better serve the needs and choices of people with developmental disabilities,” Hawley said. “For many, the transition process to a more integrated work setting has resulted in frustration and disappointing changes in services and care programs. New York must do a better job of assessing and meeting the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities."

Participants included representatives from Genesee ARC, ARC of Orleans, ARC of Monroe, New York State School for the Blind, Western New York Independent Living and local families. 

“As legislators and residents of this state, it is our obligation and goal to provide services and address the needs of every New Yorker, regardless of age, religion, creed or disability,” said Assemblyman Clifford W. Crouch (R-Bainbridge), task force chairman. “These forums provide us with the opportunity to hear from families, caregivers and individuals with developmental disabilities to offer another layer of support when it comes to aiding those with disabilities in communities across our state.”

The next Assembly Minority Task Force on Protecting the Rights of People with Developmental Disabilities forum will be held on Thursday, May 26, in Buffalo. For more information on the task force, please contact the Assembly Minority Office of Public Affairs at 518-455-5073.

Hawley & coalition slam Cuomo's plan to allow farmworker unionization

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) joined Assemblyman Bill Nojay (R,C) and a coalition of lawmakers speaking out against the governor’s decision to not fight a lawsuit relating to the unionization of farmers. The governor’s decision to not defend the complaint, filed by the New York Civil Liberties Union in the State Supreme Court, effectively endorses unionization of farmworkers in New York State, a policy that those in the agriculture community say is not wanted or necessary. In fact, due to the individual climate and environmental concerns of each state affecting their growing season, the federal government specifically excluded farmworkers from the National Labor Relations Act in 1935.

“As the former owner of our family-owned farm, former Genesee County Farm Bureau President and having served on the Assembly’s Agriculture Committee since I was elected in 2006, I can attest to the daily struggles of our farm community. The governor’s decision to support unionized farm labor, coupled with a $15 an hour minimum wage, will be absolutely devastating to Western New York’s agriculture industry,” Hawley said.

“For decades our communities have been crushed by the state’s economic policies and the unionization of farmers will only push our family farms closer to the brink,” said Nojay. “Throughout his tenure Gov. Cuomo has demonstrated a total lack of respect for Upstate’s economy by repeatedly pushing policies, from GMO labeling to the $15 minimum wage, that have had a disastrous effect on our family farms and agricultural communities. The efforts by these wealthy labor unions will not only kill businesses and family farms but continue the exodus of Upstate families to less economically oppressed regions of the country. Agriculture is the foundation of our state’s entire economy and we must give our farming families and communities the attention and support they deserve.”

“Here in Western New York, farmers work extremely hard to develop positive and long-lasting relationships with their farm hands and seasonal workers. Unionization would only add another level of bureaucracy to a system that is not broken, and further complicate the ability of our state’s small family farms to succeed,” said Assemblywoman and Minority Leader Pro Tempore Jane Corwin (R,I,C-Clarence).

Assemblyman Marc Butler (R,C-Newport) said, “Leave it to New York City politicians to get it all wrong about agriculture and family farmers. Gov. Cuomo and others like him have done much to vilify the family farmer. Not only have he and the Assembly Majority increased the minimum wage and operating costs for these important rural job providers, now the governor is joining special interest groups that are trying to force family farms into unionized shops. I will work diligently to block any efforts from the governor or anyone else who tries to impose a New York City progressive agenda on our upstate family farmers.”

Assemblyman and Chairman of the Assembly Minority Conference Clifford W. Crouch (R-Bainbridge), a former dairy farmer, said, “To say that this would be devastating to our farming industry would be an understatement. Over the years it has become very clear that advocates of unionizing farm workers, who predominantly have downstate interests, neither understand the relationship farmers have with their employees nor the negative repercussions this would have on our small family farmers. I have visited and spoke to many farm employees across the state – from Buffalo to the North Country, to the Southern Tier and Long Island.

"In those travels and to date, not one employee or farmer I have spoken to has expressed the need or desire for what is offered by unionizing their employees. With already tremendous expenses - including grain, feed, seed, equipment, workers’ compensation, unemployment benefits, property taxes, energy expenses, and transportation – compounded with the recent minimum wage increase, how are family farmers expected to survive?

"Unionized farm employees may make sense for states like California that have a year-round growing season, but not in New York. Let’s call it what it is: a money grab by organized labor and their political counterparts in state government to gain an extra 35,000-40,000 new members paying union dues. The government should not be telling family farmers how to operate, especially when its policies will lead to closures of those farms. When there are no farms left, what will be the cost of food and where will it come from?”

“Gov. Cuomo’s next chapter in his war on upstate seems to be financially crippling our family-owned farms. Farmers have just recently begun learning how to absorb a $12.50 minimum wage hike upstate and a cut to agriculture local assistance that New York City politicians slammed down their throats, and now they want to force union mandates on them,” said Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin (R,C,I-Troy).

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