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Steve Hawley

Moreland Commission reviewed Hawley's records and found no issues

By Howard B. Owens

The now-defunct Moreland Commission took three months to review Assemblyman Steve Hawley's financial and business records and found nothing amiss, Hawley told a luncheon in Orleans County on Friday.

“There’s an old adage: ‘If you have nothing to hide, comply,’ ” Hawley said.

Orleans Hub reports that Hawley turned over a list of clients, employees, family members, advertisements, political materials, income taxes and property taxes. It was an exhaustive collection of documents.

Besides sitting in the Assembly, Hawley owns an insurance business based in Batavia.

The three-month review to see if Hawley was making money in kickbacks or abusing his public office for financial gain found Hawley was not misusing his office. Everything was clear.

Hawley's remarks came shortly after Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was arrested on federal charges for allegedly taking kickbacks. Silver has temporarily stepped down from his leadership position.

The Moreland Commission was disbanded by Gov. Andrew Cuomo before its work was seemingly complete, a decision that was controversial at the time and has been reexamined in light of the charges against Silver.

For more on the story, visit Orleans Hub.

Hawley: Sheldon Silver must go

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today called for the resignation and removal of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Hawley said Silver’s resignation is necessary to preserve the integrity of the office and keep focus on the importance of the upcoming budget negotiations.  

“Speaker Silver owes it to his legislative colleagues, the State of New York and his tens of thousands of constituents to step down as speaker,” Hawley said. “Speaker Silver owes the public an explanation for his actions, and it would be outrageous and irresponsible to allow him to continue his Assembly duties while he faces a possible indictment for corruption charges. It is time for members of the Assembly Majority to do the right thing and elect new leadership that will serve our state with a greater sense of honor and dignity. We have important business to conduct as public representatives, and the upcoming budget negotiations deserve our utmost attention. Silver’s resignation would allow us to continue the people’s business.”

Hawley’s comments come after Silver turned himself in to the FBI this morning following an investigation about incomplete financial disclosures required by state law.

Hawley, Ranzenhofer issue statements on Cuomo's State of the State Speech

By Howard B. Owens

From Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“A plan to expand broadband Internet access will be beneficial to the more rural parts of my district, and I look forward to hearing more about the proposal. I am concerned that Gov. Cuomo’s small-business tax cut plan is not structured in a manner that allows business owners to expand and hire more employees. The proposed cut is less than one-10th of what the legislature gave to Hollywood film executives to entice them to produce movies in New York State. We need to get our priorities straight and protect family-owned businesses that have been in New York for generations. Furthermore, I am concerned that the governor’s plan does not properly fund agriculture in a way that will protect our farmers and allow their businesses to stay in New York and be passed down from generation to generation.”

From State Sen. Mike Ranzenhofer:

State Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer has issued the following statement in response to Governor Cuomo’s State of the State Address and Executive budget proposal:

“In the coming days and weeks, I will be going over the Executive budget proposal with a fine-tooth comb. I am pleased that the Governor has proposed major investments in infrastructure, a new property tax relief program and expanding broadband access in rural communities.” 

“For four years, State budgets have passed on time that closed billions of dollars in deficits by controlling spending and reduced taxes for small businesses and middle-class families.  Our priorities should be to build on this progress, including strengthening our economy, ensuring our children receive a first-rate education and repealing burdensome regulations.”

“The 2015-16 Legislative Session presents us with an unprecedented opportunity to keep New York State moving forward. We cannot afford to allow it to be squandered.”

If you missed the speech, here's coverage from The New York Times.

Hawley announces availability of interest-free loans for muncipal wastewater projects

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced that interest-free loans have become available for certain municipalities to make improvements to their wastewater infrastructure systems. The availability of this cheaper funding for up to 30 years means smaller governments and towns in the district may now have the financial means to upgrade their infrastructure.

“I am excited about the availability of these new zero-percent loans,” Hawley said. “This is a case where a decision has the potential to positively impact communities and residents at the local level. Many local governments in my district struggle to keep taxes low and finance community projects due to costly state mandates and rising healthcare costs.  These interest-free loans will hopefully absorb some of the financial stress placed on our local governments and allow them to finance long-term design and construction of more efficient wastewater infrastructure systems. In doing so, we can employ local construction groups, protect the environment and allow for more efficient removal and purification of our residents' wastewater.”

Hawley’s comments come after The Environmental Facilities Corporation Board of Directors approved $288 million worth of zero-percent interest loans for wastewater infrastructure improvements Thursday. The City of Olean and Village of Malone were the first to take advantage of the new loan funding.

Hawley critical of Cuomo's property tax plan

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today criticized Gov. Cuomo’s proposed property-tax relief plan as having little concrete backing and not addressing the root cause of unfunded mandates. Hawley also said that the plan is simply a temporary fix and does not address the oppressive tax structure in New York State.  

“Gov. Cuomo’s proposal is a convenient way to avoid addressing the root cause of high property and school taxes: unfunded mandates,” Hawley said. “I agree that tax cuts should be a focus during this year’s budgetary process, but Gov. Cuomo’s proposal does not address the rigorous and oppressive tax structure in New York State. Furthermore, this proposal is based on a surplus that does not yet exist and apparently could only exist if the legislature made several billion in cuts over the next few years. A better solution for tax relief would be broad-based tax cuts for all New Yorkers and not just select groups, as Gov. Cuomo has done.”

Hawley’s comments come after Gov. Cuomo released a $1.7 billion property-tax credit proposal that will be included in his budget presentation next week. Hawley has fought for lower taxes and more fiscal responsibility in Albany during his tenure in the legislature.

Hawley calls for reform reform state aid to school districts

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that he is sponsoring legislation to end the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA). Assembly Bill 8720 of 2014 seeks to end the education cuts that took place in 2009 and 2010. Hawley, along with many members of the Assembly Minority Conference, has been outspoken about restoring the GEA for several years. “School districts in New York State deserve to have these cuts restored,” Hawley said. 

“The legislature has had the financial means to restore this education aid for years now, and the apparent surplus this year should go directly to fund our schools. It is unfortunate to see good teachers being laid off and students being placed at a disadvantage because Albany couldn’t balance its budget. These cuts were never intended to be permanent, but the legislature is hesitant to repay them each budget cycle.”

Hawley’s comments come after members of the legislature made clear their plan to reintroduce Assembly Bill 8720 for the current legislative term. The new bill number is not known yet.

Hawley calls for floor vote on Women's Equality bills

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today called for members of the Assembly Majority to bring the Women’s Equality Agenda to the floor for a vote as separate bills.  Hawley said the Assembly Minority intends to again introduce the package as separate pieces of legislation. 

“The women of New York have waited far too long for these bills to be passed by the Assembly,” Hawley said.  “We are re-introducing this legislation because women’s equality reforms cannot wait another year.  These bills will protect women from matters such as domestic violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking and wage discrimination.  It is time for the Assembly Majority to quit using this issue for political gain and join us in a bi-partisan collaboration that will be an early legislative victory for constituents.”

Hawley’s comments come after Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C-Canandaigua) held a press conference Tuesday morning to call for passage of the Women’s Equality Agenda legislation.  The State Senate passed eight separate bills on Monday. 

Hawley retains posts in Assembly leadership

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) was reappointed as Assistant Minority Leader as well as Minority Ranker of the Assembly’s Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Hawley also announced that he was reappointed to the Agriculture, Insurance, and Ways and Means committees.

“I am honored to serve in our conference’s leadership once again,” Hawley said. “Our members and leadership are tremendously devoted to crafting the best public policy possible and I am motivated to get back to work. Furthermore, as a veteran, I am proud to serve as Ranking Member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. I have always sought to protect the rights of veterans and advocate for them in Albany. My years in the military have given me the knowledge and experience to meaningfully contribute to the policy process. I look forward to heading back to Albany to continue working for veterans during this year’s session.”

Hawley, a veteran of the Army National Guard and Army Reserves, has served in the legislature since 2006 and as Assistant Minority Leader since 2013. The 2015 Legislative Session opened on Wednesday, Jan. 7, when members took their oaths of office in the Assembly Chamber and Assemblymen Sheldon Silver and Brian Kolb were elected to the positions of Speaker and Minority Leader, respectively.    

Hawley calls on AG to investigate disparity in gas prices

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) wrote Attorney General Eric Schneiderman again urging him to investigate the disparity in gas prices from county to county.  Hawley, whose district is comprised of Genesee County and parts of Monroe and Orleans counties, mentioned the noticeably higher price of gas in his hometown of Batavia as compared to prices paid in surrounding counties.  Hawley has written Schneiderman several times on this issue, urging him to investigate and take action on the fluctuation of gas prices in his district.

“In most instances Genesee and Orleans county gas prices range much higher than the surrounding counties,” wrote Hawley.  “I have seen firsthand the pricing of gas stations in Batavia costing $.15-$.25 more per gallon than the various stations located in the surrounding contiguous counties: Erie and Monroe.  I know there are many variables which determine the price per gallon of gas but it seems to me that the price should not differ significantly from county to county.” 

Hawley: No Genesee County mobile office hours until after the holidays

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) will not be holding his Genesee County mobile office hours until Friday, Jan. 9.

“Unfortunately, my mobile office hours for the next two weeks land during the Christmas and New Year holidays,” Hawley said. “I enjoy the time I spend listening to the concerns of residents in my district, but I encourage everyone to spend some quality time relaxing with family this holiday season. I plan to resume office hours at their regularly scheduled time and day the following week.”

Hawley offers comment on Cuomo's fracking ban

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

 “Gov. Cuomo’s decision to defer to the New York State Health Department’s opinion on hydraulic fracturing allows him to wash his hands of the situation while virtually guaranteeing that fracking will not happen in New York,” Hawley said. “While I understand the potential economic benefits of allowing fracking in New York State, I believe we must take into account the preservation of our environment when making such an important decision. While dozens of other states, including our neighbor Pennsylvania, have allowed their natural gas deposits to be safely fracked, it is crucial to examine how hydraulic fracturing will affect such as vital natural resource as our drinking water. In this case, Gov. Cuomo clearly favored environmental concerns over the potential for new jobs, lower taxes and more abundant natural resources.”

Steve Hawley wishes residents of district a happy and safe Christmas

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is wishing residents of the 139th Assembly District and all New Yorkers a happy and safe Christmas season. Hawley commented that Christmas is an important time of the year to appreciate what we have and enjoy buying and receiving gifts for family and friends.

“On behalf of myself and my family I would like to wish all of my constituents and New Yorkers statewide a Merry Christmas,” Hawley said. “I encourage everyone to spend the upcoming holiday with loved ones and make an attempt to give back to those less fortunate so that they may be able to enjoy the holiday as well. While you are enjoying Christmas with loved ones, please take time and reflect on those members of our armed services that will spend the holidays away from their families in duty to our nation.

Hawley, a veteran of the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserves, has been a strong advocate for veterans’ affairs during his time in the Legislature, serving as Ranking Minority Member of the Assembly’s Veterans Affairs Committee. Hawley, born and raised in Western New York, is a strong proponent for families and takes every opportunity to support family and community bonding.

Hawley shares info on state's new electronics disposal law

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is advising his constituents about the new way consumers are required to dispose of electronic equipment. Starting Jan. 1, the New York State Electronic Equipment Recycling and Reuse Act will require that consumers dispose of electronic equipment by either returning it to either the manufacturer or a designated New York State Waste Collection Site.

“There is now a new way that consumers are required to dispose of their electronic equipment. I want to make sure that my constituents are aware of this change to the law so they are in compliance,” Hawley said. “The new way electronics must be disposed of is simple and easy to understand and costs the consumer nothing. If you have any questions, feel free to contact my office and we will be happy to help.”

Under this law, there are two way to dispose of your electronics. The first way is to use the newly required product manufacturers' take-back program. A listing of manufacturers and how to contact them about the take-back program can be found at The second way is to drop off your electronics at a designated New York State Waste Collection Site. A list of collection sites can be found at Call ahead to make sure the specific collection site is able to take back your specific piece of electronic equipment.

For more information about the new take-back program, go to This includes a listing of electronic equipment that is covered by the program. If you have any questions or encounter any problems, call the Department of Environmental Conservation at 518-402-8706.

Hawley says election shows deep Upstate and Downstate division

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia), in response to the deep divide between Upstate and Downstate New York revealed in the recent elections, is renewing his push for his “Two New Yorks” legislation, numbered A00391. This legislation would permit counties to place an initiative on the ballot to poll citizens on whether or not they want to see New York separated into two states. Hawley believes this is an important first step toward true representation for Upstate New York.

These recent elections have made one thing clear: New York City has a tight grip on the electoral politics of this state, and it is not working for Upstate New York. Longtime Upstate New Yorkers are being driven out of the state they were raised in because of oppressive taxes and the lack of well-paying jobs,” Hawley said. “I’ll be making my ‘Two New Yorks’ legislation a top priority to find out if Upstate New Yorkers want to take the step to separate from New York City and Downstate interests.”

The upstate/downstate divide was made abundantly clear in this year’s gubernatorial elections, where Gov. Cuomo’s entire margin of victory came from New York City alone. He won New York City by 569,278 votes, but only won the election by 480,605 votes. This means that without New York City, he would have lost and New York’s next governor would be someone more aligned with the Upstate priorities of lower taxes, a better business climate, and the restoration of Second Amendment rights.

Hawley thanks constituents for big Election Day support

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia), who was reelected on Tuesday with more than 95 percent of the vote, is extending his gratitude to the people who have entrusted him to represent them for another two years. Hawley’s priorities for the next two years include creating a better business climate in Western New York that creates well-paying jobs and working to restore Second Amendment rights. Hawley issued the following statement:

 “I am humbled by the overwhelming support that the people of the 139th Assembly District have shown me. I will continue to faithfully represent them by holding town halls across the district so that constituents have the chance to let me know what they want to see from our state and bringing those concerns to Albany. I look forward to keeping a good thing going representing the good people of Western New York for another two years.”

GC Conservative Party endorses reelection of Assemblyman Steve Hawley

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Conservative Party has endorsed the reelection of Assemblyman Steve Hawley.

He has shown over and over that he represents the thoughts and wishes of the district. It has been hard for him with the Downstate liberal majority controlling the State. But he has kept on trying and has not gone the path of “go along to get along” that many have taken.

He has been a very strong supporter or the 2nd Amendment and our right to own firearms if we want. He supports the full repeal of the SAFE ACT, which only punishes legal gun owners and does nothing to stop crime. Steve Hawley has been endorsed by the NRA and the local pro 2nd Amendment group, SCOPE.

He is pro-business and has received a 100-percent rating from Unshackle Upstate and the National Federation of Independent Businesses. Steve owns his own local business, hiring local people.

This November, we ask you to vote on the Conservative Party line (Row C) and show your support for Steve Hawley.

On Behalf of the Executive Committee,
Dann G Neale
Vice-Chairman Conservative Party of Genesee County

Photo: Patriot Trip group at Marine museum in D.C.

By Howard B. Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley, checkered shorts, is with a group of constituents on his annual Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C.. With Hawley at the National Museum of the Marine Corps are Ed and Dorothy Morgan, Robert Ballard and Rose Schlegal.

Hawley earns perfect legislative score from NFIB

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) recently received a perfect score on his voting record from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), a group that advocates for policies that help businesses grow and create jobs.

This is Hawley’s second perfect score from a business advocacy group, having received a perfect score from Unshackle Upstate last week. Hawley is thankful for the group’s support and promises to continue working with them to create more job opportunities for Western New Yorkers.

“I have dedicated my service in the Assembly to advocate for policies that help local small businesses and middle-class families thrive right here in Western New York,” Hawley said. “It’s good to have the partnership of groups like the NFIB that share my passion for this goal. We will continue working together to create a business climate that enables people to work in well-paying jobs.”

Hawley applauds new law that assistance veterans

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia), a veteran of the National Guard and Army Reserves and ranking member of the Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee, is applauding Gov. Cuomo for signing a military assistance bill into law that the assemblyman wholeheartedly supported in the Assembly.

“Our state and our country are forever indebted to those who have served us at home and abroad,” Hawley said. “This law tackles the red tape that hampers professional certification for family members of active duty officers who are moved from station to station. We have also expanded New York’s supplemental burial allowance to include those who were injured on the battlefield, but died here at home − an oversight that was far too tragic to continue.”

Hawley added, “Another great aspect of this newly signed law is how it assists children affected when their families move from station to station. Every state has its own difficult requirements for high school graduation, and that is often overlooked in legislation that attempts to honor our servicemen and women. Through this much-needed law, we have cut the red tape affecting children’s academic well-being and enrollment issues. This is one law we can all support, and I’m proud to have helped pass it.”

Assemblyman Hawley warns utility customers about scam - 'Green Dot MoneyPak Card'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is warning his constituents of an emerging scam being perpetrated on customers of New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) and Rochester Gas and Electric (RG&E).

The scam involves a person claiming to be a NYSEG or RG&E representative calling customers and threatening them with service cancellation unless they buy a "Green Dot MoneyPak Card."

Once purchased, the scammer uses the card.

“Customers of NYSEG and RG&E need to be on guard for scammers soliciting the Green Dot MoneyPak Card. If you get one of these calls, do not buy the card and contact the Federal Trade Commission and your local police to let them know the issue,” Hawley said.

“If you have fallen victim to the scheme, you may be able to get your money back by contacting Green Dot MoneyPak and deactivating the card before the scammer uses it.”

Scam victims who want to get their money back can do so by going to and clicking “I would like a refund of my MoneyPak.” However, this will not work if the scammer has already spent your money.

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