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Steve Hawley

Hawley decries Assembly Majority vote to block college aid for vets' families

By Billie Owens

Press release:

New York City politicians on the Assembly’s Higher Education Committee have voted to block legislation, introduced by Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia), offering discounted college tuition, room and board for the dependents of New York military service members who have died in the line of duty. 

The measure, supported by both Democrats and Republicans, would apply to students attending SUNY or CUNY institutions.

“Downstate politicians have no shame in throwing tax dollars at illegal aliens for their college expenses, but when it comes to family members of our nation’s heroes they turn their backs and vote no,” Hawley said. “The priorities of the Assembly Majority become more confusing and hypocritical by the day and to turn their backs on our veterans is disgraceful.

“It’s truly a disservice to this state and, most importantly, our brave veterans that power brokers in Albany kill truly bipartisan legislation with noble causes,” Hawley continued. “Inmates get iPads, parolees get pardons and criminal illegals get lawyers, but the Assembly Majority cries broke when it comes to our valiant veterans – mindboggling.”

Hawley condemns Cuomo prison closure initiative

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) sharply criticized Gov. Cuomo’s authorization to close three state prisons, including two within 90 days of the recently passed state budget. These closures will create a cloud of uncertainty for prison employees and threaten public safety across the state.

“I am vehemently opposed to this radical proposal aimed not at protecting the citizens of our state but instead at subsidizing the governor’s runaway tax-and-spend policies in Albany,” Hawley said.

“Perhaps the governor plans to overcrowd state prisons or pardon more inmates to decrease the load other prisons will assume as a result of these closures, but this effort is an unnecessary risk to public safety.

“In addition, this proposal also jeopardizes the employment and safety of thousands of prison personnel, including correctional officers, who put their lives on the line every day for the communities in our state.

"Overcrowded prisons complicate correctional officers’ jobs and could lead to an increase in violent attacks against these public servants. I will continue my fight against prison closures and ensure the safety of our correctional officers and the public at large is our preeminent concern.”

Hawley: 'Downstate rule rears head in state budget'

By Billie Owens

A view of the Assembly Chamber at 1 a.m. this morning as the Legislature still has five budget bills to pass.

Submitted photo and statement by Assemblyman Steve Hawley.

“As usual, the state budget was passed in the middle of the night, rushed through the Legislature with little time for public input or discussion and ridden with contentious policy proposals that should be debated separate from a spending plan.

“I am concerned that the Gov. can now close up to three state prisons within 90 days and state leaders are content with ending bail for some felonies, putting the public at risk and sending the message that those who have broken the law should be given more and more leeway.

“While we did secure funding for key bridge repair and infrastructure projects I am concerned at the growing disparity between Upstate and Downstate infrastructure spending with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) consuming billions of tax dollars per year with little oversight or accountability.

“I have been a champion of easing the burden on local governments for years and tonight our conference offered a budget amendment to fully restore Aid and Incentives to Municipalities (AIM) funding – this was shamelessly defeated by the Assembly Majority. Gov. Cuomo has drastically changed the AIM formula, forcing counties to fend for themselves instead of offering state help to bolster local services.

“I am pleased to see our direct-care professionals receive funding for retention and salary increases but more needs to be done to protect those who protect our most vulnerable New Yorkers. Our conference has advocated for a living wage for these dedicated men and women for years and will continue championing their cause until a true living wage is achieved.

“As session continues I will keep banging the drum for tax relief, an end to mandated Albany spending passed down to homeowners, reforming our charitable gaming laws and fighting the pro-criminal, anti-Second Amendment policies pushed by Gov. Cuomo.”

Hawley marks Vietnam Veterans Day with Assembly Resolution honoring those who served

By Billie Owens

AboveAssemblyman Steve Hawley [pictured center front] poses with a group of Vietnam veterans in Washington, D.C., during a previous Patriot Trip.

Submitted photos and press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today recognized Vietnam Veterans Day (March 29) by passing an official Assembly Resolution in Albany honoring the event.

Hawley, a veteran, son of a veteran and member of the Assembly Veterans’ Affairs Committee, offered his gratitude and best wishes to New York’s veterans of the Vietnam War and urged constituents to thank a family member or friend who served in Vietnam.

“Vietnam was one of the longest and most violent conflicts in American history with many brave young men, not long out of high school, answering the call of duty for their nation,” Hawley said.

“The campaign to defeat communism and the forces of evil claimed countless brave souls but today is dedicated to honoring their sacrifices and thanking those still with us for their commitment to their nation and its people.”

Below, Hawley poses with a veteran who served as a nurse during the Vietnam War in front of the Vietnam Nurses’ Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Hawley votes against bill that would feed 'Albany's reckless spending habits'

By Billie Owens

Press release: 

As Assembly leadership began its yearly tradition of unveiling budget bills Tuesday with the introduction of the Debt Service Bill, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) voted against the legislation that would have perpetuated Albany’s reckless spending habits, leading to a state debt of nearly $54 billion.

“Let’s talk about the facts, New York has $53.6 billion in debt and ranks as the second most indebted state behind only California,” Hawley said. “That’s $3,153 that every single person would be responsible for paying if and when the state comes calling.

"This bill calls for our budget to allocate $10.2 billion just to service our debt for one year – money that should be invested in roads, bridges, schools and tax relief efforts, not paying state creditors.

“This is the consequence of extreme tax and spend policies in Albany. No family, business or organization across our state would ever put the kind of spending on a credit card the way that New York State does.

"I will continue to hold the line on responsible spending and total transparency throughout the remainder of our budget process this week. It is time that we ditch the old way of doing things in Albany, and embrace a new vision of fiscal responsibility and pro-growth policies that will allow our state to prosper for decades to come.”

Hawley fighting to preserve NYS American Legion Boys State program

By Billie Owens

Press release:

As a result of Gov. Cuomo and the State Senate failing to include the New York State American Legion Boys State program in their individual budget proposals, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has taken action.

Hawley, along with more than 40 other lawmakers, have signed onto a letter calling for the program’s full restoration that will be sent to legislative leaders and the governor ahead of the April 1 budget deadline.

The Boys State program melds aspiring high school seniors with American Legion counselors and active duty Marines during a weeklong training seminar at SUNY Morrisville.

The students engage in physical fitness, teamwork building and leadership training exercises while also learning the intricacies of state government.

“This is a unique program that brings together active service members, veterans and high school students eager to become future leaders and active in civic affairs,” Hawley said, “including $150,000 in a budget that is expected to total over $175 billion is a small investment we can make to help the future leaders of New York grow and excel.

"Students from every region of the state attend this program and I urge the governor and legislative leaders to restore this funding and keep the Boys State program vibrant and active.”

Hawley fights $5.7 billion tax hike proposed by New York City

By Billie Owens

A Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on the Assembly Majority’s one-house budget wish-list:

 “While I do support restoring the governor’s cuts to municipalities and funding of the Extreme Winter Recovery infrastructure program, I will not stand for a $5.7 billion tax increase as was proposed by New York City politicians today.

“There was no mention of unfunded mandate relief or breaks for small businesses, and even through all those taxes, Assembly leadership still chose to gut counseling services for veterans – an awful decision.

“Included was also an additional tax on rental cars which disproportionately affects Upstate as many in New York City use public transit to travel.

"It’s ironic that Downstate politicians want to further tax rental cars – that may be the last and final tax many families pay as they are leaving our state for the last time.”

Hawley joins bipartisan rally calling for Upstate's fair share of road and bridge funding

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

 Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today joined legislators, highway superintendents and members of road repair crews from across the state to call for a $150 million increase to the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS).

They also want restoration of $65 million in Extreme Winter Recovery funds that Gov. Andrew Cuomo plans to axe from this year’s budget.

“Western New York’s winters are brutal and it’s no surprise that potholes and road deterioration spread like wildfire every spring, so to cut these funds would rob us of the ability to provide safe, smooth and reliable transportation moving forward into the summer travel months,” Hawley said.

“CHIPS funding hasn’t increased in many years but state leaders have no issue dumping billions more into the dysfunctional MTA and expensive Downstate projects. This money is vital to Upstate and we are asking for a small increase relative to the entire budget which is projected near $170 billion this year. I am hopeful state leaders heed our message today.”

Hawley, Assembly GOP introduce budget priorities package aimed at helping all New Yorkers

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia), along with his Assembly Minority colleagues, is introducing the “Budget Blueprint for a Better NY,” a tax relief and funding package that will provide aid to students, homeowners, infrastructure needs, direct care workers, local governments and middle-class families.

The enacted state budget is due April 1.

“I believe in a New York that focuses on middle-class taxpayers, students struggling to afford college, repairing our unsafe roads and bridges and giving direct care workers a living wage – not fringe political issues coming out of New York City,” Hawley said.

“We have a serious exodus problem in this state of people and businesses and we should be putting every resource into making our state a place people want live and work, rather than grow up and move from.

"This is a comprehensive list of bipartisan priorities, and I am hopeful legislative leaders and Governor Cuomo will join us in making these part of the enacted budget.”

Assembly GOP ‘Budget Blueprint for a Better NY’

  •          Make the 2 Percent Property Tax Cap Permanent
  •          Provide a Living Wage For Direct Care Workers
  •          Keep the Middle Class Tax Cuts on Track
  •          Increase Funding for CHIPS
  •          Increase Library Aid
  •          Provide Unfunded Mandate Relief
  •          Give Help to Small Businesses
  •          Improve the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) & offer Student Loan Relief
  •          Call for a Hearing on Prison Closure Proposals
  •          Keep AIM Funding Levels & Processes Intact

Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee and Orleans counties and parts of Monroe County. For more information, please visit Assemblyman Hawley’s Official Website.

Hawley calls for all state prisons to remain open amid Cuomo's shutdown effort

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is calling for all (54) state prisons to remain open and operating today amid a subtle announcement by the governor late Friday to close three unspecified New York prisons.

The plan was buried in a release of Gov. Cuomo’s 30-Day Amendments as changes to his Executive Budget proposal.

“Closing any state prisons would have dire consequences for public safety and the brave correctional officers who work with our incarcerated population,” Hawley said. “By consolidating the prison population, we run the risk of double bunking inmates and exacerbating the high number of violent attacks against corrections officers we have seen in recent years.

"This is not about a declining prison population, this is about the governor scrambling to save money to cover up his $2.3 billion budget shortfall – a terrible solution for an even worse self-inflicted problem.”

Hawley says Genesee County would 'gladly accept' Amazon headquarters at STAMP site

By Billie Owens

A statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on the decision of Amazon to axe their HQ in New York City:

“Talk about making ‘Open for Business’ a punchline – the governor and New York City politicians have failed to close the deal with Amazon but there is hope for Mr. Bezos: Western New York is truly open for business and we would gladly accept Amazon’s Headquarters to be located at our STAMP site.

“I have already been in contact with the Orleans County IDA and Economic Development Center in Genesee County to make this a reality and I’m confident our 57 local colleges and universities educating more than 300,000 students could easily accommodate their labor needs.”

Hawley: Far-left continues courting convicts with pay raise

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is blasting a recent proposal by New York City politicians to pay convicted rapists, drug dealers and robbers as much as 30 times more for the work they perform in prison.

The move comes as Gov. Cuomo mulls eliminating middle-class tax cuts to cover his budget gap.

“When is the middle-class going to get a break in this state? First it was a taxpayer-funded college education for prisoners, then it was free computer tablets, voting rights for parolees – now it’s a pay raise,” Hawley said. “How about we start rewarding those of us who have actually contributed to society instead of abused its privileges?”

The proposal comes after Gov. Cuomo allowed prison inmates access to free computer tablets and conditional pardons in order to vote last year while still on parole for anything from rape to robbery to molesting children.

“Individuals don’t end up in prison for first-time minor offenses. These are serious offenders and they should face harsh consequences for their transgressions,” Hawley continued.

“The far-left, realizing their message no longer appeals to middle America, is now courting the votes of anyone who will listen, including criminals – this is the new New York.”

Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139thDistrict, which consists of Genesee and Orleans counties and parts of Monroe County. For more information, please visit Assemblyman Hawley’s Official Website.

Hawley: 'Hope the bridge was worth it, governor'

By Billie Owens

A legislative statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on Gov. Cuomo’s projected $2.3 billion budget shortfall:

“This gigantic budget shortfall wasn’t caused by the federal government or its policies.

“It was spurred by reckless and insistent spending on corrupt economic development programs, tax credits for rich Hollywood movie producers and a billion dollars spent on a subway with trains that still don’t run on time – all hallmarks of this governor.

“Now the governor is grasping at straws trying desperately to find someone to blame – a practice he is well versed in. Unfortunately for him, the person to blame is looking back at him in the mirror.

“I hope that new Tappan Zee bridge was worth it, governor. Maybe you can call the one million residents who have left the state under your leadership and convince them to come back and pay for it.”

Hawley is asking residents statewide if they'd prefer 'Two New Yorks'

By Billie Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley, 139th Assembly District: 

As a result of the high flux of controversial legislation that has passed the Assembly in recent weeks including expanding abortion, free college for illegal aliens and stricter gun control, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has written Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) requesting that his "Two New Yorks" legislation be passed through committee and come to the house floor for a full vote.

“This is an idea that has been discussed for many years, and one which is especially popular throughout Upstate New York,” Hawley said. “It has become abundantly clear in recent years that the New York City voting bloc has forgotten Upstate and is imposing their radical left-wing agenda on all of us, whether we like it or not.

"And that is deeply troubling. This bill simply gives citizens a say on the direction of their state. If Downstate politicians really don’t need upstate, as many of them claim, then there’s no harm in at least asking the question if we should be divided.”

Hawley's Jan. 29th letter to Speaker Heastie reads:

I am respectfully requesting you to help facilitate reporting my legislation, A.1687, out of the Local Governments Committee on to the floor for a vote.

A.1687 would provide for a non-binding referendum on the questions "Should New York be divided into two States?" to ascertain from our constituents their thoughts on the division of New York into two separate states. This bill would help us and out citizens to gauge the support, or lack of supports, for this initiative.

I have received a myriad of contacts on this issue -- especially in light of the measures that have been jettisoned through the Legislature in the past two weeks. Many believe we already have "Two New Yorks."

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Hawley on passage of the DREAM Act: 'More like a nightmare'

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) issued a statement this afternoon on passage of the DREAM Act:

“The priorities of the far left are now on full display in Albany, and today’s theme was unabated college aid for illegal aliens.

“We cannot possibly justify spending millions of tax dollars to line the pockets of those here illegally when the student loan debt crisis is a national epidemic, with an average debt burden of $39,400 per student.

“We are a nation of laws, and those who follow our laws, work hard and pay taxes are the ones we should be helping with college affordability.  But state leaders, intent on quarreling with the federal government, are using our state governmental process for partisan political gain.

“There have been numerous proposals put forth by members of the Assembly Minority Conference to expand college affordability, increase tax credits and lower student loan payments. Those are the solutions we should be considering before giving away free college to illegals.”

Hawley sounds the alarm on minimum-wage-related layoffs

By Billie Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

New York State’s minimum wage increased again this year to $11.10 per hour and Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) vocalized concern that sharp increases year-to-year are unsustainable for upstate’s struggling small businesses.

Employers already face the nation’s worst tax business climate and a state regulatory code that forces more outsourcing of jobs, transition to automated labor and loss of benefits for employees.

“Certainly we want to help the working poor and employees making minimum wage across the state but these sharp increases are like putting a Band-Aid on a broken leg,” Hawley said.

“Misguided policies like these overlook the fact that small businesses will be forced to recoup these increasing labor costs and that could lead to massive layoffs and a cut to benefits for many employees – a regrettable consequence of the law’s intention.”

The Assembly Minority Conference has proposed wiser economic solutions such as allowing employers to pay a training wage to new employees that is more congruent with their skill sets.

Many lawmakers have also come out in support of raising the tipped wage for workers such as servers, a proposal met with animosity by the tipped workers it is meant to help.

“The minimum wage was never meant to be a living wage and many employers are now mandated to pay higher costs for employees with less experience,” Hawley continued.

“Employees like restaurant servers rely on the quality of their service and dedicated work ethic to bring home larger tips and an elimination of this would remove the incentive to provide quality service for these workers.

“If we are to change New York’s awful business climate and stop our state’s embarrassing exodus rate it starts with tax and regulatory relief that mitigates the root cause of business struggles, not quick fixes and economic gimmicks,” Hawley concluded.

Hawley: State of the State 'a blueprint for disaster'

By Billie Owens

A legislative statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on Gov. Cuomo’s 2019 State of the State and Executive Budget proposal:

“Gov. Cuomo sold out any remaining hint of pragmatic and moderate governance to the far left in order to secure his reelection. His policy wish list makes it abundantly clear that he sides more with the radical socialist movement than middle-class New Yorkers.

“An increase in welfare spending, exorbitant taxes and fees and no clear plan on addressing our state’s embarrassing exodus rate were all highlighted in the governor’s policy circus.

“Despite the governor’s agenda, I will continue to beat the drum for our region and seek infrastructure investment, new charitable gaming laws, tax and regulatory relief for small businesses and an end to big government handouts to illegals and those who refuse to work.”

Hawley comments on opening of 2019 session

By Billie Owens
A legislative statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia):
“It is an honor and privilege to be back in Albany continuing the work we have done to reform our charitable gaming laws, meet upstate’s infrastructure needs, protect our vets, fully fund the Lake Ontario flood recovery efforts and empower small businesses.
“New York City politicians now control all three policy-making wings in Albany and I pledge to stand strong against any further tax increases, handouts to illegal aliens and big government expansion that has sent millions of our neighbors packing for greener pastures.
“New York is at a crossroads and it’s time that upstate flex its muscle at the table. Hardworking, middle-class families deserve a voice too and I will fight to make sure we are heard loud and clear.”

Hawley: Christmas is a special time of year

By Billie Owens

Statement from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“My family and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! This is a special time of year that brings together many families, friends and loved ones in celebration. Everyone has their own unique holiday traditions.

"Whether it’s baking cookies for Santa, watching a classic Christmas movie on TV or something else, these traditions make the season special. Enjoy this time with loved ones, and again, have a very Merry Christmas!”

Assemblyman Hawley named Deputy Minority Leader for 2019 Legislative Session

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is pleased to announce he will be the new Deputy Minority Leader for the 2019 Legislative Session. In addition to this position, Hawley will serve on the Agriculture, Insurance, Rules, Veterans’ Affairs and Ways & Means committees.

“With the approaching New Year comes the chance for a better and new New York,” Hawley said. “I am excited and honored to move up into the Deputy Minority Leader position this upcoming session, having previously served as Assistant Minority Leader.

"I look forward to continuing to make a difference and am anxious to get back to Albany and back to work.”

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