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Steve Hawley

Assemblyman Hawley touts small businesses for creating jobs, strengthening economy

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Today is Small Business Day in Albany, and Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is touting New York’s small businesses as one of the driving forces of our state’s economy and pledged his support as budget negotiations heat up this month. Hawley has been a small-business owner for more than four decades and continually advocates to keep profits local and cut taxes and regulations.

“I know firsthand what it takes to succeed in New York’s suffocating business environment,” Hawley said. “Our state is continually ranked last or close to last in terms of business friendliness and economic outlook and that is unacceptable. I know many small-business owners personally and I can attest to their heart and determination to provide a great life for their families and strengthen their communities by hiring local employees.

"As we head into budget negotiations, I plan to advocate for the hard-working men and women of the business community to make New York a better place for us all.”

Hawley, a staunch opponent of the governor’s planned $15 an hour minimum wage, offered some insight into what impact that will have on small businesses.

“A $15 minimum wage, as proposed by the governor, is the wrong approach for New York,” Hawley said. “The minimum wage is already slated to increase each year for the next several years. Only in New York State do we receive a raise and then complain that it’s not good enough. This measure will kill hundreds of thousands of jobs, according to the Empire Center, and force businesses to relocate to other states.

Hawley calls for SAFE Act repeal on heels of embarrassing new report

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today called for the full repeal of the NY SAFE Act on the heels of new public safety data showing 81 percent of violations occurred in New York City, over five times more than in the rest of the state. Hawley called for his legislation, A.2651, to be brought to the floor for a vote following the release of this new data.

“As many of us said when we were getting force-fed this atrocious piece of legislation, this is an unconstitutional measure that will have little impact on curbing gun violence,” Hawley said. “The numbers are indisputable.

"The SAFE Act is little more than political pandering to liberal advocates who wanted to punish law-abiding Upstate firearm owners for a Downstate problem. I sponsor multiple bills, including A.3350, that would repeal the SAFE Act and I will continue to fight for full repeal of this ill-conceived law.”

Furthermore, Hawley is pushing for a floor vote on his “Two New Yorks” legislation, which would allow for a ballot referendum asking voters whether they support the division of New York into two separate states.

“The Two New Yorks legislation, A.4167, has been one of the cornerstones of my platform for many years,” Hawley said. “If passed, it would provide for a non-binding referendum gauging public support for the division of New York into two separate states. Unfortunately, Downstate politicians continue to block my bill from coming to the floor because they are fearful of the results.

"We should never sacrifice transparency and the public’s role in government to accumulate power and wealth. This is the time to vote on Two New Yorks, after seeing how Upstate values are continually being stifled in exchange for New York City values, and that is dangerous.”

Hawley condemns Cuomo's 'apathy' toward Upstate roads and bridges

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) sharply criticized Gov. Cuomo on Wednesday over his proposed plan to widen the disparity between Upstate and Downstate infrastructure funding in this year’s budget. Some say the New York City area could receive as much as $4 billion more than Upstate for things like airport reconstructions, the Tappan Zee Bridge and budget deficits at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).

“What the governor and my legislative colleagues from Downstate do not understand is that the vast majority of Upstate residents use automobiles as their primary form of transportation,” Hawley said. “There is no such thing as a subway or readily available taxi in Western New York. Everyone from our children who ride the bus to school, to our parents who drive to work, to our farmers who transport produce to market uses local roads, bridges and highways. Deficient infrastructure puts families at risk every day and continues to cause expensive repairs to the suspensions and tires of automobiles. We are part of New York too and deserve our fair share!”

Hawley’s comments come after recent news articles surfaced illustrating how Downstate politicians are trying to secure more funding for pet projects during budget negotiations. A recent story regarding the Rochester area has brought to light the desperate state of its bridges.Local highway superintendents and other public officials have echoed Hawley’s calls for more adequate funding of Upstate infrastructure.

“The Town of Hamlin, like many small rural towns, desperately needs their fair share of infrastructure money,” said Town of Hamlin Highway Superintendent Steven Baase. “There is no mass transit here, so everything relies on the condition of roads and bridges. The price of rebuilding or maintaining roads is skyrocketing, but we still have to comply with the tax cap. We are falling farther behind in road repairs and something has to give. Please reinstate the infrastructure parity between Upstate and Downstate in the budget. It is imperative!”

Assemblyman Hawley announces mobile veterans services app

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today announced that a new free mobile app, compatible with iOS and Android, is available for veterans and their family members to help them connect with important programs and resources.

The New York State Veterans App provides users with information on healthcare, housing, education, employment and a host of other issues at the touch of a finger.

“Our state is home to nearly one million veterans and helping them easily access vital programs and services is extremely important,” Hawley said. “Far too often, our veterans are not aware of the help available to them and are left without a strong support system.

"This announcement perfectly illustrates how government can better serve citizens through technology and how knowledge can be easily accessed by those who need it most. I look forward to using this app myself and informing my constituents on this breakthough in veterans’ affairs services.”

Hawley is a veteran himself and serves as Ranking Republican Member of the Assembly’s Veterans Affairs Committee.

Assemblyman Hawley praises firefighters

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today touted his support for volunteer and paid firefighters and emphasized the crucial role they play in communities across New York State. Hawley’s comments come after it was recently reported that volunteer firefighter groups save New York’s communities more than $3 billion statewide annually.

“Volunteer firefighters are one of the most necessary groups for preserving public safety in our communities,” Hawley said. “Their sacrifices and willingness to put themselves in dangerous situations at a moment’s notice is matched by very few. Running into a burning building when common sense tells you to run away speaks to their unbridled bravery and commitment to saving lives, no matter the cost.”

Hawley also spoke about ways to help support local fire departments, opportunities for citizens to become involved and serve their community, and his plans moving forward.

“With volunteer numbers decreasing as of late, we have an obligation to bolster local fire departments as much as possible and make the profession  attractive to young people. I’ve always been a supporter of the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY) and its tuition reimbursement opportunities, which allow young men and women to serve as volunteer firefighters in exchange for help paying for education. I will continue to support New York’s firefighter network and champion their causes in this year’s budget negotiations.”

Hawley announces funding available to farmers for water quality protection

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today announced that the state has made available $11 million in grants through the Agricultural Nonpoint Source Abatement and Control Program to assist farmers with projects to protect soil and water.

“Much of New York’s economy is driven by agriculture, especially in Western New York,” Hawley said. “We must protect our resources and keep this essential industry growing. To do so, New York State has made $11 million available to farmers via a grant program through the Agricultural Nonpoint Source Abatement and Control Program.”

These grants will be awarded to county Soil and Water districts to implement best practices such as structural soil conservation practices and agricultural waste storage. The program is funded directly through the state Environmental Protection Fund.

Hawley to host free business start-up training workshop at GCC for vets and military family members

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) recently announced that he will host Operation Entrepreneurship, free business start-up training for veterans and military family members. The event will take place on Thursday, Feb. 4, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Genesee Community College in Room T119.

**To register, contact Greg Lindberg at 716-551-5670 or visit**

“As a veteran and small-business owner, I know firsthand the challenges and dedication it takes to succeed in both of these fields,” Hawley said. “I built my business from the ground up and am constantly evolving, evaluating and challenging myself to succeed in New York’s lackluster and competitive business climate.

"I look forward to meeting and working with veterans and their families who have an interest in starting and owning their own business because the American dream is alive and well, and I want to help people realize it.”

The event is being sponsored by the Small Business Association (SBA) and topics covered will include introduction to business ownership, finding the right idea, introduction to business planning, understanding market research, choosing the correct legal entity and other issues. SBA Buffalo District Office Director, Franklin J. Sciortino, also praised the event’s merits.

“The SBA supports our veterans, service members and military families through a number of initiatives,” Sciortino said. “The Operation Entrepreneurship program creates an opportunity for our veterans to learn how to start up in a day, discover resources available to support their business success, and network with other like-minded entrepreneurs.”

WHAT:           Operation Entrepreneurship – Free entrepreneurship training for veterans and military family members

WHO:             Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia)                      

WHEN:           Thursday, Feb. 4

                        8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

WHERE:        Genesee Community College 

                        Room T119, 

                        1 College Road

                        Batavia, NY 14020

Snowmobile season is here, free safety course offered for youth

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today announced that the New York State Police will hold a FREE snowmobile safety course for New Yorkers aged 10 to 18 on Feb. 6 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Hamlin Beach State Park Conference Room in Hamlin. State law requires that all youth, ages 10 to 18, must possess a snowmobile safety certificate to operate a snowmobile anywhere except family-owned or leased land.

Space is limited so sign up early. Preregistration is required by calling the state Park Police at (585) 658-4692. Attendees are advised to bring their own lunch.

“While Western New York winters can be particularly harsh, they can also be great fun for snowmobile enthusiasts,” Hawley said. “As easy as it seems to operate a snowmobile, I remind constituents that these can be dangerous machines that have taken lives.

"It is imperative that residents under the age of 18 receive their snowmobile safety certificate for their own and others’ safety. I encourage all interested young residents to attend this course on February 6. Have fun and enjoy the snow.”

WHAT:          Snowmobile Safety certification course

WHEN:          February 6, 2016, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

WHERE:       Hamlin Beach State Park Conference Room, Hamlin

WHO:             New Yorkers aged 10 to 18

**Remember to bring a lunch**

Hawley announces Women's Equality bills officially are the law

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) celebrates planks of the Women’s Equality Agenda that became law on Tuesday.

“I am honored to announce that historic measures to protect New York’s women from things like domestic violence and workplace discrimination have become law today,” Hawley said in a statement released yesterday. “My colleagues and I in the Assembly Minority Conference worked tirelessly to ensure that these individual bills came to the floor for a vote. While members of the Assembly Majority used this issue as campaign rhetoric, we continued our unwavering support and never lost sight of the importance to our state’s women. I am proud to be part of this memorable day and will continue to lead the fight on women’s rights.”

Hawley: Your path to a quicker refund -- learn how to e-file

By Billie Owens

Press release:

With the deadline to file federal taxes quickly approaching, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has announced a series of workshops coming to his district that will help constituents learn how to electronically file their taxes. The workshops will take place in Batavia and Corfu at the public library. 

“Filing taxes electronically saves residents time and money and also yields a considerably quicker refund,” Hawley said. “Furthermore, the error rate for e-filed returns is 20 times lower than for paper returns and your refund can be directly deposited right into your bank account. I am excited to announce these upcoming workshops that run from January 25 to April 12 and encourage all of my constituents to attend to learn how to prepare and file your taxes for free.”

Ninety-two percent of New Yorkers file their taxes electronically and if your combined income for 2015 did not exceed $62,000, you can e-file for no charge. To learn more about e-filing, please visit

***These are the times, days and dates of worskhops at the Richmond Memorial Library in Batavia (19 Ross St.):

2 to 7:30 p.m., Mondays

Jan. 25

Feb. 1

Feb. 8

Feb. 22

Feb. 29

March 7

March 14

March 21

March 28

April 4

April 11

12 to 5 p.m. Wednesdays

Jan. 27

Feb. 3

Feb. 10

Feb. 17

Feb. 24

March 2

March 9

March 16

March 23

March 30

April 6

April 13

9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturdays

Jan. 30

Feb. 6

Feb. 13

Feb. 20

Feb. 27

March 5

March 12

March 19

April 2

April 9

***These are the times, days and dates of worskhops at the Corfu Free Library (7 Maple Ave., Corfu):

2 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays

Jan. 26

Feb. 2

Feb. 9

Feb. 16

Feb. 23

March 1

March 8

March 15

March 22

March 29

April 5

April 12

Hawley tours U.S. Gypsum plant in Oakfield, touts safety, environmental awareness

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) visited the U.S. Gypsum Plant in Oakfield last week as part of his ongoing local business tours. Hawley, a small-business owner for over four decades, commended U.S. Gypsum on its unwavering commitment to safety and dedication to its employees, 30 percent of whom have worked at the plant for more than 25 years.

U.S. Gypsum has won numerous MSHA Sentinels of Safety Mining Awards and was named one of the safest companies in 2015 by EHS Today Magazine.

“I was impressed by the safety procedures and precautions in place at the Oakfield plant, and the large number of employees who have been there for over 25 years and are multi-generational employees of the company,” Hawley said. “This speaks to their presence in the local community and U.S. Gypsum’s devotion to its employees.

"It is important that young people remember that trade or factory work can open many doors for a fulfilling career, and companies such as U.S. Gypsum are always seeking employees who are looking to build a career in the skilled trades.

“As impressive as its safety measures is U.S. Gypsum’s ongoing effort to stay environmentally friendly. I was amazed to learn that the Oakfield plant is completely energy efficient, burning natural gas and selling off the excess. Furthermore, its products are made with 100-percent recycled paper. U.S. Gypsum is a shining example of a well-functioning company that cares about more than just its bottom line, and that is commendable.”

Hawley: Assembly Majority's defeat of GOP ethics reforms is 'unacceptable'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today introduced one of 17 resolutions aimed at increasing transparency and accountability in state government at a press conference held by Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C-Canandaigua) in Albany.

Hawley proposed requiring a two-thirds majority of the house to pass a message of necessity, but all of the 17 reform measures were defeated by the Assembly Majority during today’s Legislative Session.

“It is unacceptable that these reforms were unanimously defeated by the Assembly Majority, especially after the slew of corruption cases that stained Albany last year,” Hawley said. “Our top priority should be restoring faith in government and increasing our openness and transparency but it has become clear that the Assembly Majority does not care at all about ethics reform.

“I have been an outspoken opponent of messages of necessity because they are the antithesis to good government and usually accompany controversial legislation such as the SAFE-Act. All legislation should be properly vetted and debated before a vote is taken, but messages of necessity rob us of that procedural safeguard. Until we make major changes to how the house functions, we run the risk of entrenched corruption continuing in Albany.”

Hawley releases statement on president's gun orders

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“President Obama’s Executive Action to increase background checks and toughen licensing requirements for firearms sales is misguided, ignores the democratic process and is the wrong approach for many areas of the country, including Western New York. While I agree that gun safety is a salient concern, rushing through new requirements and stipulations is contrary to our country’s principles of democracy and populous support.

“It is a poor reflection on our state’s leadership that Gov. Cuomo has praised Obama for abusing Presidential Powers. Gov. Cuomo has a lackluster record on properly vetting important issues as we saw with the SAFE-Act and minimum wage. No executive should be abusing his authority as a way to sidestep a legislature that, in large part, does not support these initiatives.

“President Obama’s actions place a heavy financial and social burden on law-abiding firearm owners in exchange for pursuit of his ideological agenda. Western New York is filled with legal firearm owners who love to hunt, target shoot and buy, sell and trade firearms. Furthermore, rural citizens use firearms for home protection, especially in places where police are many miles away. The founding of our nation and the 2nd Amendment are inextricably linked and should never be suppressed in exchange for one man’s political pursuits.”

Assemblyman Hawley wishes all a happy and safe New Year's holiday

By Billie Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“On behalf of my office and the New York State Assembly, I would like to wish my constituents and all New Yorkers a happy and safe New Year’s holiday. This holiday is distinct from others in that we have a chance to start over and rebrand our lives and actions for the better. It is a symbolic time to set new goals, aspirations and put failures and disappointment behind you.

"Embrace the New Year and what 2016 has to offer. Great times are ahead for us all. As you are enjoying time with family and friends, please take a moment to reflect on the members of the armed forces who are defending our freedom abroad and cannot celebrate this holiday with their families.

"Please enjoy New Year’s Eve responsibly and remember that many organizations offer free cab rides late into the night. But, most of all, have fun and let’s make 2016 even better than 2015!”

Photo: New flags donated by Steve Hawley to Falleti Ice Arena

By Howard B. Owens

Prior to the start of the David M. McCarthy Memorial Hockey Tournament at the Falleti Ice Arena, Assemblyman Steve Hawley donated a U.S. flag and a state flag to the arena to hang next to the scoreboard. The U.S. flag replaces the one that has hung in the area for years and has become worn with age.

Pictured are arena managers Alan Fitzsimmons and Adam Reach, Batavia players Bryce Polito and Riley Kusmicrski, Hawley, and players Bryce D'Alba and Jack Kasmarek.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley wishes happy holidays to all, reminds us to remember service members and the needy

By Billie Owens

Press release: 

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today wished his constituents and all New Yorkers happy holidays as we approach the Christmas and New Year’s season. Hawley also encouraged residents to take advantage of the many programs and charitable organizations in their local communities.

“I would like to wish all my constituents a Merry Christmas and enjoyable holiday season,” Hawley said. “Please take this time of year to relax, enjoy the company of family and friends, and give gifts to those most important in your life.

"Also, take time to reflect on those servicemen and women defending our country overseas who will not be home with their families this holiday season. Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice so we can safely enjoy this special time of year.

“Despite the joy and comfort that comes with the holidays, it remains a struggle for many families in our communities, and many children are not fortunate enough to receive presents for Christmas. But, with your help, we can change that. I encourage my constituents and all New Yorkers to consider donating to the tremendous organizations we have here locally.”

Hawley 'disheartened' by Mueller Quaker Dairy closing, but says revitalization initiative means bright future ahead

By Billie Owens

Press release: 

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) commented on the apparent closing of the Mueller Quaker Dairy Plant in Batavia as well as economic development opportunities ahead as a result of the Finger Lakes Region winning the Upstate Revitalization Initiative.

“I am disheartened to learn of the closing of the Mueller Quaker Dairy Plant as a result of the company’s sale to Dairy Farmers of America (DFOA). The news comes as a shock but my hope is that DFOA will open a new facility in Western New York very soon and rehire many of the same employees that will be laid off due to Mueller Quaker’s closing. I look forward to working with DFOA in the future and wish the company the best of luck.”

A total of $120.1 million was awarded for 134 projects in the Finger Lakes Region. They include: $750,000 was awarded to Genesee Biogas to purchase new equipment in the Genesee Industrial Agricultural Park, LLC; $420,000 to the Genesee County Economic Development Center; $500,000 to the Genesee Gateway Local Development Corporation to expand infrastructure; $1.5 million to install new water lines at the STAMP Park in Alabama; $600,000 for the Orleans County Economic Development Center; and $70,000 to fund the Orleans Renaissance Group.

“Although I am discouraged by the closing of the Mueller Quaker plant in Batavia, I am inspired by the opportunities that await us in execution of the dozens of projects in my district funded through the Regional Economic Development Councils (REDC) and Upstate Revitalization Initiative. These six project only scratch the surface of what we have in store for Western New York and I look forward to assisting with the dozens of projects throughout my district in any way possible.”

Assemblyman Hawley to hold four town hall meetings in Genesee County on Dec. 5

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley’s will hold four town hall meetings on Saturday, Dec. 5, in Genesee County. Here is the lineup:

Village of Alexander/Town of Alexander
9:30 - 10:15 a.m.

Alexander's Country Deli
10598 Main St.
Alexander, NY 14005

Town of Darien
10:30 - 11:15 a.m.

Johnny Bear's
1415 Broadway
Darien Center, NY 14040

Village of Corfu/Town of Pembroke
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Pembroke Town Hall
1145 Main Road
Corfu, NY 14036

Town of Alabama
12:30 - 1:15 p.m.

Alabama Town Hall
2218 Judge Road
Oakfield, NY 14125

Hawley: 'Dangerous illegal immigrants should not be given a free pass'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today announced that he has signed on as co-sponsor of the NY Cares Act-Sanctuary City Bill, legislation to strictly enforce federal immigration laws and prevent dangerous illegal immigrants from seeking sanctuary in our state and avoiding deportation.

During the past four years, 121 illegal aliens committed murders after they were released from deportation hearings, despite having prior criminal records. The bill, A.8552, is being carried in the Senate by Sen. Tom Croci (R-Long Island).

“I am sponsoring this legislation because I believe protection of the citizens of this state should be our top priority,” Hawley said. “ISIS operatives already have made it clear that they intend to infiltrate our state and do harm to our men, women and children. By more strictly enforcing federal immigration policy, we can prevent violent immigrants from gaining sanctuary in our communities and deport those who are actively supporting terrorism or are sympathetic to radical Islamic views.

"We cannot afford to continue turning a blind eye to illegal immigrants for the purpose of cheap labor, leaving our communities vulnerable to dangerous criminals. The global war on terrorism requires a heightened level of security and restriction on our immigration policy, and that is exactly what this bill intends to do.”

Hawley calls on Cuomo to increase screening, close borders for Syrian refugees entering New York

By Billie Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

In light of last weekend’s horrific terrorist attacks across Europe, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has called on Gov. Cuomo to increase New York’s screening process for allowing Syrian refugees into the state. Hawley expressed the urgency of this matter as authorities are investigating a Syrian Passport found near one of the French bombing sites after the weekend’s terrorist attacks.

Twenty-five governors across the country have vowed to block Syrian refugees from entering their states as of this morning.

“This is a matter of New York State security,” Hawley said. “I am concerned that Syrian refugees sympathetic to the terrorist attacks could already be living among us, and we have a duty to protect our citizens from future threats. New York’s highly populated cities are easy targets for terrorists who are now more frequently attacking innocent civilians.

"The groundswell of support for this measure is growing by the hour, and 25 governors, including several moderate presidential candidates, already have pledged to close their borders until security is increased. I am officially calling on Gov. Cuomo to close our borders to Syrian refugees until we can properly ascertain threats inside our state and the remaining attackers have been apprehended.”

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