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Steve Hawley

Surplus should be used for Upstate economic stimulus, Hawley says

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) said today that Upstate economic development would be the best option for the state’s $610 million surplus, obtained as result of a recent bank settlement. Hawley criticized Gov. Cuomo’s proposed Upstate Revitalization Fund for pitting communities against each other and said surplus funding should be appropriated in a more equitable fashion.

“The surplus would best serve the people of this state by promoting economic revitalization in Upstate New York,” Hawley said. “The governor’s competition plan is a misguided approach that pits communities against each other and creates three winners and four losers. By splitting this money evenly among the seven regions or combining it with the governor’s plan, we could ensure that more regions see tangible economic development. The state’s financial investments in businesses and local projects over the past several years have been hugely beneficial, especially in the rural areas of my district. This surplus funding should be invested back into Upstate communities and support projects that will attract new businesses and jobs to many struggling areas of the state.”

Hawley’s comments come after a press release issued by the New York State Department of Financial Services revealed that Commerzbank has paid a $610 million fine to New York State as part of a punitive package for financial and accountability crimes.

Hawley bill would exempt farmers from unemployment insurance for immigrant workers

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that he has become a co-sponsor on legislation, Assembly Bill 06256, that will ease the financial burden placed on farmers. The bill would forgo the requirement that farmers who employ aliens admitted to the United States to perform farm labor pay unemployment insurance for such workers. Under state law, alien laborers are not eligible for unemployment insurance, so there is no need for employers to pay into the unemployment insurance fund.

“I have introduced this legislation with Assemblyman Bill Magee (D-Madison County), current Chair of the Assembly Committee on Agriculture, after meeting with Farm Bureau representatives from my district,” Hawley said. “As the former owner of Hawley Farms, I know firsthand how hard farmers work for their profits and that sustainability of their business is not guaranteed year to year. This is common-sense legislation that will correct a glaring deficiency in the labor law that mandates farmers pay unemployment insurance for workers who are ineligible. My district contains many farm operations and I will do everything I can to help them keep more of their profits.”

Hawley renews call for two-state vote

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The more time I spend in the Assembly, the more I notice the distinction between New York City and Upstate New York. It is clear to me that the needs of Downstate continue to dominate New York State politics. Year after year, New York City drains our education fund dry and more attention is given to things like rent control and New York City’s mass transit system; issues for which Upstate New Yorkers have little concern. Two-thirds of representatives in the Assembly have districts south of the Tappan Zee Bridge and their interests continue to dominate the budget process while Upstate is left to fight for scraps.  

With recent news emerging about the Southern Tier toying with the idea of secession to Pennsylvania, Upstate New Yorkers deserve to have a choice about splitting from New York City now more than ever. In 2012, New York spent more on Medicaid than Florida and Texas combined, and this year’s budget will surely raise that to an even higher level. Why should Upstate be forced to take home less pay because of those who choose to remain on government assistance and abuse the system for benefits such as rent and energy assistance and funding for appliances and groceries?

Sen. Joseph Robach (R,C,I-Rochester) and I have recently introduced legislation (A.4167) to allow a referendum on the question, “Do you support the division of New York into two separate states?” In doing so, we could measure the citizen support for this initiative to determine if it is actually feasible. As liberals from New York City continue to move Upstate generation after generation, they will undoubtedly support increased services and more taxation.

New York has one of the highest exodus rates in the country. Younger generations are realizing that a life in New York is not sustainable due to the abusive tax structure and lack of employment opportunities. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to see if separation from New York City is actually feasible. Without the expensive Downstate burden, we could gain education funding, lower taxes, have full Second Amendment rights, and more opportunities to experience the “American Dream.” Join me in fighting for Upstate and passing my legislation so we can build a better “New New York.”

Hawley happy with progress on Women's Equality legislation

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today commented on the Assembly’s decision to pass one plank of the 10-point omnibus Women’s Equality Act (WEA). Hawley was proud to see this legislation finally come before the entire Assembly for a vote and said that a measure of such great importance should not have taken this long to pass the house. The Assembly Majority has blocked separate WEA bills from moving out of committee in order to use the entire 10-bill package, which contains a controversial abortion provision, as a tool for political gain. 

“Today we take a giant leap forward toward enacting true gender equality for New York’s women,” Hawley said. “It is unfortunate that a measure of this magnitude was held for so long in committee by members of the Majority. It is a disservice to New York’s women and an embarrassment to our government that we could not bring this legislation to the floor for a vote earlier. The Assembly Minority Conference has been at the forefront of passing this package as separate bills for years, and today we can finally claim victory.”

Hawley’s comments come after the Assembly passed A.506, which will enact the Trafficking Victims Protection and Justice Act. Identical legislation, Assembly Bill 2704, was introduced by the Minority Conference several years ago but members of the Majority have refused to take action upon it.

Hawley: Assembly budget pays little heed to Upstate

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“The Assembly’s one-house budget resolution all but ignores the needs of Upstate families,” Hawley said. “Unfortunately, a large portion of economic development funding was gutted from the budget proposal, funding that my district has used to upgrade its infrastructure, help struggling companies stay afloat, and expand and foster community projects. It includes a crippling minimum-wage hike, which will surely stifle business expansion, restrict the ability to hire new employees, and raise prices for groceries and other consumer items."

“I have been fighting tooth and nail to restore the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA) education cuts that were unfairly taken from our school districts in 2010, and our House’s budget resolution repays $150 million less than it did last year toward restoration of these cuts. Furthermore, Assembly Majority members had yet another chance to pass meaningful ethics reform and adopt Gov. Cuomo’s proposals. They ignored many of the governor’s reforms and have left New York vulnerable to more abuses of power and taxpayer money. We can and should do better for Upstate families, and I will work with my legislative colleagues to make sure this does not stand.”

Hawley calls for agriculture tax credit to offset Thruway tolls paid by farmers

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that he will sponsor a bill to provide tax credits against New York State Thruway tolls for farmers who travel the highway. Assembly Bill 2414 provides a tax credit of 75 percent of the Thruway tolls assumed by farmers in order to allow them more profits when selling their products across the state. Hawley said this is a vital piece of legislation that will help sustain the farms in his Western New York district and allow them to sell crops statewide. 

“Growing up on our family’s farm, I know firsthand the struggles our farmers face every year,” Hawley said. “Profits are not guaranteed and much of the business relies not only on the ability to produce a high yield of crops, but also the ability to transport those products across the state and sell them at a variety of outlets. Thruway tolls are continuing to rise, and large-box trucks and farm vehicles are not allowed on smaller highways. Because of this, farmers are losing a large amount of their profits in tolls. This bill would allow greater intrastate commerce while also financially supporting those who feed our state.”

The legislation is a bipartisan effort currently awaiting action in the Assembly’s Ways and Means Committee. Under the bill, to receive the tax credit, farm vehicles cannot exceed 26,000 pounds and must be controlled and operated by a farmer for the transport of agriculture products, farm supplies or farm machinery.

Hawley calls for increased funding for local infrastructure

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) attended a press conference Wednesday held by Sen. Tom O’Mara (R,C-Big Flats) and Assemblyman Phil Palmesano (R,C,I-Corning) to call for an increase in funding for local roads, culverts and bridges. The press conference called on the governor and Legislature to increase funding for the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) during this year’s budget negotiations.

“Preserving the safety of our roads, bridges and culverts is especially important to my district, where many small businesses and agriculture producers transport products,” Hawley said. “The past few winters have been considerably difficult and have taken their toll on our local roads and bridges. This funding is necessary to ensure the safety of our local business people and the families and school buses that travel these roads almost every day.”

Hawley supports bill to assist small business owners

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today renewed his support for New York’s small businesses as the Legislature begins budget negotiations. Hawley cited his own small business ownership and urged the Legislature to make cutting regulations and taxes for small businesses a priority in this year’s budget negotiations.  

“As the owner and operator of a small business for many years, I know the amount of hard work and determination it takes to succeed in New York’s economic climate,” Hawley said. “Small businesses are the backbone of this nation and the driving force behind employment and economic growth, and are oftentimes family owned for generations. It is unfortunate that Gov. Cuomo and the Assembly leadership have, year after year, neglected to enact sweeping deregulation and tax cuts for small businesses to help them hire more employees and compete with larger corporations. My district is home to many small businesses and I will be sure to make their voices heard during this year’s budget negotiations.”

Hawley has received 100-percent ratings from the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) and Unshackle Upstate for his legislative votes during the 2013-14 year. Hawley also urged other legislators to sponsor and support the Small Business Full Employment Act.

“This legislation provides a comprehensive overhaul of how we regulate and tax small businesses,” Hawley said. “The bill focuses on cornerstones of economic growth such as tax cuts for businesses with fewer than 100 employees, repeal of the 18-A utility tax and tax credits for creating new jobs. I urge my Assembly colleagues to support this bill and help our businesses thrive in a less than ideal economic climate.”

Hawley’s comments came on Small Business Day in Albany, hosted by the NFIB. Hawley has been a staunch supporter of the organization’s efforts during his years in the Assembly.

Hawley says now is the time for rules reform

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today called on the Legislature to pass a comprehensive Assembly Rules Reform package. Hawley said this legislation cannot be delayed any longer in the wake of major scandals involving top House leadership. The proposals are aimed at greatly improving openness, transparency and accountability.  

“The people of New York deserve a higher standard of government,” Hawley said. “These reforms will stand in stark contrast to the sea of corruption we have seen over the past few years. The public is sick and tired of lies, backroom deals and the secrecy that has shrouded the Legislature for years. It is long past the time to shed some light on our internal workings. I have included my own proposal in this package that would mandate a two-thirds vote in the House to pass a message of necessity.

"This would prevent future abuses such as the SAFE Act from coming to the floor for a vote before proper debate and discussion has been initiated. I am calling on my Assembly colleagues across the aisle, who called for these very same proposals weeks ago, to stand with us today and bring this legislation to the floor for a vote.”

Hawley’s comments come after a press conference was held in Albany today by Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C-Canandaigua) to introduce legislation to overhaul the Assembly’s rules. Highlights of the package include term limits for legislative leaders and committee chairs, and allowing each member of the Assembly to bring one piece of substantial legislation to the floor for a vote.

Hawley encourages participation in business plan competition

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today encouraged college students to participate in New York’s annual business plan competition. Hawley praised the competition for allowing bright students across the state to present new ideas consistent with New York’s focus on nanotechnology, entrepreneurship and advanced technology. More than 600 students are expected to participate and compete for a top cash prize of $100,000.  

“As the owner and operator of a small business, I know the hard work and ingenuity it takes to succeed as a business owner in New York,” Hawley said. “This competition highlights principles that make our state great – determined and visionary entrepreneurs and businesspeople. I am thrilled that we are allowing the next generation of business- and technology-minded students to fulfill their passions right here in New York State and generate ideas that will allow our economy to grow and thrive. I encourage all college students interested in this competition to participate.”

The competition’s regional semifinals, held at St. John Fisher College in Rochester for students from Hawley’s district, will be held in March and early April with the finals being held on April 24 at SUNY Polytechnic Institute. Since the first competition in 2010, more than 1,130 students have competed with cash prizes being awarded in excess of $1,300,000. More information about the competition can be found at

Hawley says Cuomo playing politics with tuition assistance

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today criticized Gov. Cuomo’s budget negotiation tactic of tying funding for New York’s Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) to passage of the DREAM Act. Hawley said we shouldn’t play politics with college students’ education and it is wrong to link such a vital higher education program to the passage of a politically tumultuous initiative.  

“It would be wrong to jeopardize TAP funding, which hundreds of thousands of college students rely on every year because the governor wants to pass a politically controversial initiative,” Hawley said. “With the cost of college and university tuition continuing to rise and student loan debt at an all time high, it is insulting to hold this funding hostage in exchange for providing illegal aliens access to taxpayer-funded tuition assistance. The average TAP award per student is upwards of $2,500 which, if not available next year, could lead to hundreds of thousands of students being unable to attend a New York college or university.”

Hawley’s comments come after Gov. Cuomo released his 30-day amendments, which link passage of TAP funding to several education initiatives, including the DREAM Act. The 2015-16 Executive Budget proposal includes an additional $27 million in TAP funding for the DREAM Act.

Hawley says law for professional licensing for military spouses should be changed

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) said today that he intends to push for legislation to allow military spouses’ professional licenses to be held valid in New York if they were obtained in other states. Hawley said New York State should not punish those who wish to continue their career in a state of which their original license was not obtained and the legislature should make this a priority as 47 other states have passed measures to correct this issue. 

“The current laws do a disservice to families with a member in the armed forces,” Hawley said. “In many cases, spouses of armed service members cannot afford to remain unemployed when they relocate, due to the military obligations of a family member, to an area where their license is not held valid. Those with professional licenses often bring a valuable set of skills to the area where they live, and it would serve our state’s best interests to allow them to practice here. Members on both sides of the aisle have sponsored legislation for several years that would correct this issue, and I will push to see that it gets passed this session.”

Hawley, a veteran of the Ohio Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserves, currently sponsors two separate bills to address this issue. He has been a champion of veterans’ issues during his time in the Assembly as shown by his work as Ranking Minority Member of the Assembly’s Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

Hawley, Ranzenhofer introduce bill to allow big game hunting with rifles in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

State Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer and Assemblyman Stephen Hawley have introduced special legislation, S.1292/A.4367, in the New York State Legislature to allow the use of rifles for big game hunting in Genesee County.

“In several areas of New York State, sportsmen are allowed to hunt deer with rifles and this change in law would allow the use of rifles in Genesee County,” Ranzenhofer said. “As the this year’s session progresses, Assemblyman Hawley and I will be working together to get this bill signed into law.”

Assemblyman Stephen Hawley is sponsoring the bill in the State Assembly.

“Hunting is very popular in Western New York, and this legislation is being requested on behalf of the Genesee County Legislature. I am pleased to address concerns of local governing bodies from my district and will work with members of the Assembly’s Environmental Conservation Committee to bring this bill to the floor for a vote,” Hawley said.

Last fall, the Genesee County Legislature and the Genesee County Federation of Sportsman Club requested the special legislation to be introduced at the beginning of the 2015 Legislative Session.

Existing environmental conservation law only authorizes the use of pistols, shotguns, crossbows, muzzle-loading firearms or long bows when hunting deer from the first Saturday after Nov. 15 through the first Sunday after Dec. 7.

The bill has been referred to the Standing Committee on Environmental Conservation in the Senate. If enacted into law, the bill would take effect immediately.

Hawley says speaker flip-flopping on priorities

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“The election of Speaker Heastie last week brought hope that ethics reform would be ushered in with the changing of the guard in Albany. We are now beginning to realize that the priorities will likely remain the same despite the leadership change.

"Speaker Heastie stood tough on ethics reform merely a week ago and now we have learned his focus has shifted to rent control for New York City residents. I would like to say I am surprised, but the more things change the more they stay the same.

"As the legislature gavels out for its break, we have not heard a murmur of legislative ethics talk and cannot even discuss it until two weeks from now after the legislative break. It will have been almost two months since the opening day of session when we return to the chamber, and still no substantial legislation or ethics package has been voted on. That is unacceptable.”

Hawley announces funding to protect local farms

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that grant money will be distributed by the New York State Environmental Protection Fund directly to localities in Genesee County for agriculture and farm protection. Hawley said he is proud to announce that this funding is being delivered directly to his district and that agriculture remains one of his top priorities due to its prevalence and economic strength in Western New York.  

“I am proud to announce that $25,000 awards will be given to the towns of Alabama and Oakfield in Genesee County as well as a $50,000 award for the county as a whole,” Hawley said. “The funding will be used for farmland protection plans and I am confident that our region will continue to lead the way in farming and agricultural development.

"I have worked with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle during my time in office to advocate on behalf of our farms here in Western New York, many of which are family owned, and it continues to be one of my top priorities as we progress through this year’s legislative session.”

Towns are required to fund at least 25 percent of the cost to develop an agriculture protection plan and county funding will be used to either update the plans or create new ones. Local government and farm collaboration is necessary to ensure that each plan promotes the local agriculture industry. Municipalities that have agriculture and farmland protection boards are eligible for these funds and applications can be accessed at

Hawley announces return of government conference

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) recently announced the return of his government conference to be held in Albany May 3 through May 5. Hawley said the conference is a great opportunity for local officials across his election district to discuss issues related to their counties, towns and municipalities.  

“I am excited to host the government conference once again,” Hawley said. “There are not enough opportunities for local officials to brainstorm and share ideas and solutions related specifically to the operation of local government. Our trip will partially consist of a number of workshops led by representatives of state agencies and policy experts. I encourage all newly elected officials to attend the event and use this time to gain valuable insight into the workings of state and local government.”

Hawley is asking those interested to contact his district office at 585-589-5780 by Feb. 25. The approximate cost of the trip is $450, all inclusive. The local government trip to Albany was originated by Hawley’s father, former Assemblyman R. Stephen Hawley.

Hawley hopes new speaker will tackle ethics reform

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“Now that we have elected new leadership, the first order of business should be enacting much-needed ethics reforms. If the events of the past few weeks prove anything, it is that we have a unique opportunity to start fresh and for Speaker Heastie to prove that he is tough on ethics reform.

"For years, the Assembly Minority Conference and I have been calling for passage of measures such as the Public Officers Accountability Act and forfeiture of pension and retirement benefits for those convicted of certain felonies while serving as public officers.  Today is the dawn of a new day in New York State government, and I hope Speaker Heastie takes the initiative to put us back on the right track.”

Hawley says Assembly majority should have supported ethics reform long ago

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today reiterated his commitment to ethics reform and preventing future abuses of power in Albany. While the Assembly Minority has pushed for ethics reforms for years, Assembly Majority members are now hypocritically trying to use this opportunity to protect their own reputations and mislead constituents. 

“I have continuously sponsored and worked to draw public attention to legislation that would have prevented the abuses of power and public trust that we have seen the last couple years,” Hawley said. “It is extremely hypocritical for members of the Assembly Majority to be calling for these reforms when they blocked this legislation from coming to the floor for a vote mere months ago. Recent events have proven that narcissism and blind loyalty take precedent over doing what is ethical for many members of the Assembly.

"We were told that Speaker Silver would not cause a distraction from normal daily operations, but that has clearly not been the case. We are now approaching four weeks since session opened and we have not passed a single piece of legislation. It speaks very little of the representatives comprising the Assembly Majority that they are just now catching on to these commonsense ethics reforms.”

Hawley’s comments come after media has been pressing members of the Legislature to pass sweeping ethics reforms in the wake of Speaker Silver’s arrest. Hawley sponsored legislation first introduced in 2013 that would have stripped pension and retirement benefits from public officials convicted of certain felonies. He also sponsors the Public Officer’s Accountability Act which would impose term limits on legislative leaders and create new crimes against the public trust and failing to report corruption, among other things.

Hawley calls Thruway Authority dysfunctional after latest scandal

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“The news today regarding an investigation into employees of the New York State Thruway Authority allegedly using state-provided phones to arrange meetings with prostitutes is disturbing and speaks to the general dysfunction of the department. It’s repulsive to hear about abuses such as these permeating the leadership of such an important state-run organization. Many members of the Assembly have called out the Thruway Authority for failing to produce a financial plan to fund the repair of the Tappan Zee Bridge and keep tolls from skyrocketing and we are still waiting on a plan. Whether using taxpayer-funded resources to facilitate sex crimes or irresponsibly handling the finances of their own agency, the Thruway Authority continues to miserably fail New Yorkers.”

Hawley pushes for term limits in wake of Silver arrest

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

With the recent arrest of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver on alleged federal corruption charges, the culture of deceit, lies and bribery in Albany has been brought further into the public spotlight. It is unfortunate that a few members of the legislature refuse to follow the rules and fall victim to money and power. Scandals such as these bring a pejorative perception to the already tainted Albany culture and make it difficult for the rest of us who truly want to do what is best for all New Yorkers.

If the recent news regarding Speaker Silver has demonstrated anything, it is that we need ethics reforms in Albany now more than ever. It goes against the very function of our government to have a single person hold as much power as Sheldon Silver. Silver has omnipotent control over which bills come before the Assembly for a vote and how taxpayer funds are used. The length of time Silver has been in office, more than 20 years, has allowed him to accumulate significant wealth and power. Now we have discovered that much of his wealth and power allegedly was either illegally obtained or used to promote his own private interests.  

If we are to truly reform Albany’s culture of corruption, we need to pass the Public Officers Accountability Act. I sponsored this legislation last legislative term, along with almost all of my Assembly Minority colleagues, because I know that abuses of power such as these should be handled proactively. This legislation: limits the time a member of the legislature can serve as a committee chair or legislative leader to eight years; bans elected officials from future employment for certain felony convictions; and requires the return of campaign funds to donors or charities upon certain felony convictions. Furthermore, I sponsored Assembly Bill 4935 of 2014 that proposes stripping pension and retirement benefits from public officials convicted of certain felonies.  

Until these bills are taken up for a vote, we are leaving the door open for further abuses of power and theft from the public coffers. The last thing we need is career politicians who have lost interest in benefiting their constituencies in exchange for padding their own pockets and ensuring their own reelection. The only way to handle serious ethics violations is with a serious ethics reform bill, and the Public Officers Accountability Act provides a plethora of reforms that will prevent these abuses before they happen again.

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