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Steve Hawley

Hawley: Public sector minimum wage increase puts $20 million burden on NY taxpayers

By Billie Owens

Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia):

“Gov. Cuomo’s decision to increase the state employee minimum wage to $15 per hour is misguided and wrong for New York. The minimum wage was never meant to be a living wage and by raising it over 50 percent we are essentially killing the motivation of state employees to work hard, take advantage of their opportunities and find better paying employment.

"In a state where our budget is already stretched thin and we have trouble providing funding for deteriorating upstate infrastructure and paying down the Gap Elimination Adjustment education cuts, we simply can’t afford this added expenditure. Our residents already pay the highest taxes in the nation and asking them to absorb more of a burden is wrong.

“It is autocratic and disconcerting to the democratic process for Gov. Cuomo to sidestep the Legislature and unilaterally pass this minimum wage increase. Just as the case with the increase for fast-food workers, all laws should go through an appropriate legislative process that includes vetting and discussion. Any other way is irresponsible governing.

"What we need is a more fertile business environment that provides better paying opportunities for state workers, not dependence on the state for higher wages.”

Steve Hawley issues Veterans Day message

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“We owe the men and women of the armed forces our sincere gratitude. Their courage and bravery have ensured that we remain a free nation and safe from threats, both foreign and domestic. As a veteran of the Ohio Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserves, as well as the son of a veteran, I know the sacrifices and determination it takes to serve in our country’s military.

"The U.S. is the greatest military power the world has ever seen, and that honor is owed in large part to the brave servicemen and women who have sustained our freedom over the past 239 years.

“As Ranking Minority Member of the Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee, I have strived to give our veterans and active duty military members a voice in Albany. I beseech all my constituents and New Yorkers across the state to join me in celebrating Veterans Day on Wednesday by thanking a veteran and taking a moment to reflect on those who have perished while defending our freedoms.”

Hawley and Ranz, Time to Grow Green for Jobs (An Open Letter)

By Daniel Jones

Dear Assemblyman Hawley and Senator Ranzenhofer,

I am writing you today as a constituent of your districts, but more importantly, as a citizen who is deeply concerned about the effects that a certain 9 decade long misguided policy is having on our communities, state and nation.  It has costed us on an economic and human level, but fixing it is entirely possible and doing so presents great opportunities.

Gentlemen, it's time to legalize marijuana for all purposes, recreational and medicinal, because the pros of doing so are just plain trippy.

"Whoa, pot, I dunno, I don't like drugs and that's definitely a gateway drug."  I'm sure you're thinking to yourselves, and given your more conservative than most constituencies even if in your hearts you favor this change, you're worried about the political impact.  So this is where you can convince them otherwise.  The notion that Cannabis is a gateway drug and therefore should be completely illegal is absolutely laughable given that alcohol is widely available and prescription barbiturates are just a visit to the doctor's office away.  There's five leaf smack down number one.  Given the provably negligible effects that come with pot use compared to the others, maybe it's time to just chill, man.  

The reason for it's ban in the first place?  20th century newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst was threatened by the possibility of hemp being a cheaper alternative to the paper that his advertisers specialized in.  Given that it was at the height of the also failed alcohol prohibition, it was easy to convinced an already whipped into a frenzy public that there was some imaginary danger to 'reefer madness'.  Yes, underage use is a concern, but does underage drinking a cause for ceasing sales of booze?  Nope, didn't think so.  Don't get too buzzed yet, though, we're just getting started.

While you're putting that in your pipe and smoking it, bringing doobie out of the shadows will create an entirely new industry and greatly grow those that exist agriculture (wink wink, nudge nudge to farmers making up their minds on this), processing companies, distribution, retail and logistics.  Someone has to grow, move around, secure, store and sell the plant and it's various paraphernalia, and what do all of those activities end up producing?  Jobs, for every background and educational level, capital investments, construction and economic growth.  Business could boom in a rural area between Buffalo and Rochester like Batavia and I happen to know that both of you love private sector growth.  There are no silver bullets but it sure would be a boon.  Look at the states that have opted for full legalization, Colorado and Washington have both lowered their unemployment rate, and Colorado to one of the lowest in the country.  Rocky mountain high employment, so how long before we get in on the workforce pass-around?

Still unconvinced about an update to the greenest of the green code?  Also, consider the cost of locking people over a plant product no more psychoactive than alcohol.  Hate excessive government spending?  How about $60k per year per inmate in New York State Correctional facilities in the sort of people that might end up becoming the American dream?  Our prisons are filled with offenders that enter prison for illegal possession of a non processed product and come out hardcore criminals who, guess what?  Re-enter prison and re offend, and end up costing us all another hefty amount of money to 're-habilitate' behind bars with violent offenders.  Not cool, dudes.  How is this productive?   Is this a proper use of taxpayer dollars?  Or could we find a way to generate revenues and encourage an entrepreneurial spirit that could revitalize our local economies?  States that have legalized marijuana have seen decreases in youth use rates for the drug, arrests and vehicle fatalities.  Roll up crime and put it up in smoke.

New York State and the taxpayers that support it would stand to make tremendous gains from a financial perspective.  Colorado has seen over $66 million in extra sales tax revenues and imagine the impact in a  much more populated state like ours, and add an additional value added tax to help treat people addicted to hard-drugs like prescription painkillers (which unlike marijuana are dangerously addictive yet baffingly under-regulated), could provide some real relief  to John Q. Taxpayer.  Don't all of you Republicans just love delicious, fat, juicy tax cuts?  I'll bet you've got the munchies.  How about aid to local governments trying to pay their bills and deal with an economy that's changing around them?  Give them a shot in the arm and then maybe leave some money left over for hippie dippie stuff like hiring teachers.  Boring, I know, but that's the Democrat in me.

Finally, in my hopes of converting conservatives like you both to this cause, I point you both to the free-market.  Good Republicans like you both shouldn't favor over-regulation, so why trample on personal choice in buying cannabis when alcohol and tobacco are flying off the shelves?  This time of year, people are getting boozier than ever and crashing their cars while drunk like this is a giant game of Mario Kart and puffing cigarettes like carcinoma never existed.  If that's going to be legal, whether you personally agree with this choice or not, why not at least be consistent?  We emphasize moderation in substances just as dangerous, so perhaps we can exit a non-working strategy and allow for some sweet sales tax revenue along with it.

Your colleague in the Assembly, Crystal Peoples Stokes and in the Senate, Liz Krueger, are both carrying this bill in the New York State Legislature.  It would do them some good to get some help from self proclaimed free-market conservatives like yourselves to join with progressive Democrats in putting an end to needlessly locking people up for non-violent offenses, allow for lower unemployment and business growth and supporting local governments.  It's a victory for everyone, so put your lighters in the air even if you don't inhale.


Daniel B. Jones
Non pot smoker, but pass the Cheetos (and the bill) anyway
Town of Batavia

Hawley named to farm bureau's 2015 'Circle of Friends'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) was recently named to the Farm Bureau’s 2015 “Circle of Friends.”

The honor was given to state legislators who display a great deal of support for agricultural initiatives including voting for legislation the Farm Bureau supports and sponsoring bills favorable to the agriculture industry during the 2015 Legislative Session. Hawley has been named to the “Circle of Friends” every year since 2006.

“As the owner of our family-owned farm for many years, I know the importance of the agriculture industry to New York State’s economy,” Hawley said. “I am honored to once again be named to the Farm Bureau’s “Circle of Friends” and take pride in championing its causes in the legislature.

Oftentimes, local farms are family-owned and their hard work ensures that fresh produce, poultry and beef are available to local vendors as well as across the state. In an industry where profits are not guaranteed year to year and flooding and drought are common, our farmers deserve our utmost support and consideration."

Hawley served as president of the Genesee County Farm Bureau while operating his own farm and has served on the Assembly’s Agriculture Committee since 2006.

Assemblyman Hawley wishes all a safe and fun Halloween

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) would like to remind the public to be safe as they celebrate Halloween this weekend.

In addition to monitoring your children while trick or treating, wearing safe and appropriate costumes, and checking candy before allowing children to eat it, the assemblyman is reminding the public that the governor has instituted a drunk driving and underage drinking crackdown for the holiday weekend.

“With Halloween falling on a Saturday this year, there is more time to celebrate; but at the same time, there is more opportunity for accidents and poor decisions. I encourage all parents and guardians to do their best to keep their children safe this Halloween,” Hawley said. “I also encourage everyone to be vigilant when they are out on the roads. Please do not drink and drive.”

The governor’s special traffic enforcement detail will begin Friday, Oct. 30, and continue through Sunday, Nov. 1. Gov. Cuomo encouraged both the New York State Police as well as local and county law enforcement to increase patrols during the weekend. His decision was in response to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that showed 43 percent of all people killed in motor-vehicle crashes on Halloween night from 2009 to 2013 in the United States were killed in accidents involving drunk drivers. Furthermore, 19 percent of fatal pedestrian crashes on Halloween night during the same time period involved drunk drivers.

A report released by the federal government in 2012 confirmed that Halloween is the deadliest day of the year for young pedestrians, with an average of 5.5 pedestrians under the age of 18 killed each Halloween (compared to an average of 2.6 on other days). Most accidents happen during dusk and early evening, when trick or treaters are out and drivers are adjusting to changing light as the sun sets.

In addition to staying safe on the street, Hawley encouraged homeowners to make their homes safe for trick or treaters arriving at their homes, making sure to clear sidewalks and front porches and have adequate lighting.

Vets Buyback bill veto disgraceful, Hawley says, and just days before Veterans Day, too

By Billie Owens

A statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“As a veteran, I am appalled by Gov. Cuomo’s recent veto of the Veterans Buyback bill. This legislation would have allowed honorably discharged veterans to purchase up to three years of their service from New York State to count toward their public retirement system benefits. More importantly, veterans who have served in conflicts such as Bosnia, Afghanistan and Somalia, are not given the option for a service credit and this bill would have addressed such a concern.

“I am deeply troubled that Gov. Cuomo supports taxpayer-funded college tuition for illegal immigrants but refuses to sign this legislation as a token of gratitude for those that have honorably defended our freedom. The legislature overwhelmingly passed this measure for the second straight year and Gov. Cuomo blatantly ignored the pulse of the people. Furthermore, he again vetoed the bill days before Veterans Day (Nov. 11), adding insult to injury and further alienating our needy veterans. This act illustrates the governor’s myopic view of the public’s needs and I plan to push this legislation when we head back into session in January.”

Hawley: Historic day in Batavia as zombie property relief bill signed into law

By Billie Owens

Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia):

“I am proud to announce that Gov. Cuomo today signed into law legislation that will provide a property-tax exemption for residents who purchase and renovate dilapidated homes and zombie properties," Assemblyman Steve Hawley said. "This ensures that renovation costs do not exceed property values for homeowners and provide an incentive for residents to purchase these abandoned properties and revitalize our communities.

"This is a revolutionary program that has the potential to work in other cities and is the first of its kind in Batavia. Zombie properties have plagued our city for several years dating back to the housing collapse of 2007. This law will increase the number of properties on the tax rolls, thereby reducing our tax burden and increasing property values.

"My colleagues and I in the Assembly and Senate worked diligently at the end of session to pass this bill through both houses and I applaud the governor’s efforts to make this bill a reality for Batavia.”

Hawley announces $1 million in grants to bolster agriculture, aid young farmers

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today announced that $1 million is now available to aid aspiring farmers to enter the agriculture industry.

The New York State New Farmers Grant Fund will provide up to 50 percent of the cost for new farmers to start projects, purchase farm machinery and equipment and construct and improve farm buildings. The submission deadline for applications for the grant program is Jan. 22.

“As the owner of our family-owned farm for many years, I know firsthand how difficult life in the agriculture industry can be,” Hawley said. “Profits from produce and livestock sales fluctuate and the possibility of drought and flooding is always real. I can imagine the trepidation many young men and women feel as they begin their career in farming and agriculture, and this funding is a tremendous opportunity for aspiring farmers to get on their feet.

"Up to $50,000 in matching grant funds are available for everything from tractor and plow purchases to construction of barns and silos. I am proud of the work we have done to bolster the agriculture industry in New York State and I pledge my continued support going forward.”

Hawley critical of court ruling on SAFE Act

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

I am deeply disappointed in the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals’ Second Circuit to uphold the core provisions of the NY SAFE Act. This legislation infringes on the constitutional rights of gun owners across New York State and is clearly unconstitutional. My district alone is filled with thousands of law-abiding citizens with firearm ownership as part of their family’s traditions. This law disrespects their way of life and hinders their ability to defend themselves in the unfortunate event of a burglary or break-in.

“Aside from the facts that this law is arbitrary to a fault and lacks the enforcement mechanisms to make it effective, the process by which it was passed through the Legislature is deeply troubling. The SAFE Act was passed under cover of darkness on one of the first days of the legislative session, and I can attest to the fact that few members of the Legislature had even read the bill before it was voted upon.

"As lawmakers, we are supposed to hold transparency and accountability in the highest magnitude. The SAFE Act was forced through the legislative process with complete and utter disregard for these objectives and should be repealed immediately. I will continue to sponsor legislation that repeals this unconstitutional measure and places integrity above political ambition.”

Hawley observes October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today applauded October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month nationwide. Hawley expressed concern about this issue and was pleased to see many New York State leaders, including Gov. Cuomo, raising awareness of breast cancer research.

“Cancer is something that touches tens of thousands of families a year in New York, and breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death for women across the U.S.,” Hawley said. “We have made significant strides toward finding a cure for cancer over the last decade but we are not there yet. I am proud that the pink ribbon has become a widely recognized symbol in society because that means we are increasing awareness of this issue and more women are remembering to schedule regular mammograms.

"I will do my part to push for increased funding for breast cancer research at the state level and I encourage all of my constituents to spread the word so together we can beat this disease."

Photos: Patriot Trip 2015 departs from Batavia Downs

By Howard B. Owens

Some 100 veterans and family members departed from the Batavia Downs parking lot this morning with Assemblyman Steve Hawley and his staff for Hawley's annual Patriot's Trip to Washington, D.C.

Hawley wishes constituents a 'Happy Labor Day'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today wished his constituents a happy and safe Labor Day Weekend. The holiday, falling on Sept. 7 this year, is regarded as a day of rest for America’s workforce and signifies the ceremonial end of summer.

“I would like to wish all of my constituents and residents across New York State a restful and safe Labor Day Weekend,” Hawley said. “Labor Day is a time of rest and relaxation for America’s workforce.

"We are the hardest-working country on Earth, and that is evident as we pave the way with technological advances and create brands used all across the world. Please remember to be responsible during the long weekend and take time to enjoy the company of family and friends.”

Hawley: DMV to issue refund to vets with distinguishing mark on license

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today announced that U.S. veterans who paid a New York State Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) fee of $12.50 to have a distinguishing mark on their driver’s license or identification card will be issued a refund.

Hawley, a veteran and Ranking Minority Member of the Assembly’s Veterans’ Affairs Committee, praised the law, which was signed into law in August.

“I am proud to have championed and voted for this legislation on behalf of our veterans and the sacrifices they have endured,” Hawley said. “Many restaurants and businesses already offer discounts to vets and this law will make proving one’s status convenient and fool proof.

"I applaud my colleagues in the Assembly and Senate for passing this measure and consider it a small token of gratitude for those who have given our country so much.”

The law applies to those seeking a “veteran” designation on or after Oct. 3, 2012. The DMV will be automatically sending a refund to those who qualify.

Hawley: NYC should not run our state – put two New Yorks on the ballot

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today criticized the Legislature for focusing its efforts on aid to New York City and disregarding the needs of Upstate New York.

Throughout his time in the Assembly, Hawley has been an outspoken proponent of “Two New Yorks” legislation, which would allow for a ballot referendum on the question, “Do you support the division of New York into two separate states?”

“The longer I serve the people of Western New York, the more apparent the growing divide between Upstate and Downstate becomes,” Hawley said. “Things like unfunded mandates and property taxes do not matter to many New York City residents, and they reflect those views through their votes and the bills they introduce and sponsor.

"I have introduced legislation, A.4167, with Sen. Joseph Robach (R,C,I-Rochester) to give New Yorkers a choice. It is well past time for the Legislature to put this measure up for a vote.”

Assemblyman Hawley invites you to attend annual Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C.

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today invited his constituents to attend his annual Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C. Hawley, a veteran and son of a veteran, is hosting this trip for the eighth year as an opportunity to honor veterans and their family members and give them an opportunity to share stories and experience our country’s most famous war memorials. After this year’s trip, which will take place Sept. 17 - 20, more than 1,000 veterans and their family members will have participated in Hawley’s events.

“This is one of my favorite events each year,” Hawley said. “As a veteran and son of a veteran, I continually push for recognition and honoring of our country’s heroes and their family members. This is an opportunity for veterans of all backgrounds to reminisce and share experiences while visiting some of our country’s greatest monuments. I have also invited Congressman Chris Gibson to join us, as he earned the rank of Colonel in the U.S. Army. His presence will make the experience even more special.”

Space is limited and sign up is first come, first served with priority given to the oldest veterans and first-time attendees. Immediate family members may accompany veterans. The approximate cost of the trip is $350, which includes a three-night stay, meals and admittance to memorials and historical sites.

For more information about this year's Patriot Trip VIII, please call 585-589-5780, 585-813-1608 or email View photos from previous years at

Assemblyman Hawley announces availability of grants for historical and art preservation projects

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today announced that applications are now available for municipalities and not-for-profits seeking grant money for historical and art preservation projects through the Technical Assistance Grant Program.

Grants will not exceed $3,000 per project and are only available for short-term, stand-alone ventures that seek to preserve cultural and historical heritage.

“I am excited to announce that applications have been released for this grant program,” Hawley said. “New York is one of the most historically rich states in the nation with structures and stories dating back to our existence as one of the original thirteen colonies.

"As a supporter of history and arts in our schools, I am proud to promote this endeavor and thank the New York State Council on the Arts and Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor for their support. I encourage local historical groups and municipalities to take advantage of this opportunity and continue their tradition of preserving New York’s amazing history.”

The deadline for fall 2015 grant applications is Sept. 8th and interested applicants are required to call the Preservation League of New York State at 518-462-5658, ext. 10, to discuss potential projects. More information on the grant application process can be found at

Hawley congratulates SCOPE on lawsuit ruling

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“On behalf of the Shooter’s Committee on Political Education (SCOPE) and Second Amendment rights activists statewide, I am proud to announce that the New York State Supreme Court has ruled that Gov. Cuomo and state officials have illegally withheld records relating to a Freedom of Information Request (FOIL) into illegal seizures during a gun rally in Albany last April. During the rally, state troopers unlawfully seized replica guns from several participants under orders from the executive branch.

“This is a positive step in ensuring that our Constitutional rights are not completely compromised by Gov. Cuomo’s illegal tactics. The SAFE Act was passed under the cover of darkness without any public input or vetting process and remains one of the worst pieces of legislation I have ever seen during my time in the Assembly. I will continue to fight for repeal of this illegal law and support gun owners in my district and statewide.”

Assemblyman Halwey announces free energy-efficiency workshop in Batavia

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced Tuesday that an energy-efficiency workshop will be coming to Batavia in an effort to help residents prepare their homes for winter. The workshop, presented by PathStone, is free and offers homeowners information on reducing energy costs, income-qualified grants and low-interest loans to lower energy costs during colder months.

The free workshop will take place from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 20, at 7 Batavia City Center, Batavia.

“I am proud to support PathStone’s efforts to help homeowners deal with rising energy costs and provide information on improving energy efficiency,” Hawley said. “Western New York residents face some of the coldest and snowiest winters in the country and rising heating costs place a substantial financial burden on them during the winter. I encourage all of my constituents to attend these free workshops and start saving money this winter.”

Hawley critical of minimum wage hike for fast food workers

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today condemned the decision by the Fast-Food Wage Board to raise the minimum wage for all fast-food workers statewide to $15 per hour. Hawley said that non-elected bureaucrats making statewide labor policy is an irresponsible way to govern and sets a dangerous precedent that is wrong for New York State.

“As a small-business owner for over four decades, I am appalled at the governor’s handling of this situation,” Hawley said. “Allowing a group of non-elected officials to determine a major change in labor policy for New York’s fast-food industry sets a dangerous precedent of allowing bureaucrats, hand-picked by the governor, to make legislative decisions without debate or input from the Legislature.

"A sharp wage increase will undoubtedly lead to higher prices for consumers and the termination of many employees statewide as franchise owners adjust to deal with higher labor costs. The minimum wage was never meant to be a living wage and a more viable solution would be to create more sustainable, career-oriented jobs instead of providing an incentive against working hard to advance.”

Hawley backs recruitment center safety bill

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

In response to last week’s shooting at a National Guard recruiting center in Tennessee, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is introducing new legislation that would improve security at these facilities in New York State. The bill will be cosponsored by state Senator Rob Ortt.

“There is nothing more important than securing public safety – especially the safety of the brave men and women who defend our nation and communities in the National Guard, military and emergency responders. We cannot allow what happened in Tennessee to be repeated here in New York and I am doing everything I can to ensure that those who protect us are safe here at home,” said Hawley, who is the Ranking Minority Member of the Assembly Veterans’ Affairs Committee and recently hosted the committee’s chairman on a tour of facilities in Western New York.

The new legislation will establish a work group to examine and make recommendations on ways safety can be improved at National Guard recruitment centers in our state. The committee will have 13 members, including representatives from the state Division of Military Affairs, Commission on Homeland Security and Emergency Services, State Police, legislative committee chairs, and four members appointed by the governor, and two members appointed by each of the Assembly Speaker and Temporary President of the Senate.

Upon enactment of the legislation, the work group would have until Dec. 1, 2016 to submit its first periodic report to the state Division of Military and Naval Affairs, which would be empowered to implement any approved recommendations of the group.

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